#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import atexit import logging import os import os.path as p import re import subprocess import tempfile from typing import Any, List, Literal, Optional logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ^ and $ match subline in `multiple\nlines` # \A and \Z match only start and end of the whole string RELEASE_BRANCH_REGEXP = r"\A\d+[.]\d+\Z" TAG_REGEXP = ( r"\Av\d{2}" # First two digits of major part r"([.][1-9]\d*){3}" # minor.patch.tweak parts r"-(new|testing|prestable|stable|lts)\Z" # suffix with a version type ) SHA_REGEXP = re.compile(r"\A([0-9]|[a-f]){40}\Z") CWD = p.dirname(p.realpath(__file__)) TWEAK = 1 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete=False) as f: GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE = f.name GIT_PREFIX = ( # All commits to remote are done as robot-clickhouse "git -c user.email=robot-clickhouse@users.noreply.github.com " "-c user.name=robot-clickhouse -c commit.gpgsign=false " "-c core.sshCommand=" f"'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile={GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE} " "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new'" ) atexit.register(os.remove, f.name) # Py 3.8 removeprefix and removesuffix def removeprefix(string: str, prefix: str) -> str: if string.startswith(prefix): return string[len(prefix) :] # noqa: ignore E203, false positive return string def removesuffix(string: str, suffix: str) -> str: if string.endswith(suffix): return string[: -len(suffix)] return string def commit(name: str) -> str: if not SHA_REGEXP.match(name): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "commit hash should contain exactly 40 hex characters" ) return name def release_branch(name: str) -> str: r = re.compile(RELEASE_BRANCH_REGEXP) if not r.match(name): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("release branch should be as 12.1") return name class Runner: """lightweight check_output wrapper with stripping last NEW_LINE""" def __init__(self, cwd: str = CWD, set_cwd_to_git_root: bool = False): self._cwd = cwd # delayed set cwd to the repo's root, to not do it at the import stage self._git_root = None # type: Optional[str] self._set_cwd_to_git_root = set_cwd_to_git_root def run(self, cmd: str, cwd: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str: if cwd is None: cwd = self.cwd logger.debug("Running command: %s", cmd) output = str( subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True, cwd=cwd, encoding="utf-8", **kwargs ).strip() ) return output @property def cwd(self) -> str: if self._set_cwd_to_git_root: if self._git_root is None: self._git_root = p.realpath( p.join(self._cwd, self.run("git rev-parse --show-cdup", self._cwd)) ) return self._git_root return self._cwd @cwd.setter def cwd(self, value: str) -> None: # Set _cwd only once, then set it to readonly if self._cwd != CWD: return self._cwd = value def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: return self.run(*args, **kwargs) git_runner = Runner(set_cwd_to_git_root=True) def is_shallow() -> bool: return git_runner.run("git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository") == "true" def get_tags() -> List[str]: if is_shallow(): raise RuntimeError("attempt to run on a shallow repository") return git_runner.run("git tag").split() class Git: """A small wrapper around subprocess to invoke git commands""" _tag_pattern = re.compile(TAG_REGEXP) def __init__(self, ignore_no_tags: bool = False): """ new_tag is used for special v24.1.1.1-new tags where the previous version is moved to the release branch * 66666666666 Some another commit with version 24.8.1.xxxxx-testing, tweak is counted from new_tag = v24.8.1.1-new | * 55555555555 (tag: v24.7.1.123123123-stable, branch: 24.7) tweak counted from new_tag = v24.7.1.1-new |/ * 44444444444 (tag: v24.8.1.1-new) | * 33333333333 (tag: v24.6.1.123123123-stable, branch: 24.6) tweak counted from new_tag = v24.6.1.1-new |/ * 22222222222 (tag: v24.7.1.1-new) | * 11111111111 (tag: v24.5.1.123123123-stable, branch: 24.5) tweak counted from new_tag = v24.4.1.2088-stable |/ * 00000000000 (tag: v24.6.1.1-new) * 6d4b31322d1 (tag: v24.4.1.2088-stable) * 2c5c589a882 (tag: v24.3.1.2672-lts) * 891689a4150 (tag: v24.2.1.2248-stable) * 5a024dfc093 (tag: v24.1.1.2048-stable) * a2faa65b080 (tag: v23.12.1.1368-stable) * 05bc8ef1e02 (tag: v23.11.1.2711-stable) """ self.root = git_runner.cwd self._ignore_no_tags = ignore_no_tags self.run = git_runner.run self.latest_tag = "" self.new_tag = "" self.branch = "" self.sha = "" self.sha_short = "" self.commits_since_latest = 0 self.commits_since_new = 0 self.update() def update(self): """Is used to refresh all attributes after updates, e.g. checkout or commit""" self.sha = self.run("git rev-parse HEAD") self.branch = self.run("git branch --show-current") or self.sha self.sha_short = self.sha[:11] # The following command shows the most recent tag in a graph # Format should match TAG_REGEXP if self._ignore_no_tags and is_shallow(): try: self._update_tags(True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return self._update_tags() def _update_tags(self, suppress_stderr: bool = False) -> None: stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL if suppress_stderr else None self.latest_tag = self.run("git describe --tags --abbrev=0", stderr=stderr) # Format should be: {latest_tag}-{commits_since_tag}-g{sha_short} self.commits_since_latest = int( self.run(f"git rev-list {self.latest_tag}..HEAD --count") ) if self.latest_tag.endswith("-new"): # We won't change the behaviour of the the "latest_tag" # So here we set "new_tag" to the previous tag in the graph, that will allow # getting alternative "tweak" self.new_tag = self.run( f"git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --exclude='{self.latest_tag}'", stderr=stderr, ) self.commits_since_new = int( self.run(f"git rev-list {self.new_tag}..HEAD --count") ) @staticmethod def check_tag(value: str) -> None: if value == "": return if not Git._tag_pattern.match(value): raise ValueError(f"last tag {value} doesn't match the pattern") @property def latest_tag(self) -> str: return self._latest_tag @latest_tag.setter def latest_tag(self, value: str) -> None: self.check_tag(value) self._latest_tag = value @property def new_tag(self) -> str: return self._new_tag @new_tag.setter def new_tag(self, value: str) -> None: self.check_tag(value) self._new_tag = value @property def tweak(self) -> int: return self._tweak("latest") @property def tweak_to_new(self) -> int: return self._tweak("new") def _tweak(self, tag_type: Literal["latest", "new"]) -> int: """Accepts latest or new as a tag_type and returns the tweak number to it""" if tag_type == "latest": commits = self.commits_since_latest tag = self.latest_tag else: commits = self.commits_since_new tag = self.new_tag if not tag.endswith("-testing"): # When we are on the tag, we still need to have tweak=1 to not # break cmake with versions like if commits: return commits # We are in a tagged commit or shallow checkout. The tweak should match the # current version's value version = tag.split("-", maxsplit=1)[0] try: return int(version.split(".")[-1]) except ValueError: # There are no tags (shallow checkout), or a wrong tag. Return default return TWEAK version = tag.split("-", maxsplit=1)[0] return int(version.split(".")[-1]) + commits