# This is the configuration file with settings for Potato. # Potato is an internal Yandex technology that allows us to sync internal [Yandex.Tracker](https://yandex.com/tracker/) and GitHub. # For all PRs where documentation is needed, just add a 'pr-feature' label and we will include it into documentation sprints. # The project name. name: clickhouse # Object handlers defines which handlers we use. handlers: # The handler for creating an Yandex.Tracker issue. - name: issue-create params: triggers: # The trigger for creating the Yandex.Tracker issue. When the specified event occurs, it transfers PR data to Yandex.Tracker. github:pullRequest:labeled: data: # The Yandex.Tracker queue to create the issue in. Each issue in Tracker belongs to one of the project queues. queue: CLICKHOUSEDOCS # The issue title. summary: '[Potato] Pull Request #{{pullRequest.number}}' # The issue description. description: > {{pullRequest.description}} Ссылка на Pull Request: {{pullRequest.webUrl}} # The condition for creating the Yandex.Tracker issue. condition: eventPayload.labels.filter(label => ['pr-feature'].includes(label.name)).length