-- Tags: no-fasttest -- no-fasttest: json type needs rapidjson library, geo types need s2 geometry SET allow_experimental_object_type = 1; SET allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types=1; SELECT '-- Const string + non-const arbitrary type'; SELECT concat('With ', materialize(42 :: Int8)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(43 :: Int16)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(44 :: Int32)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(45 :: Int64)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(46 :: Int128)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(47 :: Int256)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(48 :: UInt8)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(49 :: UInt16)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(50 :: UInt32)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(51 :: UInt64)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(52 :: UInt128)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(53 :: UInt256)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(42.42 :: Float32)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(43.43 :: Float64)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(44.44 :: Decimal(2))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(true :: Bool)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(false :: Bool)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('foo' :: String)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('bar' :: FixedString(3))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('foo' :: Nullable(String))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('bar' :: Nullable(FixedString(3)))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('foo' :: LowCardinality(String))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('bar' :: LowCardinality(FixedString(3)))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('foo' :: LowCardinality(Nullable(String)))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('bar' :: LowCardinality(Nullable(FixedString(3))))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(42 :: LowCardinality(Nullable(UInt32)))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(42 :: LowCardinality(UInt32))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('fae310ca-d52a-4923-9e9b-02bf67f4b009' :: UUID)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('2023-11-14' :: Date)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('2123-11-14' :: Date32)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('2023-11-14 05:50:12' :: DateTime('Europe/Amsterdam'))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('2023-11-14 05:50:12.123' :: DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Amsterdam'))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('hallo' :: Enum('hallo' = 1))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(['foo', 'bar'] :: Array(String))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('{"foo": "bar"}' :: JSON)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize((42, 'foo') :: Tuple(Int32, String))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize(map(42, 'foo') :: Map(Int32, String))); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('' :: IPv4)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize('2001:0001:130F:0002:0003:09C0:876A:130B' :: IPv6)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize((42, 43) :: Point)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize([(0,0),(10,0),(10,10),(0,10)] :: Ring)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize([[(20, 20), (50, 20), (50, 50), (20, 50)], [(30, 30), (50, 50), (50, 30)]] :: Polygon)); SELECT concat('With ', materialize([[[(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10)]], [[(20, 20), (50, 20), (50, 50), (20, 50)],[(30, 30), (50, 50), (50, 30)]]] :: MultiPolygon)); SELECT '-- SimpleAggregateFunction'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS concat_saf_test; CREATE TABLE concat_saf_test(x SimpleAggregateFunction(max, Int32)) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY tuple(); INSERT INTO concat_saf_test VALUES (42); INSERT INTO concat_saf_test SELECT max(number) FROM numbers(5); SELECT concat('With ', x) FROM concat_saf_test ORDER BY x DESC; DROP TABLE concat_saf_test; SELECT '-- Nested'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS concat_nested_test; CREATE TABLE concat_nested_test(attrs Nested(k String, v String)) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple(); INSERT INTO concat_nested_test VALUES (['foo', 'bar'], ['qaz', 'qux']); SELECT concat('With ', attrs.k, attrs.v) FROM concat_nested_test; DROP TABLE concat_nested_test; SELECT '-- NULL arguments'; SELECT concat(NULL, NULL); SELECT concat(NULL, materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT concat(materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64)), materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT concat(42, materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT concat('42', materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT concat(42, materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64)), materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT concat('42', materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64)), materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT '-- Various arguments tests'; SELECT concat(materialize('Non-const'), materialize(' strings')); SELECT concat('Two arguments ', 'test'); SELECT concat('Three ', 'arguments', ' test'); SELECT concat(materialize(3 :: Int64), ' arguments test', ' with int type'); SELECT concat(materialize(42 :: Int32), materialize(144 :: UInt64)); SELECT concat(materialize(42 :: Int32), materialize(144 :: UInt64), materialize(255 :: UInt32)); SELECT concat(42, 144); SELECT concat(42, 144, 255); SELECT '-- Single argument tests'; SELECT concat(42); SELECT concat(materialize(42)); SELECT concat('foo'); SELECT concat(materialize('foo')); SELECT concat(NULL); SELECT concat(materialize(NULL :: Nullable(UInt64))); SELECT CONCAT('Testing the ', 'alias'); SELECT concat(); -- { serverError TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION }