#!/usr/bin/env bash CUR_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CUR_DIR"/../shell_config.sh # Initialize variables total_tests=0 passed_tests=0 # Test Function for Integer Arrays run_integer_test() { query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([1,2,3], 2)") mapfile -t sorted_result < <(echo "$query_result" | tr -d '[]' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -n) declare -A expected_outcomes expected_outcomes["1 2"]=1 expected_outcomes["1 3"]=1 expected_outcomes["2 3"]=1 expected_outcomes["2 1"]=1 expected_outcomes["3 1"]=1 expected_outcomes["3 2"]=1 sorted_result_str=$(echo "${sorted_result[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') if [[ -n "${expected_outcomes[$sorted_result_str]}" ]]; then echo "Integer Test: Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else echo "Integer Test: Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" fi ((total_tests++)) } # Test Function for String Arrays run_string_test() { query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample(['a','b','c'], 2)") mapfile -t sorted_result < <(echo "$query_result" | tr -d "[]'" | tr ',' '\n' | sort) declare -A expected_outcomes expected_outcomes["a b"]=1 expected_outcomes["a c"]=1 expected_outcomes["b c"]=1 expected_outcomes["b a"]=1 expected_outcomes["c a"]=1 expected_outcomes["c b"]=1 sorted_result_str=$(echo "${sorted_result[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') if [[ -n "${expected_outcomes[$sorted_result_str]}" ]]; then echo "String Test: Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else echo "String Test: Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" fi ((total_tests++)) } # Test Function for Nested Arrays run_nested_array_test() { query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([[7,2],[3,4],[7,6]], 2)") # Convert to a space-separated string for easy sorting. converted_result=$(echo "$query_result" | tr -d '[]' | tr ',' ' ') # Sort the string. sorted_result_str=$(echo "$converted_result" | tr ' ' '\n' | xargs -n2 | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') # Define all possible expected outcomes, sorted declare -A expected_outcomes expected_outcomes["7 2 3 4"]=1 expected_outcomes["7 2 7 6"]=1 expected_outcomes["3 4 7 6"]=1 expected_outcomes["3 4 7 2"]=1 expected_outcomes["7 6 7 2"]=1 expected_outcomes["7 6 3 4"]=1 if [[ -n "${expected_outcomes[$sorted_result_str]}" ]]; then echo "Nested Array Test: Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else echo "Nested Array Test: Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" echo "Processed Output: ${sorted_result_str}" fi ((total_tests++)) } # Test Function for K > array.size run_higher_k_test() { query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([1,2,3], 5)") mapfile -t sorted_result < <(echo "$query_result" | tr -d '[]' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -n) sorted_original=("1" "2" "3") are_arrays_equal=true for i in "${!sorted_result[@]}"; do if [[ "${sorted_result[$i]}" != "${sorted_original[$i]}" ]]; then are_arrays_equal=false break fi done if $are_arrays_equal; then echo "Higher Sample Number Test: Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else echo "Higher Sample Number Test: Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" fi ((total_tests++)) } # Test Function for Integer Arrays with samples = 0 run_integer_with_samples_0_test() { query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([1,2,3], 0)") mapfile -t sorted_result < <(echo "$query_result" | tr -d '[]' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -n) # An empty array should produce an empty string after transformations declare -A expected_outcomes expected_outcomes["EMPTY_ARRAY"]=1 # Prepare the result string for comparison sorted_result_str=$(echo "${sorted_result[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') # Use "EMPTY_ARRAY" as a placeholder for an empty array [[ -z "$sorted_result_str" ]] && sorted_result_str="EMPTY_ARRAY" # Compare if [[ -n "${expected_outcomes[$sorted_result_str]}" ]]; then echo "Integer Test with K=0: Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else echo "Integer Test with K=0: Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" fi ((total_tests++)) } # Test Function for Empty Array with K > 0 run_empty_array_with_k_test() { query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([], 5)") if [[ "$query_result" == "[]" ]]; then echo "Empty Array with K > 0 Test: Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else { echo "Empty Array with K > 0 Test: Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" } fi ((total_tests++)) } # Test Function for Non-Unsigned-Integer K run_non_unsigned_integer_k_test() { # Test with negative integer query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([1, 2, 3], -5)" 2>&1) if [[ "$query_result" == *"ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT"* ]]; then echo "Non-Unsigned-Integer K Test (Negative Integer): Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else { echo "Non-Unsigned-Integer K Test (Negative Integer): Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" } fi ((total_tests++)) # Test with string query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([1, 2, 3], 'a')" 2>&1) if [[ "$query_result" == *"ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT"* ]]; then echo "Non-Unsigned-Integer K Test (String): Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else { echo "Non-Unsigned-Integer K Test (String): Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" } fi ((total_tests++)) # Test with floating-point number query_result=$(clickhouse-client -q "SELECT arrayRandomSample([1, 2, 3], 1.5)" 2>&1) if [[ "$query_result" == *"ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT"* ]]; then echo "Non-Unsigned-Integer K Test (Floating-Point): Passed" ((passed_tests++)) else { echo "Non-Unsigned-Integer K Test (Floating-Point): Failed" echo "Output: $query_result" } fi ((total_tests++)) } # Function to run a multi-row test with scalar 'k' run_multi_row_scalar_k_test() { # Create a table. Use a random database name as tests potentially run in parallel. db=`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9