if(ARCH_AMD64 OR ARCH_AARCH64 OR ARCH_PPC64LE OR ARCH_S390X) option (ENABLE_BASE64 "Enable base64" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) elseif(ENABLE_BASE64) message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "base64 library is only supported on x86_64 and aarch64") endif() if (NOT ENABLE_BASE64) message(STATUS "Not using base64") return() endif() SET(LIBRARY_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/base64") add_library(_base64_scalar OBJECT "${LIBRARY_DIR}/turbob64c.c" "${LIBRARY_DIR}/turbob64d.c") add_library(_base64_ssse3 OBJECT "${LIBRARY_DIR}/turbob64sse.c") # This file also contains code for ARM NEON if (ARCH_AMD64) add_library(_base64_avx OBJECT "${LIBRARY_DIR}/turbob64sse.c") # This is not a mistake. One file is compiled twice. add_library(_base64_avx2 OBJECT "${LIBRARY_DIR}/turbob64avx2.c") endif () target_compile_options(_base64_scalar PRIVATE -falign-loops) if (ARCH_AMD64) target_compile_options(_base64_ssse3 PRIVATE -mno-avx -mno-avx2 -mssse3 -falign-loops) target_compile_options(_base64_avx PRIVATE -falign-loops -mavx) target_compile_options(_base64_avx2 PRIVATE -falign-loops -mavx2) else () if (ARCH_PPC64LE) target_compile_options(_base64_ssse3 PRIVATE -D__SSSE3__ -falign-loops) else() target_compile_options(_base64_ssse3 PRIVATE -falign-loops) endif() endif () if (ARCH_AMD64) add_library(_base64 $ $ $ $) else () add_library(_base64 $ $) endif () target_include_directories(_base64 SYSTEM PUBLIC ${LIBRARY_DIR}) if (XCODE OR XCODE_VERSION) # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/17457 # Some native build systems may not like targets that have only object files, so consider adding at least one real source file # This applies to Xcode. if (NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dummy.c") file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dummy.c" "") endif () target_sources(_base64 PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/dummy.c") endif () add_library(ch_contrib::base64 ALIAS _base64)