#!/bin/bash # This script searches for ya.make.in files in repository and generates ya.make files from them. # ya.make.in is a template with substitutions in form of # command is interpreted by bash and output is put in place of substitution ROOT_PATH=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) EXCLUDE_DIRS='build/|integration/|widechar_width/|glibc-compatibility/|memcpy/|consistent-hashing' # Otherwise 'sort' behaves differently on Mac OS and also depends on locale. export LC_ALL=C find "${ROOT_PATH}" -name 'ya.make.in' | while read path; do echo "# This file is generated automatically, do not edit. See 'ya.make.in' and use 'utils/generate-ya-make' to regenerate it." > "${path/.in/}" (cd $(dirname "${path}") && perl -pne 's/<\?(.+?)\?>/`$1`/e' < "${path}" >> "${path/.in/}") done