#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import logging import os import re from typing import Dict, List, Set, Union from urllib.parse import quote from unidiff import PatchSet # type: ignore from build_download_helper import get_gh_api from env_helper import ( GITHUB_EVENT_PATH, GITHUB_REPOSITORY, GITHUB_RUN_URL, GITHUB_SERVER_URL, GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY, ) from ci_config import Labels from get_robot_token import get_best_robot_token from github_helper import GitHub NeedsDataType = Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]] DIFF_IN_DOCUMENTATION_EXT = [ ".html", ".md", ".mdx", ".yml", ".txt", ".css", ".js", ".xml", ".ico", ".conf", ".svg", ".png", ".jpg", ".py", ".sh", ".json", ] RETRY_SLEEP = 0 class EventType: UNKNOWN = "unknown" PUSH = "commits" PULL_REQUEST = "pull_request" SCHEDULE = "schedule" DISPATCH = "dispatch" MERGE_QUEUE = "merge_group" def get_pr_for_commit(sha, ref): if not ref: return None try_get_pr_url = ( f"https://api.github.com/repos/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/commits/{sha}/pulls" ) try: response = get_gh_api(try_get_pr_url, sleep=RETRY_SLEEP) data = response.json() our_prs = [] # type: List[Dict] if len(data) > 1: logging.warning("Got more than one pr for commit %s", sha) for pr in data: # We need to check if the PR is created in our repo, because # https://github.com/kaynewu/ClickHouse/pull/2 # has broke our PR search once in a while if pr["base"]["repo"]["full_name"] != GITHUB_REPOSITORY: continue # refs for pushes looks like refs/head/XX # refs for RPs looks like XX if pr["head"]["ref"] in ref: return pr our_prs.append(pr) logging.warning( "Cannot find PR with required ref %s, sha %s - returning first one", ref, sha, ) first_pr = our_prs[0] return first_pr except Exception as ex: logging.error( "Cannot fetch PR info from commit ref %s, sha %s, exception: %s", ref, sha, ex, ) return None class PRInfo: default_event = { "commits": 1, "head_commit": {"message": "commit_message"}, "before": "HEAD~", "after": "HEAD", "ref": None, } def __init__( self, github_event=None, need_orgs=False, need_changed_files=False, pr_event_from_api=False, ): if not github_event: if GITHUB_EVENT_PATH: with open(GITHUB_EVENT_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as event_file: github_event = json.load(event_file) else: github_event = PRInfo.default_event.copy() self.event = github_event self.changed_files = set() # type: Set[str] self.changed_files_requested = False self.body = "" self.diff_urls = [] # type: List[str] # release_pr and merged_pr are used for docker images additional cache self.release_pr = 0 self.merged_pr = 0 self.labels = set() repo_prefix = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" self.task_url = GITHUB_RUN_URL self.repo_full_name = GITHUB_REPOSITORY self.event_type = EventType.UNKNOWN ref = github_event.get("ref", "refs/heads/master") if ref and ref.startswith("refs/heads/"): ref = ref[11:] # Default values self.base_ref = "" # type: str self.base_name = "" # type: str self.head_ref = "" # type: str self.head_name = "" # type: str self.number = 0 # type: int # workflow completed event, used for PRs only if "action" in github_event and github_event["action"] == "completed": self.sha = github_event["workflow_run"]["head_sha"] # type: str prs_for_sha = get_gh_api( f"https://api.github.com/repos/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/commits/{self.sha}" "/pulls", sleep=RETRY_SLEEP, ).json() if len(prs_for_sha) != 0: github_event["pull_request"] = prs_for_sha[0] if "pull_request" in github_event: # pull request and other similar events self.event_type = EventType.PULL_REQUEST self.number = github_event["pull_request"]["number"] if pr_event_from_api: try: response = get_gh_api( f"https://api.github.com/repos/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" f"/pulls/{self.number}", sleep=RETRY_SLEEP, ) github_event["pull_request"] = response.json() except Exception as e: logging.warning( "Unable to get pull request event %s from API, " "fallback to received event. Exception: %s", self.number, e, ) if "after" in github_event: self.sha = github_event["after"] else: self.sha = github_event["pull_request"]["head"]["sha"] self.commit_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/commit/{self.sha}" self.pr_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/pull/{self.number}" # master or backport/xx.x/xxxxx - where the PR will be merged self.base_ref = github_event["pull_request"]["base"]["ref"] # ClickHouse/ClickHouse self.base_name = github_event["pull_request"]["base"]["repo"]["full_name"] # any_branch-name - the name of working branch name self.head_ref = github_event["pull_request"]["head"]["ref"] # UserName/ClickHouse or ClickHouse/ClickHouse self.head_name = github_event["pull_request"]["head"]["repo"]["full_name"] self.body = github_event["pull_request"]["body"] self.labels = { label["name"] for label in github_event["pull_request"]["labels"] } self.user_login = github_event["pull_request"]["user"]["login"] # type: str self.user_orgs = set() # type: Set[str] if need_orgs: user_orgs_response = get_gh_api( github_event["pull_request"]["user"]["organizations_url"], sleep=RETRY_SLEEP, ) if user_orgs_response.ok: response_json = user_orgs_response.json() self.user_orgs = set(org["id"] for org in response_json) self.diff_urls.append(self.compare_pr_url(github_event["pull_request"])) elif ( EventType.MERGE_QUEUE in github_event ): # pull request and other similar events self.event_type = EventType.MERGE_QUEUE self.number = 0 self.sha = github_event[EventType.MERGE_QUEUE]["head_sha"] self.base_ref = github_event[EventType.MERGE_QUEUE]["base_ref"] base_sha = github_event[EventType.MERGE_QUEUE]["base_sha"] # type: str # ClickHouse/ClickHouse self.base_name = github_event["repository"]["full_name"] # any_branch-name - the name of working branch name self.head_ref = github_event[EventType.MERGE_QUEUE]["head_ref"] # parse underlying pr from ["head_ref": "refs/heads/gh-readonly-queue/test-merge-queue/pr-6751-4690229995a155e771c52e95fbd446d219c069bf"] self.merged_pr = int(self.head_ref.split("/pr-")[-1].split("-")[0]) # UserName/ClickHouse or ClickHouse/ClickHouse self.head_name = self.base_name self.user_login = github_event["sender"]["login"] self.diff_urls.append( github_event["repository"]["compare_url"] .replace("{base}", base_sha) .replace("{head}", self.sha) ) self.commit_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/commit/{self.sha}" elif "commits" in github_event: self.event_type = EventType.PUSH # `head_commit` always comes with `commits` commit_message = github_event["head_commit"]["message"] # type: str if commit_message.startswith("Merge pull request #"): merged_pr = commit_message.split(maxsplit=4)[3] try: self.merged_pr = int(merged_pr[1:]) except ValueError: logging.error("Failed to convert %s to integer", merged_pr) self.sha = github_event["after"] pull_request = get_pr_for_commit(self.sha, github_event["ref"]) self.commit_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/commit/{self.sha}" if pull_request is None or pull_request["state"] == "closed": # it's merged PR to master self.number = 0 if pull_request: self.merged_pr = pull_request["number"] self.labels = set() self.pr_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/commits/{ref}" self.base_ref = ref self.base_name = self.repo_full_name self.head_ref = ref self.head_name = self.repo_full_name self.diff_urls.append( self.compare_url(github_event["before"], self.sha) ) else: self.number = pull_request["number"] self.labels = {label["name"] for label in pull_request["labels"]} self.base_ref = pull_request["base"]["ref"] self.base_name = pull_request["base"]["repo"]["full_name"] self.head_ref = pull_request["head"]["ref"] self.head_name = pull_request["head"]["repo"]["full_name"] self.pr_html_url = pull_request["html_url"] if Labels.PR_BACKPORT in self.labels: # head1...head2 gives changes in head2 since merge base # Thag's why we need {self.head_ref}...master to get # files changed in upstream AND master...{self.head_ref} # to get files, changed in current HEAD self.diff_urls.append( self.compare_url( pull_request["base"]["repo"]["default_branch"], pull_request["head"]["sha"], ) ) self.diff_urls.append( self.compare_url( pull_request["head"]["sha"], pull_request["base"]["repo"]["default_branch"], ) ) # Get release PR number. self.release_pr = get_pr_for_commit(self.base_ref, self.base_ref)[ "number" ] else: self.diff_urls.append(self.compare_pr_url(pull_request)) if Labels.RELEASE in self.labels: # For release PRs we must get not only files changed in the PR # itself, but as well files changed since we branched out self.diff_urls.append( self.compare_url( pull_request["head"]["sha"], pull_request["base"]["repo"]["default_branch"], ) ) else: if "schedule" in github_event: self.event_type = EventType.SCHEDULE elif "inputs" in github_event: # assume this is a dispatch self.event_type = EventType.DISPATCH print("PR Info:") print(self) else: logging.warning( "event.json does not match pull_request or push:\n%s", json.dumps(github_event, sort_keys=True, indent=4), ) self.sha = os.getenv( "GITHUB_SHA", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ) self.number = 0 self.commit_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/commit/{self.sha}" self.pr_html_url = f"{repo_prefix}/commits/{ref}" self.base_ref = ref self.base_name = self.repo_full_name self.head_ref = ref self.head_name = self.repo_full_name if need_changed_files: self.fetch_changed_files() @property def is_master(self) -> bool: return ( self.number == 0 and self.head_ref == "master" and not self.is_merge_queue ) @property def is_release(self) -> bool: return self.is_master or ( self.is_push_event and ( bool(re.match(r"^2[1-9]\.[1-9][0-9]*$", self.head_ref)) or bool(re.match(r"^release/2[1-9]\.[1-9][0-9]*$", self.head_ref)) ) ) @property def is_pr(self): if self.event_type == EventType.PULL_REQUEST: assert self.number return True return False @property def is_push_event(self) -> bool: return self.event_type == EventType.PUSH @property def is_scheduled(self) -> bool: return self.event_type == EventType.SCHEDULE @property def is_merge_queue(self) -> bool: return self.event_type == EventType.MERGE_QUEUE @property def is_dispatched(self) -> bool: return self.event_type == EventType.DISPATCH def compare_pr_url(self, pr_object: dict) -> str: return self.compare_url(pr_object["base"]["sha"], pr_object["head"]["sha"]) @staticmethod def compare_url(first: str, second: str) -> str: """the first and second are URL encoded to not fail on '#' and other symbols""" return ( "https://api.github.com/repos/" f"{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/compare/{quote(first)}...{quote(second)}" ) def fetch_changed_files(self): if self.changed_files_requested: return for diff_url in self.diff_urls: response = get_gh_api( diff_url, sleep=RETRY_SLEEP, headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.diff"}, ) response.raise_for_status() diff_object = PatchSet(response.text) self.changed_files.update({f.path for f in diff_object}) self.changed_files_requested = True logging.info("Fetched info about %s changed files", len(self.changed_files)) def get_dict(self): return { "sha": self.sha, "number": self.number, "labels": self.labels, "user_login": self.user_login, "user_orgs": self.user_orgs, } def has_changes_in_documentation(self) -> bool: if not self.changed_files_requested: self.fetch_changed_files() if not self.changed_files: return True for f in self.changed_files: _, ext = os.path.splitext(f) path_in_docs = f.startswith("docs/") if ( ext in DIFF_IN_DOCUMENTATION_EXT and path_in_docs ) or "docker/docs" in f: return True return False def has_changes_in_documentation_only(self) -> bool: """ checks if changes are docs related without other changes FIXME: avoid hardcoding filenames here """ if not self.changed_files_requested: self.fetch_changed_files() if not self.changed_files: # if no changes at all return False return False for f in self.changed_files: _, ext = os.path.splitext(f) path_in_docs = f.startswith("docs/") if not ( (ext in DIFF_IN_DOCUMENTATION_EXT and path_in_docs) or "docker/docs" in f or "docs_check.py" in f or "aspell-dict.txt" in f or ext == ".md" ): return False return True def has_changes_in_submodules(self): if not self.changed_files_requested: self.fetch_changed_files() if not self.changed_files: return True for f in self.changed_files: if "contrib/" in f: return True return False def get_latest_sync_commit(self): gh = GitHub(get_best_robot_token(), per_page=100) assert self.head_ref.startswith("sync-upstream/pr/") assert self.repo_full_name != GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY upstream_repo = gh.get_repo(GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY) upstream_pr_number = int(self.head_ref.split("/pr/", maxsplit=1)[1]) upstream_pr = upstream_repo.get_pull(upstream_pr_number) sync_repo = gh.get_repo(GITHUB_REPOSITORY) sync_pr = sync_repo.get_pull(self.number) # Find the commit that is in both repos, upstream and cloud sync_commits = sync_pr.get_commits().reversed upstream_commits = upstream_pr.get_commits().reversed # Github objects are compared by _url attribute. We can't compare them directly and # should compare commits by SHA1 upstream_shas = [c.sha for c in upstream_commits] logging.info("Commits in upstream PR:\n %s", ", ".join(upstream_shas)) sync_shas = [c.sha for c in sync_commits] logging.info("Commits in sync PR:\n %s", ", ".join(reversed(sync_shas))) # find latest synced commit last_synced_upstream_commit = None for commit in upstream_commits: if commit.sha in sync_shas: last_synced_upstream_commit = commit break assert last_synced_upstream_commit return last_synced_upstream_commit class FakePRInfo: def __init__(self): self.number = 11111 self.sha = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"