#include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int CANNOT_SCHEDULE_TASK; } } namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric GlobalThread; extern const Metric GlobalThreadActive; extern const Metric LocalThread; extern const Metric LocalThreadActive; } template ThreadPoolImpl::ThreadPoolImpl(size_t max_threads_) : ThreadPoolImpl(max_threads_, max_threads_, max_threads_) { } template ThreadPoolImpl::ThreadPoolImpl(size_t max_threads_, size_t max_free_threads_, size_t queue_size_) : max_threads(max_threads_), max_free_threads(max_free_threads_), queue_size(queue_size_) { } template void ThreadPoolImpl::setMaxThreads(size_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); max_threads = value; } template void ThreadPoolImpl::setMaxFreeThreads(size_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); max_free_threads = value; } template void ThreadPoolImpl::setQueueSize(size_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); queue_size = value; } template template ReturnType ThreadPoolImpl::scheduleImpl(Job job, int priority, std::optional wait_microseconds) { auto on_error = [&] { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { if (first_exception) { std::exception_ptr exception; std::swap(exception, first_exception); std::rethrow_exception(exception); } throw DB::Exception("Cannot schedule a task", DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_SCHEDULE_TASK); } else return false; }; { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); auto pred = [this] { return !queue_size || scheduled_jobs < queue_size || shutdown; }; if (wait_microseconds) /// Check for optional. Condition is true if the optional is set and the value is zero. { if (!job_finished.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::microseconds(*wait_microseconds), pred)) return on_error(); } else job_finished.wait(lock, pred); if (shutdown) return on_error(); jobs.emplace(std::move(job), priority); ++scheduled_jobs; if (threads.size() < std::min(max_threads, scheduled_jobs)) { threads.emplace_front(); try { threads.front() = Thread([this, it = threads.begin()] { worker(it); }); } catch (...) { threads.pop_front(); /// Remove the job and return error to caller. /// Note that if we have allocated at least one thread, we may continue /// (one thread is enough to process all jobs). /// But this condition indicate an error nevertheless and better to refuse. jobs.pop(); --scheduled_jobs; return on_error(); } } } new_job_or_shutdown.notify_one(); return ReturnType(true); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::scheduleOrThrowOnError(Job job, int priority) { scheduleImpl(std::move(job), priority, std::nullopt); } template bool ThreadPoolImpl::trySchedule(Job job, int priority, uint64_t wait_microseconds) noexcept { return scheduleImpl(std::move(job), priority, wait_microseconds); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::scheduleOrThrow(Job job, int priority, uint64_t wait_microseconds) { scheduleImpl(std::move(job), priority, wait_microseconds); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::wait() { { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); job_finished.wait(lock, [this] { return scheduled_jobs == 0; }); if (first_exception) { std::exception_ptr exception; std::swap(exception, first_exception); std::rethrow_exception(exception); } } } template ThreadPoolImpl::~ThreadPoolImpl() { finalize(); } template void ThreadPoolImpl::finalize() { { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); shutdown = true; } new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); for (auto & thread : threads) thread.join(); threads.clear(); } template size_t ThreadPoolImpl::active() const { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); return scheduled_jobs; } template void ThreadPoolImpl::worker(typename std::list::iterator thread_it) { CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_all_threads( std::is_same_v ? CurrentMetrics::GlobalThread : CurrentMetrics::LocalThread); while (true) { Job job; bool need_shutdown = false; { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); new_job_or_shutdown.wait(lock, [this] { return shutdown || !jobs.empty(); }); need_shutdown = shutdown; if (!jobs.empty()) { job = jobs.top().job; jobs.pop(); } else { /// shutdown is true, simply finish the thread. return; } } if (!need_shutdown) { try { CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_active_threads( std::is_same_v ? CurrentMetrics::GlobalThreadActive : CurrentMetrics::LocalThreadActive); job(); } catch (...) { { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); if (!first_exception) first_exception = std::current_exception(); shutdown = true; --scheduled_jobs; } job_finished.notify_all(); new_job_or_shutdown.notify_all(); return; } } { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); --scheduled_jobs; if (threads.size() > scheduled_jobs + max_free_threads) { thread_it->detach(); threads.erase(thread_it); job_finished.notify_all(); return; } } job_finished.notify_all(); } } template class ThreadPoolImpl; template class ThreadPoolImpl; void ExceptionHandler::setException(std::exception_ptr && exception) { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); if (!first_exception) first_exception = std::move(exception); } void ExceptionHandler::throwIfException() { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); if (first_exception) std::rethrow_exception(first_exception); } ThreadPool::Job createExceptionHandledJob(ThreadPool::Job job, ExceptionHandler & handler) { return [job{std::move(job)}, &handler] () { try { job(); } catch (...) { handler.setException(std::current_exception()); } }; } GlobalThreadPool & GlobalThreadPool::instance() { static GlobalThreadPool ret; return ret; }