#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time import logging import json import requests # type: ignore from get_robot_token import get_parameter_from_ssm class ClickHouseHelper: def __init__(self, url=None): if url is None: url = get_parameter_from_ssm("clickhouse-test-stat-url") self.url = url self.auth = { "X-ClickHouse-User": get_parameter_from_ssm("clickhouse-test-stat-login"), "X-ClickHouse-Key": get_parameter_from_ssm("clickhouse-test-stat-password"), } @staticmethod def _insert_json_str_info_impl(url, auth, db, table, json_str): params = { "database": db, "query": "INSERT INTO {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow".format(table=table), "date_time_input_format": "best_effort", "send_logs_level": "warning", } for i in range(5): response = requests.post( url, params=params, data=json_str, headers=auth, verify=False ) logging.info("Response content '%s'", response.content) if response.ok: break error = ( "Cannot insert data into clickhouse at try " + str(i) + ": HTTP code " + str(response.status_code) + ": '" + str(response.text) + "'" ) if response.status_code >= 500: # A retriable error time.sleep(1) continue logging.info( "Request headers '%s', body '%s'", response.request.headers, response.request.body, ) raise Exception(error) else: raise Exception(error) def _insert_json_str_info(self, db, table, json_str): self._insert_json_str_info_impl(self.url, self.auth, db, table, json_str) def insert_event_into(self, db, table, event): event_str = json.dumps(event) self._insert_json_str_info(db, table, event_str) def insert_events_into(self, db, table, events): jsons = [] for event in events: jsons.append(json.dumps(event)) self._insert_json_str_info(db, table, ",".join(jsons)) def _select_and_get_json_each_row(self, db, query): params = { "database": db, "query": query, "default_format": "JSONEachRow", } for i in range(5): response = None try: response = requests.get( self.url, params=params, headers=self.auth, verify=False ) response.raise_for_status() return response.text except Exception as ex: logging.warning("Cannot insert with exception %s", str(ex)) if response: logging.warning("Reponse text %s", response.text) time.sleep(0.1 * i) raise Exception("Cannot insert data into clickhouse") def select_json_each_row(self, db, query): text = self._select_and_get_json_each_row(db, query) result = [] for line in text.split("\n"): if line: result.append(json.loads(line)) return result def prepare_tests_results_for_clickhouse( pr_info, test_results, check_status, check_duration, check_start_time, report_url, check_name, ): pull_request_url = "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/commits/master" base_ref = "master" head_ref = "master" base_repo = pr_info.repo_full_name head_repo = pr_info.repo_full_name if pr_info.number != 0: pull_request_url = pr_info.pr_html_url base_ref = pr_info.base_ref base_repo = pr_info.base_name head_ref = pr_info.head_ref head_repo = pr_info.head_name common_properties = dict( pull_request_number=pr_info.number, commit_sha=pr_info.sha, commit_url=pr_info.commit_html_url, check_name=check_name, check_status=check_status, check_duration_ms=int(float(check_duration) * 1000), check_start_time=check_start_time, report_url=report_url, pull_request_url=pull_request_url, base_ref=base_ref, base_repo=base_repo, head_ref=head_ref, head_repo=head_repo, task_url=pr_info.task_url, ) # Always publish a total record for all checks. For checks with individual # tests, also publish a record per test. result = [common_properties] for test_result in test_results: current_row = common_properties.copy() test_name = test_result[0] test_status = test_result[1] test_time = 0 if len(test_result) > 2 and test_result[2]: test_time = test_result[2] current_row["test_duration_ms"] = int(float(test_time) * 1000) current_row["test_name"] = test_name current_row["test_status"] = test_status result.append(current_row) return result def mark_flaky_tests(clickhouse_helper, check_name, test_results): try: query = """ SELECT DISTINCT test_name FROM checks WHERE check_start_time BETWEEN now() - INTERVAL 3 DAY AND now() AND check_name = '{check_name}' AND (test_status = 'FAIL' OR test_status = 'FLAKY') AND pull_request_number = 0 """.format( check_name=check_name ) tests_data = clickhouse_helper.select_json_each_row("default", query) master_failed_tests = {row["test_name"] for row in tests_data} logging.info("Found flaky tests: %s", ", ".join(master_failed_tests)) for test_result in test_results: if test_result[1] == "FAIL" and test_result[0] in master_failed_tests: test_result[1] = "FLAKY" except Exception as ex: logging.info("Exception happened during flaky tests fetch %s", ex)