#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #if __SSE4_1__ #include #endif namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER; } /** Варианты поиска подстроки в строке. * В большинстве случаев, менее производительные, чем Volnitsky (см. Volnitsky.h). */ struct StringSearcherBase { #if defined(__x86_64__) static constexpr auto n = sizeof(__m128i); const int page_size = getpagesize(); bool page_safe(const void * const ptr) const { return ((page_size - 1) & reinterpret_cast(ptr)) <= page_size - n; } #endif }; /// Performs case-sensitive and case-insensitive search of UTF-8 strings template class StringSearcher; /// Case-insensitive UTF-8 searcher template <> class StringSearcher : private StringSearcherBase { private: using UTF8SequenceBuffer = UInt8[6]; /// string to be searched for const UInt8 * const needle; const std::size_t needle_size; const UInt8 * const needle_end = needle + needle_size; /// lower and uppercase variants of the first octet of the first character in `needle` bool first_needle_symbol_is_ascii{}; UInt8 l{}; UInt8 u{}; #if __SSE4_1__ /// vectors filled with `l` and `u`, for determining leftmost position of the first symbol __m128i patl, patu; /// lower and uppercase vectors of first 16 characters of `needle` __m128i cachel = _mm_setzero_si128(), cacheu = _mm_setzero_si128(); int cachemask{}; std::size_t cache_valid_len{}; std::size_t cache_actual_len{}; #endif public: StringSearcher(const char * const needle_, const std::size_t needle_size) : needle{reinterpret_cast(needle_)}, needle_size{needle_size} { if (0 == needle_size) return; static const Poco::UTF8Encoding utf8; UTF8SequenceBuffer l_seq, u_seq; if (*needle < 0x80u) { first_needle_symbol_is_ascii = true; l = static_cast(std::tolower(*needle)); u = static_cast(std::toupper(*needle)); } else { const auto first_u32 = utf8.convert(needle); const auto first_l_u32 = Poco::Unicode::toLower(first_u32); const auto first_u_u32 = Poco::Unicode::toUpper(first_u32); /// lower and uppercase variants of the first octet of the first character in `needle` utf8.convert(first_l_u32, l_seq, sizeof(l_seq)); l = l_seq[0]; utf8.convert(first_u_u32, u_seq, sizeof(u_seq)); u = u_seq[0]; } #if __SSE4_1__ /// for detecting leftmost position of the first symbol patl = _mm_set1_epi8(l); patu = _mm_set1_epi8(u); /// lower and uppercase vectors of first 16 octets of `needle` auto needle_pos = needle; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n;) { if (needle_pos == needle_end) { cachel = _mm_srli_si128(cachel, 1); cacheu = _mm_srli_si128(cacheu, 1); ++i; continue; } const auto src_len = DB::UTF8::seqLength(*needle_pos); const auto c_u32 = utf8.convert(needle_pos); const auto c_l_u32 = Poco::Unicode::toLower(c_u32); const auto c_u_u32 = Poco::Unicode::toUpper(c_u32); const auto dst_l_len = static_cast(utf8.convert(c_l_u32, l_seq, sizeof(l_seq))); const auto dst_u_len = static_cast(utf8.convert(c_u_u32, u_seq, sizeof(u_seq))); /// @note Unicode standard states it is a rare but possible occasion if (!(dst_l_len == dst_u_len && dst_u_len == src_len)) throw DB::Exception{ "UTF8 sequences with different lowercase and uppercase lengths are not supported", DB::ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER }; cache_actual_len += src_len; if (cache_actual_len < n) cache_valid_len += src_len; for (std::size_t j = 0; j < src_len && i < n; ++j, ++i) { cachel = _mm_srli_si128(cachel, 1); cacheu = _mm_srli_si128(cacheu, 1); if (needle_pos != needle_end) { cachel = _mm_insert_epi8(cachel, l_seq[j], n - 1); cacheu = _mm_insert_epi8(cacheu, u_seq[j], n - 1); cachemask |= 1 << i; ++needle_pos; } } } #endif } bool compare(const UInt8 * pos) const { static const Poco::UTF8Encoding utf8; #if __SSE4_1__ if (page_safe(pos)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(pos)); const auto v_against_l = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cachel); const auto v_against_u = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cacheu); const auto v_against_l_or_u = _mm_or_si128(v_against_l, v_against_u); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_l_or_u); if (0xffff == cachemask) { if (mask == cachemask) { pos += cache_valid_len; auto needle_pos = needle + cache_valid_len; while (needle_pos < needle_end && Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(pos)) == Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(needle_pos))) { /// @note assuming sequences for lowercase and uppercase have exact same length const auto len = DB::UTF8::seqLength(*pos); pos += len, needle_pos += len; } if (needle_pos == needle_end) return true; } } else if ((mask & cachemask) == cachemask) return true; return false; } #endif if (*pos == l || *pos == u) { pos += first_needle_symbol_is_ascii; auto needle_pos = needle + first_needle_symbol_is_ascii; while (needle_pos < needle_end && Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(pos)) == Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(needle_pos))) { const auto len = DB::UTF8::seqLength(*pos); pos += len, needle_pos += len; } if (needle_pos == needle_end) return true; } return false; } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const UInt8 * const haystack_end) const { if (0 == needle_size) return haystack; static const Poco::UTF8Encoding utf8; while (haystack < haystack_end) { #if __SSE4_1__ if (haystack + n <= haystack_end && page_safe(haystack)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(haystack)); const auto v_against_l = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, patl); const auto v_against_u = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, patu); const auto v_against_l_or_u = _mm_or_si128(v_against_l, v_against_u); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_l_or_u); if (mask == 0) { haystack += n; DB::UTF8::syncForward(haystack, haystack_end); continue; } const auto offset = __builtin_ctz(mask); haystack += offset; if (haystack < haystack_end && haystack + n <= haystack_end && page_safe(haystack)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(haystack)); const auto v_against_l = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cachel); const auto v_against_u = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cacheu); const auto v_against_l_or_u = _mm_or_si128(v_against_l, v_against_u); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_l_or_u); if (0xffff == cachemask) { if (mask == cachemask) { auto haystack_pos = haystack + cache_valid_len; auto needle_pos = needle + cache_valid_len; while (haystack_pos < haystack_end && needle_pos < needle_end && Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(haystack_pos)) == Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(needle_pos))) { /// @note assuming sequences for lowercase and uppercase have exact same length const auto len = DB::UTF8::seqLength(*haystack_pos); haystack_pos += len, needle_pos += len; } if (needle_pos == needle_end) return haystack; } } else if ((mask & cachemask) == cachemask) return haystack; /// first octet was ok, but not the first 16, move to start of next sequence and reapply haystack += DB::UTF8::seqLength(*haystack); continue; } } #endif if (haystack == haystack_end) return haystack_end; if (*haystack == l || *haystack == u) { auto haystack_pos = haystack + first_needle_symbol_is_ascii; auto needle_pos = needle + first_needle_symbol_is_ascii; while (haystack_pos < haystack_end && needle_pos < needle_end && Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(haystack_pos)) == Poco::Unicode::toLower(utf8.convert(needle_pos))) { const auto len = DB::UTF8::seqLength(*haystack_pos); haystack_pos += len, needle_pos += len; } if (needle_pos == needle_end) return haystack; } /// advance to the start of the next sequence haystack += DB::UTF8::seqLength(*haystack); } return haystack_end; } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const size_t haystack_size) const { return search(haystack, haystack + haystack_size); } }; /// Case-insensitive ASCII searcher template <> class StringSearcher : private StringSearcherBase { private: /// string to be searched for const UInt8 * const needle; const std::size_t needle_size; const UInt8 * const needle_end = needle + needle_size; /// lower and uppercase variants of the first character in `needle` UInt8 l{}; UInt8 u{}; #if __SSE4_1__ /// vectors filled with `l` and `u`, for determining leftmost position of the first symbol __m128i patl, patu; /// lower and uppercase vectors of first 16 characters of `needle` __m128i cachel = _mm_setzero_si128(), cacheu = _mm_setzero_si128(); int cachemask{}; #endif public: StringSearcher(const char * const needle_, const std::size_t needle_size) : needle{reinterpret_cast(needle_)}, needle_size{needle_size} { if (0 == needle_size) return; l = static_cast(std::tolower(*needle)); u = static_cast(std::toupper(*needle)); #if __SSE4_1__ patl = _mm_set1_epi8(l); patu = _mm_set1_epi8(u); auto needle_pos = needle; for (const auto i : ext::range(0, n)) { cachel = _mm_srli_si128(cachel, 1); cacheu = _mm_srli_si128(cacheu, 1); if (needle_pos != needle_end) { cachel = _mm_insert_epi8(cachel, std::tolower(*needle_pos), n - 1); cacheu = _mm_insert_epi8(cacheu, std::toupper(*needle_pos), n - 1); cachemask |= 1 << i; ++needle_pos; } } #endif } bool compare(const UInt8 * pos) const { #if __SSE4_1__ if (page_safe(pos)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(pos)); const auto v_against_l = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cachel); const auto v_against_u = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cacheu); const auto v_against_l_or_u = _mm_or_si128(v_against_l, v_against_u); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_l_or_u); if (0xffff == cachemask) { if (mask == cachemask) { pos += n; auto needle_pos = needle + n; while (needle_pos < needle_end && std::tolower(*pos) == std::tolower(*needle_pos)) ++pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return true; } } else if ((mask & cachemask) == cachemask) return true; return false; } #endif if (*pos == l || *pos == u) { ++pos; auto needle_pos = needle + 1; while (needle_pos < needle_end && std::tolower(*pos) == std::tolower(*needle_pos)) ++pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return true; } return false; } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const UInt8 * const haystack_end) const { if (0 == needle_size) return haystack; while (haystack < haystack_end) { #if __SSE4_1__ if (haystack + n <= haystack_end && page_safe(haystack)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(haystack)); const auto v_against_l = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, patl); const auto v_against_u = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, patu); const auto v_against_l_or_u = _mm_or_si128(v_against_l, v_against_u); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_l_or_u); if (mask == 0) { haystack += n; continue; } const auto offset = __builtin_ctz(mask); haystack += offset; if (haystack < haystack_end && haystack + n <= haystack_end && page_safe(haystack)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(haystack)); const auto v_against_l = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cachel); const auto v_against_u = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cacheu); const auto v_against_l_or_u = _mm_or_si128(v_against_l, v_against_u); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_l_or_u); if (0xffff == cachemask) { if (mask == cachemask) { auto haystack_pos = haystack + n; auto needle_pos = needle + n; while (haystack_pos < haystack_end && needle_pos < needle_end && std::tolower(*haystack_pos) == std::tolower(*needle_pos)) ++haystack_pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return haystack; } } else if ((mask & cachemask) == cachemask) return haystack; ++haystack; continue; } } #endif if (haystack == haystack_end) return haystack_end; if (*haystack == l || *haystack == u) { auto haystack_pos = haystack + 1; auto needle_pos = needle + 1; while (haystack_pos < haystack_end && needle_pos < needle_end && std::tolower(*haystack_pos) == std::tolower(*needle_pos)) ++haystack_pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return haystack; } ++haystack; } return haystack_end; } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const size_t haystack_size) const { return search(haystack, haystack + haystack_size); } }; /// Case-sensitive searcher (both ASCII and UTF-8) template class StringSearcher : private StringSearcherBase { private: /// string to be searched for const UInt8 * const needle; const std::size_t needle_size; const UInt8 * const needle_end = needle + needle_size; /// first character in `needle` UInt8 first{}; #if __SSE4_1__ /// vector filled `first` for determining leftmost position of the first symbol __m128i pattern; /// vector of first 16 characters of `needle` __m128i cache = _mm_setzero_si128(); int cachemask{}; #endif public: StringSearcher(const char * const needle_, const std::size_t needle_size) : needle{reinterpret_cast(needle_)}, needle_size{needle_size} { if (0 == needle_size) return; first = *needle; #if __SSE4_1__ pattern = _mm_set1_epi8(first); auto needle_pos = needle; for (const auto i : ext::range(0, n)) { cache = _mm_srli_si128(cache, 1); if (needle_pos != needle_end) { cache = _mm_insert_epi8(cache, *needle_pos, n - 1); cachemask |= 1 << i; ++needle_pos; } } #endif } bool compare(const UInt8 * pos) const { #if __SSE4_1__ if (page_safe(pos)) { const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(pos)); const auto v_against_cache = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cache); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_cache); if (0xffff == cachemask) { if (mask == cachemask) { pos += n; auto needle_pos = needle + n; while (needle_pos < needle_end && *pos == *needle_pos) ++pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return true; } } else if ((mask & cachemask) == cachemask) return true; return false; } #endif if (*pos == first) { ++pos; auto needle_pos = needle + 1; while (needle_pos < needle_end && *pos == *needle_pos) ++pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return true; } return false; } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const UInt8 * const haystack_end) const { if (0 == needle_size) return haystack; while (haystack < haystack_end) { #if __SSE4_1__ if (haystack + n <= haystack_end && page_safe(haystack)) { /// find first character const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(haystack)); const auto v_against_pattern = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, pattern); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_pattern); /// first character not present in 16 octets starting at `haystack` if (mask == 0) { haystack += n; continue; } const auto offset = __builtin_ctz(mask); haystack += offset; if (haystack < haystack_end && haystack + n <= haystack_end && page_safe(haystack)) { /// check for first 16 octets const auto v_haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(haystack)); const auto v_against_cache = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v_haystack, cache); const auto mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v_against_cache); if (0xffff == cachemask) { if (mask == cachemask) { auto haystack_pos = haystack + n; auto needle_pos = needle + n; while (haystack_pos < haystack_end && needle_pos < needle_end && *haystack_pos == *needle_pos) ++haystack_pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return haystack; } } else if ((mask & cachemask) == cachemask) return haystack; ++haystack; continue; } } #endif if (haystack == haystack_end) return haystack_end; if (*haystack == first) { auto haystack_pos = haystack + 1; auto needle_pos = needle + 1; while (haystack_pos < haystack_end && needle_pos < needle_end && *haystack_pos == *needle_pos) ++haystack_pos, ++needle_pos; if (needle_pos == needle_end) return haystack; } ++haystack; } return haystack_end; } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const size_t haystack_size) const { return search(haystack, haystack + haystack_size); } }; using ASCIICaseSensitiveStringSearcher = StringSearcher; using ASCIICaseInsensitiveStringSearcher = StringSearcher; using UTF8CaseSensitiveStringSearcher = StringSearcher; using UTF8CaseInsensitiveStringSearcher = StringSearcher; /** Используют функции из libc. * Имеет смысл использовать для коротких строк, когда требуется дешёвая инициализация. * Нет варианта для регистронезависимого поиска UTF-8 строк. * Требуется, чтобы за концом строк был нулевой байт. */ struct LibCASCIICaseSensitiveStringSearcher { const char * const needle; const size_t needle_size; LibCASCIICaseSensitiveStringSearcher(const char * const needle, const size_t needle_size) : needle(needle), needle_size(needle_size) {} const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const UInt8 * const haystack_end) const { auto res = strstr(reinterpret_cast(haystack), reinterpret_cast(needle)); if (!res) return haystack_end; return reinterpret_cast(res); } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const size_t haystack_size) const { return search(haystack, haystack + haystack_size); } }; struct LibCASCIICaseInsensitiveStringSearcher { const char * const needle; const size_t needle_size; LibCASCIICaseInsensitiveStringSearcher(const char * const needle, const size_t needle_size) : needle(needle), needle_size(needle_size) {} const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const UInt8 * const haystack_end) const { auto res = strcasestr(reinterpret_cast(haystack), reinterpret_cast(needle)); if (!res) return haystack_end; return reinterpret_cast(res); } const UInt8 * search(const UInt8 * haystack, const size_t haystack_size) const { return search(haystack, haystack + haystack_size); } }; }