#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int CANNOT_SCHEDULE_TASK; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } } namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric GlobalThread; extern const Metric GlobalThreadActive; } static constexpr auto DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME = "ThreadPool"; template ThreadPoolImpl::ThreadPoolImpl(Metric metric_threads_, Metric metric_active_threads_) : ThreadPoolImpl(metric_threads_, metric_active_threads_, getNumberOfPhysicalCPUCores()) { } template ThreadPoolImpl::ThreadPoolImpl( Metric metric_threads_, Metric metric_active_threads_, size_t max_threads_) : ThreadPoolImpl(metric_threads_, metric_active_threads_, max_threads_, max_threads_, max_threads_) { } template ThreadPoolImpl::ThreadPoolImpl( Metric metric_threads_, Metric metric_active_threads_, size_t max_threads_, size_t max_free_threads_, size_t queue_size_, bool shutdown_on_exception_) : metric_threads(metric_threads_) , metric_active_threads(metric_active_threads_) , max_threads(max_threads_) , max_free_threads(std::min(max_free_threads_, max_threads)) , queue_size(queue_size_ ? std::max(queue_size_, max_threads) : 0 /* zero means the queue is unlimited */) , shutdown_on_exception(shutdown_on_exception_) { } template void ThreadPoolImpl::setMaxThreads(size_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); bool need_start_threads = (value > max_threads); bool need_finish_free_threads = (value < max_free_threads); max_threads = value; max_free_threads = std::min(max_free_threads, max_threads); /// We have to also adjust queue size, because it limits the number of scheduled and already running jobs in total. queue_size = queue_size ? std::max(queue_size, max_threads) : 0; jobs.reserve(queue_size); if (need_start_threads) { /// Start new threads while there are more scheduled jobs in the queue and the limit `max_threads` is not reached. startNewThreadsNoLock(); } else if (need_finish_free_threads) { /// Wake up free threads so they can finish themselves. new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); } } template size_t ThreadPoolImpl::getMaxThreads() const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return max_threads; } template void ThreadPoolImpl::setMaxFreeThreads(size_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); bool need_finish_free_threads = (value < max_free_threads); max_free_threads = std::min(value, max_threads); if (need_finish_free_threads) { /// Wake up free threads so they can finish themselves. new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); } } template void ThreadPoolImpl::setQueueSize(size_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); queue_size = value ? std::max(value, max_threads) : 0; /// Reserve memory to get rid of allocations jobs.reserve(queue_size); } template template ReturnType ThreadPoolImpl::scheduleImpl(Job job, ssize_t priority, std::optional wait_microseconds, bool propagate_opentelemetry_tracing_context) { auto on_error = [&](const std::string & reason) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { if (first_exception) { std::exception_ptr exception; std::swap(exception, first_exception); std::rethrow_exception(exception); } throw DB::Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_SCHEDULE_TASK, "Cannot schedule a task: {} (threads={}, jobs={})", reason, threads.size(), scheduled_jobs); } else return false; }; { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); auto pred = [this] { return !queue_size || scheduled_jobs < queue_size || shutdown; }; if (wait_microseconds) /// Check for optional. Condition is true if the optional is set and the value is zero. { if (!job_finished.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::microseconds(*wait_microseconds), pred)) return on_error(fmt::format("no free thread (timeout={})", *wait_microseconds)); } else job_finished.wait(lock, pred); if (shutdown) return on_error("shutdown"); /// We must not to allocate any memory after we emplaced a job in a queue. /// Because if an exception would be thrown, we won't notify a thread about job occurrence. /// Check if there are enough threads to process job. if (threads.size() < std::min(max_threads, scheduled_jobs + 1)) { try { threads.emplace_front(); } catch (...) { /// Most likely this is a std::bad_alloc exception return on_error("cannot allocate thread slot"); } try { threads.front() = Thread([this, it = threads.begin()] { worker(it); }); } catch (...) { threads.pop_front(); return on_error("cannot allocate thread"); } } jobs.emplace(std::move(job), priority, /// Tracing context on this thread is used as parent context for the sub-thread that runs the job propagate_opentelemetry_tracing_context ? DB::OpenTelemetry::CurrentContext() : DB::OpenTelemetry::TracingContextOnThread()); ++scheduled_jobs; } /// Wake up a free thread to run the new job. new_job_or_shutdown.notify_one(); return static_cast(true); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::startNewThreadsNoLock() { if (shutdown) return; /// Start new threads while there are more scheduled jobs in the queue and the limit `max_threads` is not reached. while (threads.size() < std::min(scheduled_jobs, max_threads)) { try { threads.emplace_front(); } catch (...) { break; /// failed to start more threads } try { threads.front() = Thread([this, it = threads.begin()] { worker(it); }); } catch (...) { threads.pop_front(); break; /// failed to start more threads } } } template void ThreadPoolImpl::scheduleOrThrowOnError(Job job, ssize_t priority) { scheduleImpl(std::move(job), priority, std::nullopt); } template bool ThreadPoolImpl::trySchedule(Job job, ssize_t priority, uint64_t wait_microseconds) noexcept { return scheduleImpl(std::move(job), priority, wait_microseconds); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::scheduleOrThrow(Job job, ssize_t priority, uint64_t wait_microseconds, bool propagate_opentelemetry_tracing_context) { scheduleImpl(std::move(job), priority, wait_microseconds, propagate_opentelemetry_tracing_context); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::wait() { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); /// Signal here just in case. /// If threads are waiting on condition variables, but there are some jobs in the queue /// then it will prevent us from deadlock. new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); job_finished.wait(lock, [this] { return scheduled_jobs == 0; }); if (first_exception) { std::exception_ptr exception; std::swap(exception, first_exception); std::rethrow_exception(exception); } } template ThreadPoolImpl::~ThreadPoolImpl() { /// Note: should not use logger from here, /// because it can be an instance of GlobalThreadPool that is a global variable /// and the destruction order of global variables is unspecified. finalize(); onDestroy(); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::finalize() { { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); shutdown = true; /// We don't want threads to remove themselves from `threads` anymore, otherwise `thread.join()` will go wrong below in this function. threads_remove_themselves = false; } /// Wake up threads so they can finish themselves. new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); /// Wait for all currently running jobs to finish (we don't wait for all scheduled jobs here like the function wait() does). for (auto & thread : threads) thread.join(); threads.clear(); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::addOnDestroyCallback(OnDestroyCallback && callback) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); on_destroy_callbacks.push(std::move(callback)); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::onDestroy() { while (!on_destroy_callbacks.empty()) { auto callback = std::move(on_destroy_callbacks.top()); on_destroy_callbacks.pop(); NOEXCEPT_SCOPE({ callback(); }); } } template size_t ThreadPoolImpl::active() const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return scheduled_jobs; } template bool ThreadPoolImpl::finished() const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); return shutdown; } template void ThreadPoolImpl::worker(typename std::list::iterator thread_it) { DENY_ALLOCATIONS_IN_SCOPE; CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_pool_threads(metric_threads); bool job_is_done = false; std::exception_ptr exception_from_job; /// We'll run jobs in this worker while there are scheduled jobs and until some special event occurs (e.g. shutdown, or decreasing the number of max_threads). /// And if `max_free_threads > 0` we keep this number of threads even when there are no jobs for them currently. while (true) { /// This is inside the loop to also reset previous thread names set inside the jobs. setThreadName(DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME); /// A copy of parent trace context DB::OpenTelemetry::TracingContextOnThread parent_thread_trace_context; /// Get a job from the queue. Job job; { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); // Finish with previous job if any if (job_is_done) { job_is_done = false; if (exception_from_job) { if (!first_exception) first_exception = exception_from_job; if (shutdown_on_exception) shutdown = true; exception_from_job = {}; } --scheduled_jobs; job_finished.notify_all(); if (shutdown) new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); /// `shutdown` was set, wake up other threads so they can finish themselves. } new_job_or_shutdown.wait(lock, [&] { return !jobs.empty() || shutdown || threads.size() > std::min(max_threads, scheduled_jobs + max_free_threads); }); if (jobs.empty() || threads.size() > std::min(max_threads, scheduled_jobs + max_free_threads)) { // We enter here if: // - either this thread is not needed anymore due to max_free_threads excess; // - or shutdown happened AND all jobs are already handled. if (threads_remove_themselves) { thread_it->detach(); threads.erase(thread_it); } return; } /// boost::priority_queue does not provide interface for getting non-const reference to an element /// to prevent us from modifying its priority. We have to use const_cast to force move semantics on JobWithPriority::job. job = std::move(const_cast(jobs.top().job)); parent_thread_trace_context = std::move(const_cast(jobs.top().thread_trace_context)); jobs.pop(); /// We don't run jobs after `shutdown` is set, but we have to properly dequeue all jobs and finish them. if (shutdown) { job_is_done = true; continue; } } ALLOW_ALLOCATIONS_IN_SCOPE; /// Set up tracing context for this thread by its parent context. DB::OpenTelemetry::TracingContextHolder thread_trace_context("ThreadPool::worker()", parent_thread_trace_context); /// Run the job. try { CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_active_pool_threads(metric_active_threads); job(); if (thread_trace_context.root_span.isTraceEnabled()) { /// Use the thread name as operation name so that the tracing log will be more clear. /// The thread name is usually set in jobs, we can only get the name after the job finishes std::string thread_name = getThreadName(); if (!thread_name.empty() && thread_name != DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME) { thread_trace_context.root_span.operation_name = thread_name; } else { /// If the thread name is not set, use the type name of the job instead thread_trace_context.root_span.operation_name = demangle(job.target_type().name()); } } /// job should be reset before decrementing scheduled_jobs to /// ensure that the Job destroyed before wait() returns. job = {}; } catch (...) { exception_from_job = std::current_exception(); thread_trace_context.root_span.addAttribute(exception_from_job); /// job should be reset before decrementing scheduled_jobs to /// ensure that the Job destroyed before wait() returns. job = {}; } job_is_done = true; } } template class ThreadPoolImpl; template class ThreadPoolImpl>; template class ThreadFromGlobalPoolImpl; std::unique_ptr GlobalThreadPool::the_instance; GlobalThreadPool::GlobalThreadPool( size_t max_threads_, size_t max_free_threads_, size_t queue_size_, const bool shutdown_on_exception_) : FreeThreadPool( CurrentMetrics::GlobalThread, CurrentMetrics::GlobalThreadActive, max_threads_, max_free_threads_, queue_size_, shutdown_on_exception_) { } void GlobalThreadPool::initialize(size_t max_threads, size_t max_free_threads, size_t queue_size) { if (the_instance) { throw DB::Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "The global thread pool is initialized twice"); } the_instance.reset(new GlobalThreadPool(max_threads, max_free_threads, queue_size, false /*shutdown_on_exception*/)); } GlobalThreadPool & GlobalThreadPool::instance() { if (!the_instance) { // Allow implicit initialization. This is needed for old code that is // impractical to redo now, especially Arcadia users and unit tests. initialize(); } return *the_instance; }