drop table if exists src; drop table if exists dst; drop table if exists mv1; drop table if exists mv2; create table src (key Int) engine=Null(); create table dst (key Int) engine=Null(); create materialized view mv1 to dst as select * from src; create materialized view mv2 to dst as select * from src; insert into src select * from numbers(1e6) settings log_queries=1, max_untracked_memory=0, parallel_view_processing=0; system flush logs; -- { echo } select view_name, read_rows, read_bytes, written_rows, written_bytes from system.query_views_log where startsWith(view_name, currentDatabase() || '.mv') order by view_name format Vertical; select read_rows, read_bytes, written_rows, written_bytes from system.query_log where type = 'QueryFinish' and query_kind = 'Insert' and current_database = currentDatabase() format Vertical;