#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess import os import getpass import glob import argparse import logging import signal import subprocess import sys import string import random import shlex def random_str(length=6): alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits return "".join(random.SystemRandom().choice(alphabet) for _ in range(length)) CUR_FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) DEFAULT_CLICKHOUSE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CUR_FILE_DIR, "../../")) CURRENT_WORK_DIR = os.getcwd() VOLUME_NAME = "clickhouse_integration_tests" CONTAINER_NAME = f"{VOLUME_NAME}_{random_str()}" CONFIG_DIR_IN_REPO = "programs/server" INTEGRATION_DIR_IN_REPO = "tests/integration" SRC_DIR_IN_REPO = "src" DIND_INTEGRATION_TESTS_IMAGE_NAME = "clickhouse/integration-tests-runner" def check_args_and_update_paths(args): if args.clickhouse_root: if not os.path.isabs(args.clickhouse_root): CLICKHOUSE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(args.clickhouse_root) else: CLICKHOUSE_ROOT = args.clickhouse_root else: logging.info( "ClickHouse root is not set. Will use %s" % (DEFAULT_CLICKHOUSE_ROOT) ) CLICKHOUSE_ROOT = DEFAULT_CLICKHOUSE_ROOT if not os.path.isabs(args.binary): args.binary = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.binary)) if not args.odbc_bridge_binary: args.odbc_bridge_binary = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(args.binary), "clickhouse-odbc-bridge" ) elif not os.path.isabs(args.odbc_bridge_binary): args.odbc_bridge_binary = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.odbc_bridge_binary) ) if not args.library_bridge_binary: args.library_bridge_binary = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(args.binary), "clickhouse-library-bridge" ) elif not os.path.isabs(args.library_bridge_binary): args.library_bridge_binary = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.library_bridge_binary) ) if args.base_configs_dir: if not os.path.isabs(args.base_configs_dir): args.base_configs_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.base_configs_dir) ) else: args.base_configs_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CLICKHOUSE_ROOT, CONFIG_DIR_IN_REPO) ) logging.info( "Base configs dir is not set. Will use %s" % (args.base_configs_dir) ) if args.cases_dir: if not os.path.isabs(args.cases_dir): args.cases_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.cases_dir) ) else: args.cases_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CLICKHOUSE_ROOT, INTEGRATION_DIR_IN_REPO) ) logging.info("Cases dir is not set. Will use %s" % (args.cases_dir)) if args.src_dir: if not os.path.isabs(args.src_dir): args.src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.src_dir)) else: args.src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CLICKHOUSE_ROOT, SRC_DIR_IN_REPO)) logging.info("src dir is not set. Will use %s" % (args.src_dir)) logging.info( "base_configs_dir: {}, binary: {}, cases_dir: {} ".format( args.base_configs_dir, args.binary, args.cases_dir ) ) for path in [ args.binary, args.odbc_bridge_binary, args.library_bridge_binary, args.base_configs_dir, args.cases_dir, CLICKHOUSE_ROOT, ]: if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("Path {} doesn't exist".format(path)) if args.dockerd_volume: if not os.path.isabs(args.dockerd_volume): args.src_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(CURRENT_WORK_DIR, args.dockerd_volume) ) if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.base_configs_dir, "config.xml"))) and ( not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.base_configs_dir, "config.yaml")) ): raise Exception( "No config.xml or config.yaml in {}".format(args.base_configs_dir) ) if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.base_configs_dir, "users.xml"))) and ( not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.base_configs_dir, "users.yaml")) ): raise Exception( "No users.xml or users.yaml in {}".format(args.base_configs_dir) ) def docker_kill_handler_handler(signum, frame): subprocess.check_call( "docker ps --all --quiet --filter name={name}".format(name=CONTAINER_NAME), shell=True, ) raise KeyboardInterrupt("Killed by Ctrl+C") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, docker_kill_handler_handler) # Integration tests runner should allow to run tests on several versions of ClickHouse. # Integration tests should be portable. # To run integration tests following artfacts should be sufficient: # - clickhouse binaries (env CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_SERVER_BIN_PATH or --binary arg) # - clickhouse default configs(config.xml, users.xml) from same version as binary (env CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_BASE_CONFIG_DIR or --base-configs-dir arg) # - odbc bridge binary (env CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_ODBC_BRIDGE_BIN_PATH or --odbc-bridge-binary arg) # - library bridge binary (env CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_LIBRARY_BRIDGE_BIN_PATH or --library-bridge-binary) # - tests/integration directory with all test cases and configs (env CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_INTEGRATION_PATH or --cases-dir) # # 1) --clickhouse-root is only used to determine other paths on default places # 2) path of runner script is used to determine paths for trivial case, when we run it from repository if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [ %(process)d ] %(levelname)s : %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)s, %(funcName)s)", ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ClickHouse integration tests runner") parser.add_argument( "--binary", default=os.environ.get( "CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_SERVER_BIN_PATH", os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_CLIENT_BIN_PATH", "/usr/bin/clickhouse"), ), help="Path to clickhouse binary. For example /usr/bin/clickhouse", ) parser.add_argument( "--odbc-bridge-binary", default=os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_ODBC_BRIDGE_BIN_PATH", ""), help="Path to clickhouse-odbc-bridge binary. Defaults to clickhouse-odbc-bridge in the same dir as clickhouse.", ) parser.add_argument( "--library-bridge-binary", default=os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_LIBRARY_BRIDGE_BIN_PATH", ""), help="Path to clickhouse-library-bridge binary. Defaults to clickhouse-library-bridge in the same dir as clickhouse.", ) parser.add_argument( "--base-configs-dir", default=os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_BASE_CONFIG_DIR"), help="Path to clickhouse base configs directory with config.xml/users.xml", ) parser.add_argument( "--cases-dir", default=os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_INTEGRATION_PATH"), help="Path to integration tests cases and configs directory. For example tests/integration in repository", ) parser.add_argument( "--src-dir", default=os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_SRC_DIR"), help="Path to the 'src' directory in repository. Used to provide schemas (e.g. *.proto) for some tests when those schemas are located in the 'src' directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--clickhouse-root", help="Path to repository root folder. Used to take configuration from repository default paths.", ) parser.add_argument( "--command", default="", help="Set it to run some other command in container (for example bash)", ) parser.add_argument( "--disable-net-host", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't use net host in parent docker container", ) parser.add_argument( "--network", help="Set network driver for runnner container (defaults to `host`)", ) parser.add_argument( "--docker-image-version", default="latest", help="Version of docker image which runner will use to run tests", ) parser.add_argument( "--docker-compose-images-tags", action="append", help="Set non-default tags for images used in docker compose recipes(yandex/my_container:my_tag)", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--parallel", action="store", dest="parallel", help="Parallelism" ) parser.add_argument( "--no-random", action="store", dest="no_random", help="Disable tests order randomization", ) parser.add_argument( "--pre-pull", action="store_true", default=False, dest="pre_pull", help="Pull images for docker_compose before all other actions", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--tests_list", action="store", nargs="+", default=[], dest="tests_list", help="List of tests to run", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--keyword_expression", action="store", dest="keyword_expression", help="pytest keyword expression", ) parser.add_argument( "--tmpfs", action="store_true", default=False, dest="tmpfs", help="Use tmpfs for dockerd files", ) parser.add_argument( "--analyzer", action="store_true", default=False, dest="analyzer", help="Use new analyzer infrastructure", ) parser.add_argument( "--cleanup-containers", action="store_true", default=False, dest="cleanup_containers", help="Remove all running containers on test session start", ) parser.add_argument( "--dockerd-volume-dir", action="store", dest="dockerd_volume", help="Bind volume to this dir to use for dockerd files", ) parser.add_argument("pytest_args", nargs="*", help="args for pytest command") args = parser.parse_args() check_args_and_update_paths(args) parallel_args = "" if args.parallel: parallel_args += "--dist=loadfile" parallel_args += " -n {}".format(args.parallel) rand_args = "" # if not args.no_random: # rand_args += f"--random-seed={os.getpid()}" net = "" if args.network: net = "--net={}".format(args.network) elif not args.disable_net_host: net = "--net=host" env_tags = "" if args.docker_compose_images_tags is not None: for img_tag in args.docker_compose_images_tags: [image, tag] = img_tag.split(":") if image == "clickhouse/mysql-golang-client": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_MYSQL_GOLANG_CLIENT_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/dotnet-client": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_DOTNET_CLIENT_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/mysql-java-client": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_MYSQL_JAVA_CLIENT_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/mysql-js-client": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_MYSQL_JS_CLIENT_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/mysql-php-client": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_MYSQL_PHP_CLIENT_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/postgresql-java-client": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_POSTGRESQL_JAVA_CLIENT_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/integration-helper": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_HELPER_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/integration-test": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_BASE_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/kerberized-hadoop": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_KERBERIZED_HADOOP_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/kerberos-kdc": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_KERBEROS_KDC_TAG", tag) elif image == "clickhouse/nginx-dav": env_tags += "-e {}={} ".format("DOCKER_NGINX_DAV_TAG", tag) else: logging.info("Unknown image %s" % (image)) # create named volume which will be used inside to store images and other docker related files, # to avoid redownloading it every time # # should be removed manually when not needed dockerd_internal_volume = "" if args.tmpfs: dockerd_internal_volume = "--tmpfs /var/lib/docker -e DOCKER_RAMDISK=true" elif args.dockerd_volume: dockerd_internal_volume = ( "--mount type=bind,source={},target=/var/lib/docker".format( args.dockerd_volume ) ) else: try: subprocess.check_call( f"docker volume create {VOLUME_NAME}_volume", shell=True ) except Exception as ex: print("Volume creation failed, probably it already exists, exception", ex) # TODO: this part cleans out stale volumes produced by container name # randomizer, we should remove it after Sep 2022 try: subprocess.check_call( f"docker volume ls -q | grep '{VOLUME_NAME}_.*_volume' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker volume rm", shell=True, ) except Exception as ex: print("Probably, some stale volumes still there, just continue:", ex) # TODO END dockerd_internal_volume = f"--volume={VOLUME_NAME}_volume:/var/lib/docker" # If enabled we kill and remove containers before pytest session run. env_cleanup = "" if args.cleanup_containers: env_cleanup = "-e PYTEST_CLEANUP_CONTAINERS=1" # enable tty mode & interactive for docker if we have real tty tty = "" if sys.stdout.isatty() and sys.stdin.isatty(): tty = "-it" # Remove old logs. for old_log_path in glob.glob(args.cases_dir + "/pytest*.log"): os.remove(old_log_path) if args.keyword_expression: args.pytest_args += ["-k", args.keyword_expression] use_analyzer = "" if args.analyzer: use_analyzer = "-e CLICKHOUSE_USE_NEW_ANALYZER=1" # NOTE: since pytest options is in the argument value already we need to additionally escape '"' pytest_opts = " ".join( map(lambda x: shlex.quote(x).replace('"', '\\"'), args.pytest_args) ) tests_list = " ".join( map(lambda x: shlex.quote(x).replace('"', '\\"'), args.tests_list) ) cmd_base = ( f"docker run {net} {tty} --rm --name {CONTAINER_NAME} " "--privileged --dns-search='.' " # since recent dns search leaks from host f"--volume={args.odbc_bridge_binary}:/clickhouse-odbc-bridge " f"--volume={args.binary}:/clickhouse " f"--volume={args.library_bridge_binary}:/clickhouse-library-bridge " f"--volume={args.base_configs_dir}:/clickhouse-config " f"--volume={args.cases_dir}:/ClickHouse/tests/integration " f"--volume={args.src_dir}/Server/grpc_protos:/ClickHouse/src/Server/grpc_protos " f"--volume=/run:/run/host:ro {dockerd_internal_volume} {env_tags} {env_cleanup} " f"-e DOCKER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=300 -e COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=600 {use_analyzer} -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 " f'-e PYTEST_ADDOPTS="{parallel_args} {pytest_opts} {tests_list} {rand_args} -vvv"' f" {DIND_INTEGRATION_TESTS_IMAGE_NAME}:{args.docker_image_version}" ) cmd = cmd_base + " " + args.command cmd_pre_pull = ( f"{cmd_base} find /compose -name docker_compose_*.yml " r"-exec docker-compose -f '{}' pull \;" ) containers = subprocess.check_output( f"docker ps --all --quiet --filter name={CONTAINER_NAME}", shell=True, universal_newlines=True, ).splitlines() if containers: print(f"Trying to kill containers name={CONTAINER_NAME} ids={containers}") subprocess.check_call(f"docker kill {' '.join(containers)}", shell=True) print(f"Containers {containers} killed") if args.pre_pull: print(("Running pre pull as: '" + cmd_pre_pull + "'.")) subprocess.check_call(cmd_pre_pull, shell=True) print(("Running pytest container as: '" + cmd + "'.")) subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)