#!/usr/bin/env bash CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh # With adaptive timeout enabled, the asynchronous queue can be flushed synchronously, depending on the elapsed since the last insert. # This may result in test flakiness. url="${CLICKHOUSE_URL}&async_insert=1&wait_for_async_insert=1&async_insert_use_adaptive_busy_timeout=0" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS async_inserts" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "CREATE TABLE async_inserts (id UInt32, s String) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY id" ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -sS "$url" -d "INSERT INTO async_inserts settings format_custom_escaping_rule='CSV', format_custom_field_delimiter=',' FORMAT CustomSeparated 1,\"a\" 2,\"b\" " & ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -sS "$url" -d "INSERT INTO async_inserts settings format_custom_escaping_rule='CSV', format_custom_field_delimiter=',' FORMAT CustomSeparated 3,\"a\" 4,\"b\" " & ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -sS "$url" -d "INSERT INTO async_inserts settings format_custom_escaping_rule='CSV', format_custom_field_delimiter=',' FORMAT CustomSeparatedWithNames \"id\",\"s\" 5,\"a\" 6,\"b\" " & ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -sS "$url" -d "INSERT INTO async_inserts settings format_custom_escaping_rule='CSV', format_custom_field_delimiter=',' FORMAT CustomSeparatedWithNames \"id\",\"s\" 7,\"a\" 8,\"b\" " & wait ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "SELECT * FROM async_inserts ORDER BY id" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "SELECT name, rows, level FROM system.parts WHERE table = 'async_inserts' AND database = '$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE' ORDER BY name" ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "DROP TABLE async_inserts"