--- slug: /en/interfaces/mysql sidebar_position: 20 sidebar_label: MySQL Interface --- # MySQL Interface ClickHouse supports the MySQL wire protocol. This allow tools that are MySQL-compatible to interact with ClickHouse seamlessly (e.g. [Looker Studio](../integrations/data-visualization/looker-studio-and-clickhouse.md)). ## Enabling the MySQL Interface On ClickHouse Cloud 1. After creating your ClickHouse Cloud Service, on the credentials screen, select the MySQL tab ![Credentials screen - Prompt](./images/mysql1.png) 2. Toggle the switch to enable the MySQL interface for this specific service. This will expose port `3306` for this service and prompt you with your MySQL connection screen that include your unique MySQL username. The password will be the same as the service's default user password. ![Credentials screen - Enabled MySQL](./images/mysql2.png) Alternatively, in order to enable the MySQL interface for an existing service: 1. Ensure your service is in `Running` state then click on the "View connection string" button for the service you want to enable the MySQL interface for ![Connection screen - Prompt MySQL](./images/mysql3.png) 2. Toggle the switch to enable the MySQL interface for this specific service. This will prompt you to enter the default password. ![Connection screen - Prompt MySQL](./images/mysql4.png) 3. After entering the password, you will get prompted the MySQL connection string for this service ![Connection screen - MySQL Enabled](./images/mysql5.png) ## Enabling the MySQL Interface On Self-managed ClickHouse Add the [mysql_port](../operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings.md#server_configuration_parameters-mysql_port) setting to your server's configuration file. For example, you could define the port in a new XML file in your `config.d/` [folder](../operations/configuration-files): ``` xml 9004 ``` Startup your ClickHouse server and look for a log message similar to the following that mentions Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: ``` {} Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: ``` ## Connect MySQL to ClickHouse The following command demonstrates how to connect the MySQL client `mysql` to ClickHouse: ```bash mysql --protocol tcp -h [hostname] -u [username] -P [port_number] [database_name] ``` For example: ``` bash $ mysql --protocol tcp -h -u default -P 9004 default ``` Output if a connection succeeded: ``` text Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 Server version: Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> ``` For compatibility with all MySQL clients, it is recommended to specify user password with [double SHA1](../operations/settings/settings-users.md#password_double_sha1_hex) in configuration file. If user password is specified using [SHA256](../operations/settings/settings-users.md#password_sha256_hex), some clients won’t be able to authenticate (mysqljs and old versions of command-line tool MySQL and MariaDB). Restrictions: - prepared queries are not supported - some data types are sent as strings To cancel a long query use `KILL QUERY connection_id` statement (it is replaced with `KILL QUERY WHERE query_id = connection_id` while proceeding). For example: ``` bash $ mysql --protocol tcp -h mysql_server -P 9004 default -u default --password=123 -e "KILL QUERY 123456;" ```