#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TestStopConditions.h" #include "TestStats.h" #include "ConfigPreprocessor.h" #include "PerformanceTest.h" #include "ReportBuilder.h" namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST; } /** Tests launcher for ClickHouse. * The tool walks through given or default folder in order to find files with * tests' descriptions and launches it. */ class PerformanceTestSuite { public: PerformanceTestSuite(const std::string & host_, const UInt16 port_, const bool secure_, const std::string & default_database_, const std::string & user_, const std::string & password_, const Settings & cmd_settings, const bool lite_output_, const std::string & profiles_file_, Strings && input_files_, Strings && tests_tags_, Strings && skip_tags_, Strings && tests_names_, Strings && skip_names_, Strings && tests_names_regexp_, Strings && skip_names_regexp_, const std::unordered_map> query_indexes_, const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts) : connection(host_, port_, default_database_, user_, password_, timeouts, "performance-test", Protocol::Compression::Enable, secure_ ? Protocol::Secure::Enable : Protocol::Secure::Disable) , tests_tags(std::move(tests_tags_)) , tests_names(std::move(tests_names_)) , tests_names_regexp(std::move(tests_names_regexp_)) , skip_tags(std::move(skip_tags_)) , skip_names(std::move(skip_names_)) , skip_names_regexp(std::move(skip_names_regexp_)) , query_indexes(query_indexes_) , lite_output(lite_output_) , profiles_file(profiles_file_) , input_files(input_files_) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("PerformanceTestSuite")) { global_context.getSettingsRef().copyChangesFrom(cmd_settings); if (input_files.size() < 1) throw Exception("No tests were specified", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } int run() { std::string name; UInt64 version_major; UInt64 version_minor; UInt64 version_patch; UInt64 version_revision; connection.getServerVersion(name, version_major, version_minor, version_patch, version_revision); std::stringstream ss; ss << version_major << "." << version_minor << "." << version_patch; server_version = ss.str(); report_builder = std::make_shared(server_version); processTestsConfigurations(input_files); return 0; } private: Connection connection; const Strings & tests_tags; const Strings & tests_names; const Strings & tests_names_regexp; const Strings & skip_tags; const Strings & skip_names; const Strings & skip_names_regexp; std::unordered_map> query_indexes; Context global_context = Context::createGlobal(); std::shared_ptr report_builder; std::string server_version; InterruptListener interrupt_listener; using XMLConfiguration = Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration; using XMLConfigurationPtr = Poco::AutoPtr; bool lite_output; std::string profiles_file; Strings input_files; std::vector tests_configurations; Poco::Logger * log; void processTestsConfigurations(const Strings & paths) { LOG_INFO(log, "Preparing test configurations"); ConfigPreprocessor config_prep(paths); tests_configurations = config_prep.processConfig( tests_tags, tests_names, tests_names_regexp, skip_tags, skip_names, skip_names_regexp); LOG_INFO(log, "Test configurations prepared"); if (tests_configurations.size()) { Strings outputs; for (auto & test_config : tests_configurations) { auto [output, signal] = runTest(test_config); if (!output.empty()) { if (lite_output) std::cout << output; else outputs.push_back(output); } if (signal) break; } if (!lite_output && outputs.size()) { std::cout << "[" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i != outputs.size(); ++i) { std::cout << outputs[i]; if (i != outputs.size() - 1) std::cout << ","; std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } } } std::pair runTest(XMLConfigurationPtr & test_config) { PerformanceTestInfo info(test_config, profiles_file, global_context.getSettingsRef()); LOG_INFO(log, "Config for test '" << info.test_name << "' parsed"); PerformanceTest current(test_config, connection, interrupt_listener, info, global_context, query_indexes[info.path]); if (current.checkPreconditions()) { LOG_INFO(log, "Preconditions for test '" << info.test_name << "' are fullfilled"); LOG_INFO( log, "Preparing for run, have " << info.create_and_fill_queries.size() << " create and fill queries"); current.prepare(); LOG_INFO(log, "Prepared"); LOG_INFO(log, "Running test '" << info.test_name << "'"); auto result = current.execute(); LOG_INFO(log, "Test '" << info.test_name << "' finished"); LOG_INFO(log, "Running post run queries"); current.finish(); LOG_INFO(log, "Postqueries finished"); if (lite_output) return {report_builder->buildCompactReport(info, result, query_indexes[info.path]), current.checkSIGINT()}; else return {report_builder->buildFullReport(info, result, query_indexes[info.path]), current.checkSIGINT()}; } else LOG_INFO(log, "Preconditions for test '" << info.test_name << "' are not fullfilled, skip run"); return {"", current.checkSIGINT()}; } }; } static void getFilesFromDir(const fs::path & dir, std::vector & input_files, const bool recursive = false) { Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("PerformanceTestSuite"); if (dir.extension().string() == ".xml") LOG_WARNING(log, dir.string() + "' is a directory, but has .xml extension"); fs::directory_iterator end; for (fs::directory_iterator it(dir); it != end; ++it) { const fs::path file = (*it); if (recursive && fs::is_directory(file)) getFilesFromDir(file, input_files, recursive); else if (!fs::is_directory(file) && file.extension().string() == ".xml") input_files.push_back(file.string()); } } static std::vector getInputFiles(const po::variables_map & options, Poco::Logger * log) { std::vector input_files; bool recursive = options.count("recursive"); if (!options.count("input-files")) { LOG_INFO(log, "Trying to find test scenario files in the current folder..."); fs::path curr_dir("."); getFilesFromDir(curr_dir, input_files, recursive); if (input_files.empty()) throw DB::Exception("Did not find any xml files", DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); else LOG_INFO(log, "Found " << input_files.size() << " files"); } else { input_files = options["input-files"].as>(); LOG_INFO(log, "Found " + std::to_string(input_files.size()) + " input files"); std::vector collected_files; for (const std::string & filename : input_files) { fs::path file(filename); if (!fs::exists(file)) throw DB::Exception("File '" + filename + "' does not exist", DB::ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST); if (fs::is_directory(file)) { getFilesFromDir(file, collected_files, recursive); } else { if (file.extension().string() != ".xml") throw DB::Exception("File '" + filename + "' does not have .xml extension", DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); collected_files.push_back(filename); } } input_files = std::move(collected_files); } std::sort(input_files.begin(), input_files.end()); return input_files; } std::unordered_map> getTestQueryIndexes(const po::basic_parsed_options & parsed_opts) { std::unordered_map> result; const auto & options = parsed_opts.options; if (options.empty()) return result; for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size() - 1; ++i) { const auto & opt = options[i]; if (opt.string_key == "input-files") { if (options[i + 1].string_key == "query-indexes") { const std::string & test_path = Poco::Path(opt.value[0]).absolute().toString(); for (const auto & query_num_str : options[i + 1].value) { size_t query_num = std::stoul(query_num_str); result[test_path].push_back(query_num); } } } } return result; } int mainEntryClickHousePerformanceTest(int argc, char ** argv) try { using po::value; using Strings = DB::Strings; po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("lite", "use lite version of output") ("profiles-file", value()->default_value(""), "Specify a file with global profiles") ("host,h", value()->default_value("localhost"), "") ("port", value()->default_value(9000), "") ("secure,s", "Use TLS connection") ("database", value()->default_value("default"), "") ("user", value()->default_value("default"), "") ("password", value()->default_value(""), "") ("log-level", value()->default_value("information"), "Set log level") ("tags", value()->multitoken(), "Run only tests with tag") ("skip-tags", value()->multitoken(), "Do not run tests with tag") ("names", value()->multitoken(), "Run tests with specific name") ("skip-names", value()->multitoken(), "Do not run tests with name") ("names-regexp", value()->multitoken(), "Run tests with names matching regexp") ("skip-names-regexp", value()->multitoken(), "Do not run tests with names matching regexp") ("input-files", value()->multitoken(), "Input .xml files") ("query-indexes", value>()->multitoken(), "Input query indexes") ("recursive,r", "Recurse in directories to find all xml's") ; DB::Settings cmd_settings; cmd_settings.addProgramOptions(desc); po::options_description cmdline_options; cmdline_options.add(desc); po::variables_map options; po::basic_parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(cmdline_options).run(); auto queries_with_indexes = getTestQueryIndexes(parsed); po::store(parsed, options); po::notify(options); Poco::AutoPtr formatter(new Poco::PatternFormatter("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S.%F <%p> %s: %t")); Poco::AutoPtr console_chanel(new Poco::ConsoleChannel); Poco::AutoPtr channel(new Poco::FormattingChannel(formatter, console_chanel)); Poco::Logger::root().setLevel(options["log-level"].as()); Poco::Logger::root().setChannel(channel); Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("PerformanceTestSuite"); if (options.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]\n"; std::cout << desc << "\n"; return 0; } Strings input_files = getInputFiles(options, log); Strings tests_tags = options.count("tags") ? options["tags"].as() : Strings({}); Strings skip_tags = options.count("skip-tags") ? options["skip-tags"].as() : Strings({}); Strings tests_names = options.count("names") ? options["names"].as() : Strings({}); Strings skip_names = options.count("skip-names") ? options["skip-names"].as() : Strings({}); Strings tests_names_regexp = options.count("names-regexp") ? options["names-regexp"].as() : Strings({}); Strings skip_names_regexp = options.count("skip-names-regexp") ? options["skip-names-regexp"].as() : Strings({}); auto timeouts = DB::ConnectionTimeouts::getTCPTimeoutsWithoutFailover(DB::Settings()); DB::UseSSL use_ssl; DB::PerformanceTestSuite performance_test_suite( options["host"].as(), options["port"].as(), options.count("secure"), options["database"].as(), options["user"].as(), options["password"].as(), cmd_settings, options.count("lite") > 0, options["profiles-file"].as(), std::move(input_files), std::move(tests_tags), std::move(skip_tags), std::move(tests_names), std::move(skip_names), std::move(tests_names_regexp), std::move(skip_names_regexp), queries_with_indexes, timeouts); return performance_test_suite.run(); } catch (...) { std::cout << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(/*with stacktrace = */ true) << std::endl; int code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return code ? code : 1; }