--- toc_title: LIMIT --- # LIMIT Clause {#limit-clause} `LIMIT m` allows to select the first `m` rows from the result. `LIMIT n, m` allows to select the `m` rows from the result after skipping the first `n` rows. The `LIMIT m OFFSET n` syntax is equivalent. `n` and `m` must be non-negative integers. If there is no [ORDER BY](../../../sql-reference/statements/select/order-by.md) clause that explicitly sorts results, the choice of rows for the result may be arbitrary and non-deterministic. !!! note "Note" The number of rows in the result set can also depend on the [limit](../../../operations/settings/settings.md#limit) setting. ## LIMIT … WITH TIES Modifier {#limit-with-ties} When you set `WITH TIES` modifier for `LIMIT n[,m]` and specify `ORDER BY expr_list`, you will get in result first `n` or `n,m` rows and all rows with same `ORDER BY` fields values equal to row at position `n` for `LIMIT n` and `m` for `LIMIT n,m`. This modifier also can be combined with [ORDER BY … WITH FILL modifier](../../../sql-reference/statements/select/order-by.md#orderby-with-fill). For example, the following query ``` sql SELECT * FROM ( SELECT number%50 AS n FROM numbers(100) ) ORDER BY n LIMIT 0,5 ``` returns ``` text ┌─n─┐ │ 0 │ │ 0 │ │ 1 │ │ 1 │ │ 2 │ └───┘ ``` but after apply `WITH TIES` modifier ``` sql SELECT * FROM ( SELECT number%50 AS n FROM numbers(100) ) ORDER BY n LIMIT 0,5 WITH TIES ``` it returns another rows set ``` text ┌─n─┐ │ 0 │ │ 0 │ │ 1 │ │ 1 │ │ 2 │ │ 2 │ └───┘ ``` cause row number 6 have same value “2” for field `n` as row number 5