--- slug: /en/sql-reference/table-functions/ sidebar_label: Table Functions sidebar_position: 34 --- # Table Functions Table functions are methods for constructing tables. You can use table functions in: - [FROM](../../sql-reference/statements/select/from.md) clause of the `SELECT` query. The method for creating a temporary table that is available only in the current query. The table is deleted when the query finishes. - [CREATE TABLE AS table_function()](../../sql-reference/statements/create/table.md) query. It's one of the methods of creating a table. - [INSERT INTO TABLE FUNCTION](../../sql-reference/statements/insert-into.md#inserting-into-table-function) query. :::warning You can’t use table functions if the [allow_ddl](../../operations/settings/permissions-for-queries.md#settings_allow_ddl) setting is disabled. :::