import datetime import os.path as p import time import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import TSV cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) instance = cluster.add_instance('instance', main_configs=['configs/graphite_rollup.xml']) q = instance.query @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() q('CREATE DATABASE test') yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.fixture def graphite_table(started_cluster): q(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.graphite; CREATE TABLE test.graphite (metric String, value Float64, timestamp UInt32, date Date, updated UInt32) ENGINE = GraphiteMergeTree('graphite_rollup') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY (metric, timestamp) SETTINGS index_granularity=8192; ''') yield q('DROP TABLE test.graphite') def test_rollup_versions(graphite_table): timestamp = int(time.time()) rounded_timestamp = timestamp - timestamp % 60 date = # Insert rows with timestamps relative to the current time so that the # first retention clause is active. # Two parts are created. q(''' INSERT INTO test.graphite (metric, value, timestamp, date, updated) VALUES ('one_min.x1', 100, {timestamp}, '{date}', 1); INSERT INTO test.graphite (metric, value, timestamp, date, updated) VALUES ('one_min.x1', 200, {timestamp}, '{date}', 2); '''.format(timestamp=timestamp, date=date)) expected1 = '''\ one_min.x1 100 {timestamp} {date} 1 one_min.x1 200 {timestamp} {date} 2 '''.format(timestamp=timestamp, date=date) assert TSV( q('SELECT * FROM test.graphite ORDER BY updated') ) == TSV(expected1) q('OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite') # After rollup only the row with max version is retained. expected2 = '''\ one_min.x1 200 {timestamp} {date} 2 '''.format(timestamp=rounded_timestamp, date=date) assert TSV(q('SELECT * FROM test.graphite')) == TSV(expected2) def test_rollup_aggregation(graphite_table): # This query essentially emulates what rollup does. result1 = q(''' SELECT avg(v), max(upd) FROM (SELECT timestamp, argMax(value, (updated, number)) AS v, max(updated) AS upd FROM (SELECT 'one_min.x5' AS metric, toFloat64(number) AS value, toUInt32(1111111111 + intDiv(number, 3)) AS timestamp, toDate('2017-02-02') AS date, toUInt32(intDiv(number, 2)) AS updated, number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 1000000) WHERE intDiv(timestamp, 600) * 600 = 1111444200 GROUP BY timestamp) ''') expected1 = '''\ 999634.9918367347 499999 ''' assert TSV(result1) == TSV(expected1) # Timestamp 1111111111 is in sufficiently distant past # so that the last retention clause is active. result2 = q(''' INSERT INTO test.graphite SELECT 'one_min.x' AS metric, toFloat64(number) AS value, toUInt32(1111111111 + intDiv(number, 3)) AS timestamp, toDate('2017-02-02') AS date, toUInt32(intDiv(number, 2)) AS updated FROM (SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 1000000) WHERE intDiv(timestamp, 600) * 600 = 1111444200; OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 201702 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; ''') expected2 = '''\ one_min.x 999634.9918367347 1111444200 2017-02-02 499999 ''' assert TSV(result2) == TSV(expected2) def test_rollup_aggregation_2(graphite_table): result = q(''' INSERT INTO test.graphite SELECT 'one_min.x' AS metric, toFloat64(number) AS value, toUInt32(1111111111 - intDiv(number, 3)) AS timestamp, toDate('2017-02-02') AS date, toUInt32(100 - number) AS updated FROM (SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 50); OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 201702 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; ''') expected = '''\ one_min.x 24 1111110600 2017-02-02 100 ''' assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) def test_multiple_paths_and_versions(graphite_table): result = q(''' INSERT INTO test.graphite SELECT 'one_min.x' AS metric, toFloat64(number) AS value, toUInt32(1111111111 + intDiv(number, 3) * 600) AS timestamp, toDate('2017-02-02') AS date, toUInt32(100 - number) AS updated FROM (SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 50); OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 201702 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; INSERT INTO test.graphite SELECT 'one_min.y' AS metric, toFloat64(number) AS value, toUInt32(1111111111 + number * 600) AS timestamp, toDate('2017-02-02') AS date, toUInt32(100 - number) AS updated FROM (SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 50); OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 201702 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; ''') with open(p.join(p.dirname(__file__), 'test_multiple_paths_and_versions.reference') ) as reference: assert TSV(result) == TSV(reference) def test_multiple_output_blocks(graphite_table): MERGED_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192 to_insert = '' expected = '' for i in range(2 * MERGED_BLOCK_SIZE + 1): rolled_up_time = 1000000200 + 600 * i for j in range(3): cur_time = rolled_up_time + 100 * j to_insert += 'one_min.x1 {} {} 2001-09-09 1\n'.format( 10 * j, cur_time ) to_insert += 'one_min.x1 {} {} 2001-09-09 2\n'.format( 10 * (j + 1), cur_time ) expected += 'one_min.x1 20 {} 2001-09-09 2\n'.format(rolled_up_time) q('INSERT INTO test.graphite FORMAT TSV', to_insert) result = q(''' OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 200109 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; ''') assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) def test_paths_not_matching_any_pattern(graphite_table): to_insert = '''\ one_min.x1 100 1000000000 2001-09-09 1 zzzzzzzz 100 1000000001 2001-09-09 1 zzzzzzzz 200 1000000001 2001-09-09 2 ''' q('INSERT INTO test.graphite FORMAT TSV', to_insert) expected = '''\ one_min.x1 100 999999600 2001-09-09 1 zzzzzzzz 200 1000000001 2001-09-09 2 ''' result = q(''' OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 200109 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; ''') assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) def test_system_graphite_retentions(graphite_table): expected = ''' graphite_rollup \\\\.count$ sum 0 0 1 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup \\\\.max$ max 0 0 2 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup ^five_min\\\\. 31536000 14400 3 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup ^five_min\\\\. 5184000 3600 3 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup ^five_min\\\\. 0 300 3 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup ^one_min avg 31536000 600 4 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup ^one_min avg 7776000 300 4 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] graphite_rollup ^one_min avg 0 60 4 0 ['test'] ['graphite'] ''' result = q('SELECT * from system.graphite_retentions') assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) q(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.graphite2; CREATE TABLE test.graphite2 (metric String, value Float64, timestamp UInt32, date Date, updated UInt32) ENGINE = GraphiteMergeTree('graphite_rollup') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY (metric, timestamp) SETTINGS index_granularity=8192; ''') expected = ''' graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] graphite_rollup ['test','test'] ['graphite','graphite2'] ''' result = q(''' SELECT config_name, Tables.database, Tables.table FROM system.graphite_retentions ''') assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) def test_path_dangling_pointer(graphite_table): q(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.graphite2; CREATE TABLE test.graphite2 (metric String, value Float64, timestamp UInt32, date Date, updated UInt32) ENGINE = GraphiteMergeTree('graphite_rollup') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY (metric, timestamp) SETTINGS index_granularity=1; ''') path = 'abcd' * 4000000 # 16MB q('INSERT INTO test.graphite2 FORMAT TSV', "{}\t0.0\t0\t2018-01-01\t100\n".format(path)) q('INSERT INTO test.graphite2 FORMAT TSV', "{}\t0.0\t0\t2018-01-01\t101\n".format(path)) for version in range(10): q('INSERT INTO test.graphite2 FORMAT TSV', "{}\t0.0\t0\t2018-01-01\t{}\n".format(path, version)) while True: q('OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite2 PARTITION 201801 FINAL') parts = int(q("SELECT count() FROM " "WHERE active AND database='test' " "AND table='graphite2'")) if parts == 1: break print(('Parts', parts)) assert TSV( q("SELECT value, timestamp, date, updated FROM test.graphite2") ) == TSV("0\t0\t2018-01-01\t101\n") q('DROP TABLE test.graphite2') def test_combined_rules(graphite_table): # 1487970000 ~ Sat 25 Feb 00:00:00 MSK 2017 to_insert = 'INSERT INTO test.graphite VALUES ' expected_unmerged = '' for i in range(384): to_insert += "('five_min.count', {v}, {t}, toDate({t}), 1), ".format( v=1, t=1487970000 + (i * 300) ) to_insert += "('five_min.max', {v}, {t}, toDate({t}), 1), ".format( v=i, t=1487970000 + (i * 300) ) expected_unmerged += ("five_min.count\t{v1}\t{t}\n" "five_min.max\t{v2}\t{t}\n").format( v1=1, v2=i, t=1487970000 + (i * 300) ) q(to_insert) assert TSV(q('SELECT metric, value, timestamp FROM test.graphite' ' ORDER BY (timestamp, metric)')) == TSV(expected_unmerged) q('OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 201702 FINAL') expected_merged = ''' five_min.count 48 1487970000 2017-02-25 1 five_min.count 48 1487984400 2017-02-25 1 five_min.count 48 1487998800 2017-02-25 1 five_min.count 48 1488013200 2017-02-25 1 five_min.count 48 1488027600 2017-02-25 1 five_min.count 48 1488042000 2017-02-25 1 five_min.count 48 1488056400 2017-02-26 1 five_min.count 48 1488070800 2017-02-26 1 five_min.max 47 1487970000 2017-02-25 1 five_min.max 95 1487984400 2017-02-25 1 five_min.max 143 1487998800 2017-02-25 1 five_min.max 191 1488013200 2017-02-25 1 five_min.max 239 1488027600 2017-02-25 1 five_min.max 287 1488042000 2017-02-25 1 five_min.max 335 1488056400 2017-02-26 1 five_min.max 383 1488070800 2017-02-26 1 ''' assert TSV(q('SELECT * FROM test.graphite' ' ORDER BY (metric, timestamp)')) == TSV(expected_merged) def test_combined_rules_with_default(graphite_table): q(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.graphite; CREATE TABLE test.graphite (metric String, value Float64, timestamp UInt32, date Date, updated UInt32) ENGINE = GraphiteMergeTree('graphite_rollup_with_default') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY (metric, timestamp) SETTINGS index_granularity=1; ''') # 1487970000 ~ Sat 25 Feb 00:00:00 MSK 2017 to_insert = 'INSERT INTO test.graphite VALUES ' expected_unmerged = '' for i in range(100): to_insert += "('top_level.count', {v}, {t}, toDate({t}), 1), ".format( v=1, t=1487970000 + (i * 60) ) to_insert += "('top_level.max', {v}, {t}, toDate({t}), 1), ".format( v=i, t=1487970000 + (i * 60) ) expected_unmerged += ("top_level.count\t{v1}\t{t}\n" "top_level.max\t{v2}\t{t}\n").format( v1=1, v2=i, t=1487970000 + (i * 60) ) q(to_insert) assert TSV(q('SELECT metric, value, timestamp FROM test.graphite' ' ORDER BY (timestamp, metric)')) == TSV(expected_unmerged) q('OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 201702 FINAL') expected_merged = ''' top_level.count 10 1487970000 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487970600 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487971200 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487971800 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487972400 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487973000 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487973600 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487974200 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487974800 2017-02-25 1 top_level.count 10 1487975400 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 9 1487970000 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 19 1487970600 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 29 1487971200 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 39 1487971800 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 49 1487972400 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 59 1487973000 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 69 1487973600 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 79 1487974200 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 89 1487974800 2017-02-25 1 top_level.max 99 1487975400 2017-02-25 1 ''' assert TSV(q('SELECT * FROM test.graphite' ' ORDER BY (metric, timestamp)')) == TSV(expected_merged) def test_broken_partial_rollup(graphite_table): q(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.graphite; CREATE TABLE test.graphite (metric String, value Float64, timestamp UInt32, date Date, updated UInt32) ENGINE = GraphiteMergeTree('graphite_rollup_broken') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY (metric, timestamp) SETTINGS index_granularity=1; ''') to_insert = '''\ one_min.x1 100 1000000000 2001-09-09 1 zzzzzzzz 100 1000000001 2001-09-09 1 zzzzzzzz 200 1000000001 2001-09-09 2 ''' q('INSERT INTO test.graphite FORMAT TSV', to_insert) expected = '''\ one_min.x1 100 1000000000 2001-09-09 1 zzzzzzzz 200 1000000001 2001-09-09 2 ''' result = q(''' OPTIMIZE TABLE test.graphite PARTITION 200109 FINAL; SELECT * FROM test.graphite; ''') assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected)