DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.rollup; CREATE TABLE test.rollup(a String, b Int32, s Int32) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('a', 1, 10); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('a', 1, 15); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('a', 2, 20); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('a', 2, 25); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('b', 1, 10); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('b', 1, 5); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('b', 2, 20); INSERT INTO test.rollup VALUES('b', 2, 15); SELECT a, b, sum(s), count() from test.rollup GROUP BY CUBE(a, b) ORDER BY a, b; SELECT a, b, sum(s), count() from test.rollup GROUP BY CUBE(a, b) WITH TOTALS ORDER BY a, b; SELECT a, b, sum(s), count() from test.rollup GROUP BY a, b WITH CUBE ORDER BY a; SELECT a, b, sum(s), count() from test.rollup GROUP BY a, b WITH CUBE WITH TOTALS ORDER BY a;