#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } std::string getClusterName(const IAST & node) { if (const auto * ast_id = node.as()) return ast_id->name(); if (const auto * ast_lit = node.as()) return checkAndGetLiteralArgument(*ast_lit, "cluster_name"); /// A hack to support hyphens in cluster names. if (const auto * ast_func = node.as()) { if (ast_func->name != "minus" || !ast_func->arguments || ast_func->arguments->children.size() < 2) throw Exception("Illegal expression instead of cluster name.", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); String name; for (const auto & arg : ast_func->arguments->children) { if (name.empty()) name += getClusterName(*arg); else name += "-" + getClusterName(*arg); } return name; } throw Exception("Illegal expression instead of cluster name.", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } std::string getClusterNameAndMakeLiteral(ASTPtr & node) { String cluster_name = getClusterName(*node); node = std::make_shared(cluster_name); return cluster_name; } }