Option 1. Prepare parts from from table with Engine=File defined in metadata, read from an arbitrary path 1 2020-01-01 String 2 2020-02-02 Another string 3 2020-03-03 One more string 4 2020-01-02 String for first partition Option 2. Prepare parts from from table with Engine=File defined in metadata, read from stdin (pipe) 11 2020-01-01 String 12 2020-02-02 Another string 13 2020-03-03 One more string 14 2020-01-02 String for first partition Option 3. Prepare parts from from table with Engine=File defined via command line, read from stdin (pipe) 21 2020-01-01 String 22 2020-02-02 Another string 23 2020-03-03 One more string 24 2020-01-02 String for first partition Possibility to run optimize on prepared parts before sending parts to server 202001 1 202002 1 202003 1