#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int TOO_MANY_SIMULTANEOUS_QUERIES; extern const int QUERY_WITH_SAME_ID_IS_ALREADY_RUNNING; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } /// Should we execute the query even if max_concurrent_queries limit is exhausted static bool isUnlimitedQuery(const IAST * ast) { if (!ast) return false; /// It is KILL QUERY if (typeid_cast(ast)) return true; /// It is SELECT FROM system.processes if (auto ast_selects = typeid_cast(ast)) { if (!ast_selects->list_of_selects || ast_selects->list_of_selects->children.empty()) return false; auto ast_select = typeid_cast(ast_selects->list_of_selects->children[0].get()); if (!ast_select) return false; auto ast_database = ast_select->database(); if (!ast_database) return false; auto ast_table = ast_select->table(); if (!ast_table) return false; auto ast_database_id = typeid_cast(ast_database.get()); if (!ast_database_id) return false; auto ast_table_id = typeid_cast(ast_table.get()); if (!ast_table_id) return false; return ast_database_id->name == "system" && ast_table_id->name == "processes"; } return false; } ProcessList::EntryPtr ProcessList::insert( const String & query_, const IAST * ast, const ClientInfo & client_info, const Settings & settings) { EntryPtr res; if (client_info.current_query_id.empty()) throw Exception("Query id cannot be empty", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); bool is_unlimited_query = isUnlimitedQuery(ast); { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); if (!is_unlimited_query && max_size && cur_size >= max_size) { auto max_wait_ms = settings.queue_max_wait_ms.totalMilliseconds(); if (!max_wait_ms || !have_space.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(max_wait_ms), [&]{ return cur_size < max_size; })) throw Exception("Too many simultaneous queries. Maximum: " + toString(max_size), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_SIMULTANEOUS_QUERIES); } /** Why we use current user? * Because initial one is passed by client and credentials for it is not verified, * and using initial_user for limits will be insecure. * * Why we use current_query_id? * Because we want to allow distributed queries that will run multiple secondary queries on same server, * like SELECT count() FROM remote('127.0.0.{1,2}', system.numbers) * so they must have different query_ids. */ { auto user_process_list = user_to_queries.find(client_info.current_user); if (user_process_list != user_to_queries.end()) { if (!is_unlimited_query && settings.max_concurrent_queries_for_user && user_process_list->second.queries.size() >= settings.max_concurrent_queries_for_user) throw Exception("Too many simultaneous queries for user " + client_info.current_user + ". Current: " + toString(user_process_list->second.queries.size()) + ", maximum: " + settings.max_concurrent_queries_for_user.toString(), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_SIMULTANEOUS_QUERIES); auto range = user_process_list->second.queries.equal_range(client_info.current_query_id); if (range.first != range.second) { if (!settings.replace_running_query) throw Exception("Query with id = " + client_info.current_query_id + " is already running.", ErrorCodes::QUERY_WITH_SAME_ID_IS_ALREADY_RUNNING); /// Ask queries to cancel. They will check this flag. for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) it->second->is_killed.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); } } } ++cur_size; res = std::make_shared(*this, cont.emplace(cont.end(), query_, client_info, settings.max_memory_usage, settings.memory_tracker_fault_probability, priorities.insert(settings.priority))); ProcessListForUser & user_process_list = user_to_queries[client_info.current_user]; user_process_list.queries.emplace(client_info.current_query_id, &res->get()); if (current_memory_tracker) { /// Limits are only raised (to be more relaxed) or set to something instead of zero, /// because settings for different queries will interfere each other: /// setting from one query effectively sets values for all other queries. /// Track memory usage for all simultaneously running queries from single user. user_process_list.user_memory_tracker.setOrRaiseLimit(settings.max_memory_usage_for_user); user_process_list.user_memory_tracker.setDescription("(for user)"); current_memory_tracker->setNext(&user_process_list.user_memory_tracker); /// Track memory usage for all simultaneously running queries. /// You should specify this value in configuration for default profile, /// not for specific users, sessions or queries, /// because this setting is effectively global. total_memory_tracker.setOrRaiseLimit(settings.max_memory_usage_for_all_queries); total_memory_tracker.setDescription("(total)"); user_process_list.user_memory_tracker.setNext(&total_memory_tracker); } if (!total_network_throttler && settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users) { total_network_throttler = std::make_shared(settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users); } if (!user_process_list.user_throttler) { if (settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_user) user_process_list.user_throttler = std::make_shared(settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_user, total_network_throttler); else if (settings.max_network_bandwidth_for_all_users) user_process_list.user_throttler = total_network_throttler; } res->get().user_process_list = &user_process_list; } return res; } ProcessListEntry::~ProcessListEntry() { /// Destroy all streams to avoid long lock of ProcessList it->releaseQueryStreams(); std::lock_guard lock(parent.mutex); String user = it->getClientInfo().current_user; String query_id = it->getClientInfo().current_query_id; const ProcessListElement * process_list_element_ptr = &*it; /// This removes the memory_tracker of one query. parent.cont.erase(it); auto user_process_list_it = parent.user_to_queries.find(user); if (user_process_list_it == parent.user_to_queries.end()) { LOG_ERROR(&Logger::get("ProcessList"), "Logical error: cannot find user in ProcessList"); std::terminate(); } ProcessListForUser & user_process_list = user_process_list_it->second; bool found = false; auto range = user_process_list.queries.equal_range(query_id); if (range.first != range.second) { for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) { if (it->second == process_list_element_ptr) { user_process_list.queries.erase(it); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { LOG_ERROR(&Logger::get("ProcessList"), "Logical error: cannot find query by query_id and pointer to ProcessListElement in ProcessListForUser"); std::terminate(); } /// If there are no more queries for the user, then we will reset memory tracker and network throttler. if (user_process_list.queries.empty()) user_process_list.reset(); --parent.cur_size; parent.have_space.notify_one(); /// This removes memory_tracker for all requests. At this time, no other memory_trackers live. if (parent.cur_size == 0) { /// Reset MemoryTracker, similarly (see above). parent.total_memory_tracker.logPeakMemoryUsage(); parent.total_memory_tracker.reset(); parent.total_network_throttler.reset(); } } void ProcessListElement::setQueryStreams(const BlockIO & io) { std::lock_guard lock(query_streams_mutex); query_stream_in = io.in; query_stream_out = io.out; query_streams_status = QueryStreamsStatus::Initialized; } void ProcessListElement::releaseQueryStreams() { BlockInputStreamPtr in; BlockOutputStreamPtr out; { std::lock_guard lock(query_streams_mutex); query_streams_status = QueryStreamsStatus::Released; in = std::move(query_stream_in); out = std::move(query_stream_out); } /// Destroy streams outside the mutex lock } bool ProcessListElement::streamsAreReleased() { std::lock_guard lock(query_streams_mutex); return query_streams_status == QueryStreamsStatus::Released; } bool ProcessListElement::tryGetQueryStreams(BlockInputStreamPtr & in, BlockOutputStreamPtr & out) const { std::lock_guard lock(query_streams_mutex); if (query_streams_status != QueryStreamsStatus::Initialized) return false; in = query_stream_in; out = query_stream_out; return true; } ThrottlerPtr ProcessListElement::getUserNetworkThrottler() { if (!user_process_list) return {}; return user_process_list->user_throttler; } ProcessListElement * ProcessList::tryGetProcessListElement(const String & current_query_id, const String & current_user) { auto user_it = user_to_queries.find(current_user); if (user_it != user_to_queries.end()) { const auto & user_queries = user_it->second.queries; auto query_it = user_queries.find(current_query_id); if (query_it != user_queries.end()) return query_it->second; } return nullptr; } ProcessList::CancellationCode ProcessList::sendCancelToQuery(const String & current_query_id, const String & current_user, bool kill) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); ProcessListElement * elem = tryGetProcessListElement(current_query_id, current_user); if (!elem) return CancellationCode::NotFound; /// Streams are destroyed, and ProcessListElement will be deleted from ProcessList soon. We need wait a little bit if (elem->streamsAreReleased()) return CancellationCode::CancelSent; BlockInputStreamPtr input_stream; BlockOutputStreamPtr output_stream; if (elem->tryGetQueryStreams(input_stream, output_stream)) { IProfilingBlockInputStream * input_stream_casted; if (input_stream && (input_stream_casted = dynamic_cast(input_stream.get()))) { input_stream_casted->cancel(kill); return CancellationCode::CancelSent; } return CancellationCode::CancelCannotBeSent; } return CancellationCode::QueryIsNotInitializedYet; } }