SELECT toTimeZone(N, \'UTC\') Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument of function toTimeZone. Should be DateTime or DateTime64. "DateTime('UTC')","2019-09-16 16:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'UTC')","2019-09-16 16:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toYear(N) "UInt16",2019 "UInt16",2019 "UInt16",2019 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toQuarter(N) "UInt8",3 "UInt8",3 "UInt8",3 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toMonth(N) "UInt8",9 "UInt8",9 "UInt8",9 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toDayOfYear(N) "UInt16",259 "UInt16",259 "UInt16",259 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toDayOfMonth(N) "UInt8",16 "UInt8",16 "UInt8",16 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toDayOfWeek(N) "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toHour(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toHour. "UInt8",19 "UInt8",19 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toMinute(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toMinute. "UInt8",20 "UInt8",20 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toSecond(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toSecond. "UInt8",11 "UInt8",11 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUnixTimestamp(N) "UInt32",18155 "UInt32",1568650811 "UInt32",1568650811 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfYear(N) "Date","2019-01-01" "Date","2019-01-01" "Date","2019-01-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfISOYear(N) "Date","2018-12-31" "Date","2018-12-31" "Date","2018-12-31" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfQuarter(N) "Date","2019-07-01" "Date","2019-07-01" "Date","2019-07-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfMonth(N) "Date","2019-09-01" "Date","2019-09-01" "Date","2019-09-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toMonday(N) "Date","2019-09-16" "Date","2019-09-16" "Date","2019-09-16" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfWeek(N) "Date","2019-09-15" "Date","2019-09-15" "Date","2019-09-15" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfDay(N) "DateTime","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfHour(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfHour. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:00:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfMinute(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfMinute. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfFiveMinute(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfFiveMinute. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfTenMinutes(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfTenMinutes. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfFifteenMinutes(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfFifteenMinutes. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:15:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:15:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfInterval(N, INTERVAL 1 year) "Date","2019-01-01" "Date","2019-01-01" "Date","2019-01-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfInterval(N, INTERVAL 1 month) "Date","2019-09-01" "Date","2019-09-01" "Date","2019-09-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfInterval(N, INTERVAL 1 day) "DateTime","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toStartOfInterval(N, INTERVAL 15 minute) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toStartOfInterval. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:15:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:15:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT date_trunc(\'year\', N) "Date","2019-01-01" "Date","2019-01-01" "Date","2019-01-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT date_trunc(\'month\', N) "Date","2019-09-01" "Date","2019-09-01" "Date","2019-09-01" ------------------------------------------ SELECT date_trunc(\'day\', N) "DateTime","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT date_trunc(\'minute\', N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function date_trunc. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toTime(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function toTime. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","1970-01-02 19:20:11" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","1970-01-02 19:20:11" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeYearNum(N) "UInt16",2019 "UInt16",2019 "UInt16",2019 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeQuarterNum(N) "UInt32",8078 "UInt32",8078 "UInt32",8078 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeMonthNum(N) "UInt32",24237 "UInt32",24237 "UInt32",24237 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeWeekNum(N) "UInt32",2594 "UInt32",2594 "UInt32",2594 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeDayNum(N) "UInt32",18155 "UInt32",18155 "UInt32",18155 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeHourNum(N) "UInt32",435717 "UInt32",435736 "UInt32",435736 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeMinuteNum(N) "UInt32",26143020 "UInt32",26144180 "UInt32",26144180 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toRelativeSecondNum(N) "UInt32",1568581200 "UInt32",1568650811 "UInt32",1568650811 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toISOYear(N) "UInt16",2019 "UInt16",2019 "UInt16",2019 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toISOWeek(N) "UInt8",38 "UInt8",38 "UInt8",38 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toWeek(N) "UInt8",37 "UInt8",37 "UInt8",37 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toYearWeek(N) "UInt32",201937 "UInt32",201937 "UInt32",201937 ------------------------------------------ SELECT timeSlot(N) Code: 43: Illegal type Date of argument for function timeSlot. "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:00:00" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toYYYYMM(N) "UInt32",201909 "UInt32",201909 "UInt32",201909 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toYYYYMMDD(N) "UInt32",20190916 "UInt32",20190916 "UInt32",20190916 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toYYYYMMDDhhmmss(N) "UInt64",20190916000000 "UInt64",20190916192011 "UInt64",20190916192011 ------------------------------------------ SELECT addYears(N, 1) "Date","2020-09-16" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2020-09-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2020-09-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addMonths(N, 1) "Date","2019-10-16" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-10-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-10-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addWeeks(N, 1) "Date","2019-09-23" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-23 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-23 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addDays(N, 1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-17 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-17 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addHours(N, 1) "DateTime","2019-09-16 01:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 20:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 20:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addMinutes(N, 1) "DateTime","2019-09-16 00:01:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:21:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:21:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addSeconds(N, 1) "DateTime","2019-09-16 00:00:01" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT addQuarters(N, 1) "Date","2019-12-16" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-12-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-12-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractYears(N, 1) "Date","2018-09-16" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2018-09-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2018-09-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractMonths(N, 1) "Date","2019-08-16" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-08-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-08-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractWeeks(N, 1) "Date","2019-09-09" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-09 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-09 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractDays(N, 1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-15 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-15 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractHours(N, 1) "DateTime","2019-09-15 23:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 18:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 18:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractMinutes(N, 1) "DateTime","2019-09-15 23:59:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:19:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:19:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractSeconds(N, 1) "DateTime","2019-09-15 23:59:59" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT subtractQuarters(N, 1) "Date","2019-06-16" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-06-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-06-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as DateTime(\'Europe/Minsk\')) "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11" ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as Date) "Date","2019-09-16" "Date","2019-09-16" "Date","2019-09-16" ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as UInt64) "UInt64",18155 "UInt64",1568650811 "UInt64",1568650811 ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as DateTime64(0, \'Europe/Minsk\')) "DateTime64(0, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00" "DateTime64(0, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11" "DateTime64(0, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11" ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as DateTime64(3, \'Europe/Minsk\')) "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00.000" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11.000" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as DateTime64(6, \'Europe/Minsk\')) "DateTime64(6, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00.000000" "DateTime64(6, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11.000000" "DateTime64(6, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11.234000" ------------------------------------------ SELECT CAST(N as DateTime64(9, \'Europe/Minsk\')) "DateTime64(9, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 00:00:00.000000000" "DateTime64(9, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11.000000000" "DateTime64(9, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:11.234000000" ------------------------------------------ SELECT formatDateTime(N, \'%C %d %D %e %F %H %I %j %m %M %p %R %S %T %u %V %w %y %Y %%\') "String","20 16 09/16/19 16 2019-09-16 00 12 259 09 00 AM 00:00 00 00:00:00 1 38 1 19 2019 %" "String","20 16 09/16/19 16 2019-09-16 19 07 259 09 20 PM 19:20 11 19:20:11 1 38 1 19 2019 %" "String","20 16 09/16/19 16 2019-09-16 19 07 259 09 20 PM 19:20 11 19:20:11 1 38 1 19 2019 %" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - N "Int32",0 "Int32",0 Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + N Code: 43: Illegal types Date and Date of arguments of function plus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime('Europe/Minsk') and DateTime('Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function plus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function plus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - DT Code: 43: Illegal types Date and DateTime('Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. "Int32",0 Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and DateTime('Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT - N Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime('Europe/Minsk') and Date of arguments of function minus. "Int32",0 Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime('Europe/Minsk') and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - D "Int32",0 Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime('Europe/Minsk') and Date of arguments of function minus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and Date of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT D - N "Int32",0 Code: 43: Illegal types Date and DateTime('Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. Code: 43: Illegal types Date and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - DT64 Code: 43: Illegal types Date and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime('Europe/Minsk') and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 - N Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and Date of arguments of function minus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and DateTime('Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. Code: 43: Illegal types DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') and DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk') of arguments of function minus. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != DT "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT != N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != D "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT D != N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != DT64 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 != N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == DT "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT == N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == D "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT D == N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == DT64 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 == N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < DT "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT < N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < D "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT D < N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < DT64 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 < N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= DT "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT <= N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= D "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT D <= N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= DT64 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 <= N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > DT "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT > N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > D "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT D > N "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > DT64 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 > N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= DT "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT >= N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= D "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT D >= N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= DT64 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT DT64 >= N "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toUInt8(1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) + N "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toInt8(-1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) + N "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toUInt16(1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) + N "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toInt16(-1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) + N "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toUInt32(1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) + N "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toInt32(-1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) + N "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toUInt64(1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) + N "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N + toInt64(-1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) + N "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toUInt8(1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toInt8(-1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toUInt16(1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toInt16(-1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toUInt32(1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toInt32(-1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toUInt64(1) "Date","2019-09-15" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:10.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N - toInt64(-1) "Date","2019-09-17" "DateTime('Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12" "DateTime64(3, 'Europe/Minsk')","2019-09-16 19:20:12.234" ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) - N Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. Code: 43: Wrong order of arguments for function minus: argument of type Interval cannot be first.. ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toUInt8(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt8) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt8, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toInt8(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int8) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int8, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toUInt16(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt16) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt16, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toInt16(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int16) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int16, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toUInt32(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt32) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt32, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toInt32(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int32) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int32, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toUInt64(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt64) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt64, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N == toInt64(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int64) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) == N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int64, Date) of function equals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toUInt8(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt8) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt8, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toInt8(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int8) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int8, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toUInt16(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt16) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt16, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toInt16(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int16) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int16, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toUInt32(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt32) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt32, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toInt32(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int32) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int32, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toUInt64(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt64) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt64, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N != toInt64(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int64) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) != N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int64, Date) of function notEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toUInt8(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt8) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt8, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toInt8(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int8) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int8, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toUInt16(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt16) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt16, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toInt16(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int16) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int16, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toUInt32(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt32) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt32, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toInt32(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int32) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int32, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toUInt64(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt64) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt64, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N < toInt64(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int64) of function less. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) < N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int64, Date) of function less. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toUInt8(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt8) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt8, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toInt8(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int8) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int8, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toUInt16(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt16) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt16, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toInt16(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int16) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int16, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toUInt32(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt32) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt32, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toInt32(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int32) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int32, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toUInt64(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt64) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt64, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N <= toInt64(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int64) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) <= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int64, Date) of function lessOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toUInt8(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt8) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt8, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toInt8(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int8) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int8, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toUInt16(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt16) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt16, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toInt16(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int16) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int16, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toUInt32(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt32) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt32, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toInt32(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int32) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int32, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toUInt64(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt64) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt64, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N > toInt64(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int64) of function greater. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) > N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int64, Date) of function greater. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toUInt8(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt8) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt8(1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt8, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toInt8(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int8) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt8(-1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int8, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toUInt16(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt16) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt16(1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt16, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toInt16(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int16) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt16(-1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int16, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toUInt32(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt32) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt32(1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt32, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toInt32(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int32) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt32(-1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int32, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toUInt64(1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, UInt64) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toUInt64(1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (UInt64, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------ SELECT N >= toInt64(-1) Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Date, Int64) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",1 "UInt8",1 ------------------------------------------ SELECT toInt64(-1) >= N Code: 43: Illegal types of arguments (Int64, Date) of function greaterOrEquals. "UInt8",0 "UInt8",0 ------------------------------------------