#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ORDINARY_TO_ATOMIC_PREFIX ".tmp_convert." namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric StartupSystemTablesThreads; extern const Metric StartupSystemTablesThreadsActive; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } namespace ActionLocks { extern StorageActionBlockType PartsMerge; extern StorageActionBlockType PartsFetch; extern StorageActionBlockType PartsSend; extern StorageActionBlockType DistributedSend; } static void executeCreateQuery( const String & query, ContextMutablePtr context, const String & database, const String & file_name, bool create, bool has_force_restore_data_flag) { ParserCreateQuery parser; ASTPtr ast = parseQuery( parser, query.data(), query.data() + query.size(), "in file " + file_name, 0, context->getSettingsRef().max_parser_depth); auto & ast_create_query = ast->as(); ast_create_query.setDatabase(database); InterpreterCreateQuery interpreter(ast, context); interpreter.setInternal(true); if (!create) { interpreter.setForceAttach(true); interpreter.setForceRestoreData(has_force_restore_data_flag); } interpreter.setLoadDatabaseWithoutTables(true); interpreter.execute(); } static bool isSystemOrInformationSchema(const String & database_name) { return database_name == DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE || database_name == DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA || database_name == DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA_UPPERCASE; } static void loadDatabase( ContextMutablePtr context, const String & database, const String & database_path, bool force_restore_data) { String database_attach_query; String database_metadata_file = database_path + ".sql"; if (fs::exists(fs::path(database_metadata_file))) { /// There is .sql file with database creation statement. ReadBufferFromFile in(database_metadata_file, 1024); readStringUntilEOF(database_attach_query, in); } else { /// It's first server run and we need create default and system databases. /// .sql file with database engine will be written for CREATE query. database_attach_query = "CREATE DATABASE " + backQuoteIfNeed(database); } try { executeCreateQuery(database_attach_query, context, database, database_metadata_file, /* create */ true, force_restore_data); } catch (Exception & e) { e.addMessage(fmt::format("while loading database {} from path {}", backQuote(database), database_path)); throw; } } static void checkUnsupportedVersion(ContextMutablePtr context, const String & database_name) { /// Produce better exception message String metadata_path = context->getPath() + "metadata/" + database_name; if (fs::exists(fs::path(metadata_path))) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Data directory for {} database exists, but metadata file does not. " "Probably you are trying to upgrade from version older than 20.7. " "If so, you should upgrade through intermediate version.", database_name); } static void checkIncompleteOrdinaryToAtomicConversion(ContextPtr context, const std::map & databases) { if (context->getConfigRef().has("allow_reserved_database_name_tmp_convert")) return; auto convert_flag_path = fs::path(context->getFlagsPath()) / "convert_ordinary_to_atomic"; if (!fs::exists(convert_flag_path)) return; /// Flag exists. Let's check if we had an unsuccessful conversion attempt previously for (const auto & db : databases) { if (!db.first.starts_with(ORDINARY_TO_ATOMIC_PREFIX)) continue; size_t last_dot = db.first.rfind('.'); if (last_dot <= strlen(ORDINARY_TO_ATOMIC_PREFIX)) continue; String actual_name = db.first.substr(strlen(ORDINARY_TO_ATOMIC_PREFIX), last_dot - strlen(ORDINARY_TO_ATOMIC_PREFIX)); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Found a database with special name: {}. " "Most likely it indicates that conversion of database {} from Ordinary to Atomic " "was interrupted or failed in the middle. You can add to config.xml " "or remove convert_ordinary_to_atomic file from flags/ directory, so the server will start forcefully. " "After starting the server, you can finish conversion manually by moving rest of the tables from {} to {} " "(using RENAME TABLE) and executing DROP DATABASE {} and RENAME DATABASE {} TO {}", backQuote(db.first), backQuote(actual_name), backQuote(actual_name), backQuote(db.first), backQuote(actual_name), backQuote(db.first), backQuote(actual_name)); } } void loadMetadata(ContextMutablePtr context, const String & default_database_name) { Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("loadMetadata"); String path = context->getPath() + "metadata"; /** There may exist 'force_restore_data' file, that means, * skip safety threshold on difference of data parts while initializing tables. * This file is deleted after successful loading of tables. * (flag is "one-shot") */ auto force_restore_data_flag_file = fs::path(context->getFlagsPath()) / "force_restore_data"; bool has_force_restore_data_flag = fs::exists(force_restore_data_flag_file); /// Loop over databases. std::map databases; fs::directory_iterator dir_end; for (fs::directory_iterator it(path); it != dir_end; ++it) { if (it->is_symlink()) continue; if (it->is_directory()) continue; const auto current_file = it->path().filename().string(); /// TODO: DETACH DATABASE PERMANENTLY ? if (fs::path(current_file).extension() == ".sql") { String db_name = fs::path(current_file).stem(); if (!isSystemOrInformationSchema(db_name)) databases.emplace(unescapeForFileName(db_name), fs::path(path) / db_name); } /// Temporary fails may be left from previous server runs. if (fs::path(current_file).extension() == ".tmp") { LOG_WARNING(log, "Removing temporary file {}", it->path().string()); try { fs::remove(it->path()); } catch (...) { /// It does not prevent server to startup. tryLogCurrentException(log); } } } checkIncompleteOrdinaryToAtomicConversion(context, databases); /// clickhouse-local creates DatabaseMemory as default database by itself /// For clickhouse-server we need create default database bool create_default_db_if_not_exists = !default_database_name.empty(); bool metadata_dir_for_default_db_already_exists = databases.contains(default_database_name); if (create_default_db_if_not_exists && !metadata_dir_for_default_db_already_exists) { checkUnsupportedVersion(context, default_database_name); databases.emplace(default_database_name, std::filesystem::path(path) / escapeForFileName(default_database_name)); } TablesLoader::Databases loaded_databases; for (const auto & [name, db_path] : databases) { loadDatabase(context, name, db_path, has_force_restore_data_flag); loaded_databases.insert({name, DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(name)}); } auto mode = getLoadingStrictnessLevel(/* attach */ true, /* force_attach */ true, has_force_restore_data_flag); TablesLoader loader{context, std::move(loaded_databases), mode}; loader.loadTables(); loader.startupTables(); if (has_force_restore_data_flag) { try { fs::remove(force_restore_data_flag_file); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException("Load metadata", "Can't remove force restore file to enable data sanity checks"); } } } static void loadSystemDatabaseImpl(ContextMutablePtr context, const String & database_name, const String & default_engine) { String path = context->getPath() + "metadata/" + database_name; String metadata_file = path + ".sql"; if (fs::exists(metadata_file + ".tmp")) fs::remove(metadata_file + ".tmp"); if (fs::exists(fs::path(metadata_file))) { /// 'has_force_restore_data_flag' is true, to not fail on loading query_log table, if it is corrupted. loadDatabase(context, database_name, path, true); } else { checkUnsupportedVersion(context, database_name); /// Initialize system database manually String database_create_query = "CREATE DATABASE "; database_create_query += database_name; database_create_query += " ENGINE="; database_create_query += default_engine; executeCreateQuery(database_create_query, context, database_name, "", true, true); } } static void convertOrdinaryDatabaseToAtomic(Poco::Logger * log, ContextMutablePtr context, const DatabasePtr & database, const String & name, const String tmp_name) { /// It's kind of C++ script that creates temporary database with Atomic engine, /// moves all tables to it, drops old database and then renames new one to old name. String name_quoted = backQuoteIfNeed(name); String tmp_name_quoted = backQuoteIfNeed(tmp_name); LOG_INFO(log, "Will convert database {} from Ordinary to Atomic", name_quoted); String create_database_query = fmt::format("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {}", tmp_name_quoted); auto res = executeQuery(create_database_query, context, true); executeTrivialBlockIO(res, context); res = {}; auto tmp_database = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(tmp_name); assert(tmp_database->getEngineName() == "Atomic"); size_t num_tables = 0; std::unordered_set inner_mv_tables; for (auto iterator = database->getTablesIterator(context); iterator->isValid(); iterator->next()) { ++num_tables; auto id = iterator->table()->getStorageID(); id.database_name = tmp_name; /// We need some uuid for checkTableCanBeRenamed id.uuid = UUIDHelpers::generateV4(); iterator->table()->checkTableCanBeRenamed(id); if (const auto * mv = dynamic_cast(iterator->table().get())) { /// We should not rename inner tables of MVs, because MVs are responsible for renaming it... if (mv->hasInnerTable()) inner_mv_tables.emplace(mv->getTargetTable()->getStorageID().table_name); } } LOG_INFO(log, "Will move {} tables to {} (including {} inner tables of MVs)", num_tables, tmp_name_quoted, inner_mv_tables.size()); for (auto iterator = database->getTablesIterator(context); iterator->isValid(); iterator->next()) { auto id = iterator->table()->getStorageID(); if (inner_mv_tables.contains(id.table_name)) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Do not rename {}, because it will be renamed together with MV", id.getNameForLogs()); continue; } String qualified_quoted_name = id.getFullTableName(); id.database_name = tmp_name; String tmp_qualified_quoted_name = id.getFullTableName(); String move_table_query = fmt::format("RENAME TABLE {} TO {}", qualified_quoted_name, tmp_qualified_quoted_name); res = executeQuery(move_table_query, context, true); executeTrivialBlockIO(res, context); res = {}; } LOG_INFO(log, "Moved all tables from {} to {}", name_quoted, tmp_name_quoted); if (!database->empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Database {} is not empty after moving tables", name_quoted); String drop_query = fmt::format("DROP DATABASE {}", name_quoted); context->setSetting("force_remove_data_recursively_on_drop", false); res = executeQuery(drop_query, context, true); executeTrivialBlockIO(res, context); res = {}; String rename_query = fmt::format("RENAME DATABASE {} TO {}", tmp_name_quoted, name_quoted); res = executeQuery(rename_query, context, true); executeTrivialBlockIO(res, context); LOG_INFO(log, "Finished database engine conversion of {}", name_quoted); } /// Converts database with Ordinary engine to Atomic. Does nothing if database is not Ordinary. /// Can be called only during server startup when there are no queries from users. static void maybeConvertOrdinaryDatabaseToAtomic(ContextMutablePtr context, const String & database_name, bool tables_started) { Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("loadMetadata"); auto database = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(database_name); if (!database) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Database {} not found (while trying to convert it from Ordinary to Atomic)", database_name); return; } if (database->getEngineName() != "Ordinary") return; Strings permanently_detached_tables = database->getNamesOfPermanentlyDetachedTables(); if (!permanently_detached_tables.empty()) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot automatically convert database {} from Ordinary to Atomic, " "because it contains permanently detached tables ({}) that were not loaded during startup. " "Attach these tables, so server will load and convert them", database_name, fmt::join(permanently_detached_tables, ", ")); } String tmp_name = fmt::format(ORDINARY_TO_ATOMIC_PREFIX"{}.{}", database_name, thread_local_rng()); try { if (!tables_started) { /// It's not quite correct to run DDL queries while database is not started up. ThreadPool pool(CurrentMetrics::StartupSystemTablesThreads, CurrentMetrics::StartupSystemTablesThreadsActive); DatabaseCatalog::instance().getSystemDatabase()->startupTables(pool, LoadingStrictnessLevel::FORCE_RESTORE); } auto local_context = Context::createCopy(context); /// We have to stop background operations that may lock table for share to avoid DEADLOCK_AVOIDED error /// on moving tables from Ordinary database. Server has not started to accept connections yet, /// so there are no user queries, only background operations LOG_INFO(log, "Will stop background operations to be able to rename tables in Ordinary database {}", database_name); static const auto actions_to_stop = { ActionLocks::PartsMerge, ActionLocks::PartsFetch, ActionLocks::PartsSend, ActionLocks::DistributedSend }; for (const auto & action : actions_to_stop) InterpreterSystemQuery::startStopActionInDatabase(action, /* start */ false, database_name, database, context, log); local_context->setSetting("check_table_dependencies", false); local_context->setSetting("check_referential_table_dependencies", false); convertOrdinaryDatabaseToAtomic(log, local_context, database, database_name, tmp_name); LOG_INFO(log, "Will start background operations after renaming tables in database {}", database_name); for (const auto & action : actions_to_stop) InterpreterSystemQuery::startStopActionInDatabase(action, /* start */ true, database_name, database, context, log); auto new_database = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(database_name); UUID db_uuid = new_database->getUUID(); std::vector tables_uuids; for (auto iterator = new_database->getTablesIterator(context); iterator->isValid(); iterator->next()) tables_uuids.push_back(iterator->uuid()); /// Reload database just in case (and update logger name) String detach_query = fmt::format("DETACH DATABASE {}", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name)); auto res = executeQuery(detach_query, context, true); executeTrivialBlockIO(res, context); res = {}; /// Unlock UUID mapping, because it will be locked again on database reload. /// It's safe to do during metadata loading, because cleanup task is not started yet. DatabaseCatalog::instance().removeUUIDMappingFinally(db_uuid); for (const auto & uuid : tables_uuids) DatabaseCatalog::instance().removeUUIDMappingFinally(uuid); String path = context->getPath() + "metadata/" + escapeForFileName(database_name); /// force_restore_data is needed to re-create metadata symlinks loadDatabase(context, database_name, path, /* force_restore_data */ true); TablesLoader::Databases databases = { {database_name, DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(database_name)}, }; TablesLoader loader{context, databases, LoadingStrictnessLevel::FORCE_RESTORE}; loader.loadTables(); /// Startup tables if they were started before conversion and detach/attach if (tables_started) loader.startupTables(); } catch (Exception & e) { e.addMessage("Exception while trying to convert database {} from Ordinary to Atomic. It may be in some intermediate state." " You can finish conversion manually by moving the rest tables from {} to {} (using RENAME TABLE)" " and executing DROP DATABASE {} and RENAME DATABASE {} TO {}.", database_name, database_name, tmp_name, database_name, tmp_name, database_name); throw; } } void maybeConvertSystemDatabase(ContextMutablePtr context) { /// TODO remove this check, convert system database unconditionally if (context->getSettingsRef().allow_deprecated_database_ordinary) return; maybeConvertOrdinaryDatabaseToAtomic(context, DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE, /* tables_started */ false); } void convertDatabasesEnginesIfNeed(ContextMutablePtr context) { auto convert_flag_path = fs::path(context->getFlagsPath()) / "convert_ordinary_to_atomic"; if (!fs::exists(convert_flag_path)) return; LOG_INFO(&Poco::Logger::get("loadMetadata"), "Found convert_ordinary_to_atomic file in flags directory, " "will try to convert all Ordinary databases to Atomic"); for (const auto & [name, _] : DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabases()) if (name != DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE) maybeConvertOrdinaryDatabaseToAtomic(context, name, /* tables_started */ true); LOG_INFO(&Poco::Logger::get("loadMetadata"), "Conversion finished, removing convert_ordinary_to_atomic flag"); fs::remove(convert_flag_path); } void startupSystemTables() { ThreadPool pool(CurrentMetrics::StartupSystemTablesThreads, CurrentMetrics::StartupSystemTablesThreadsActive); DatabaseCatalog::instance().getSystemDatabase()->startupTables(pool, LoadingStrictnessLevel::FORCE_RESTORE); } void loadMetadataSystem(ContextMutablePtr context) { loadSystemDatabaseImpl(context, DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE, "Atomic"); loadSystemDatabaseImpl(context, DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA, "Memory"); loadSystemDatabaseImpl(context, DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA_UPPERCASE, "Memory"); TablesLoader::Databases databases = { {DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE, DatabaseCatalog::instance().getSystemDatabase()}, {DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA, DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA)}, {DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA_UPPERCASE, DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA_UPPERCASE)}, }; TablesLoader loader{context, databases, LoadingStrictnessLevel::FORCE_RESTORE}; loader.loadTables(); /// Will startup tables in system database after all databases are loaded. } }