FROM ubuntu:20.04 # see # It could be removed after we move on a version 23:04+ ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # ARG for quick switch to a given ubuntu mirror ARG apt_archive="" # We shouldn't use `apt upgrade` to not change the upstream image. It's updated biweekly # user/group precreated explicitly with fixed uid/gid on purpose. # It is especially important for rootless containers: in that case entrypoint # can't do chown and owners of mounted volumes should be configured externally. # We do that in advance at the begining of Dockerfile before any packages will be # installed to prevent picking those uid / gid by some unrelated software. # The same uid / gid (101) is used both for alpine and ubuntu. RUN sed -i "s||${apt_archive}|g" /etc/apt/sources.list \ && groupadd -r clickhouse --gid=101 \ && useradd -r -g clickhouse --uid=101 --home-dir=/var/lib/clickhouse --shell=/bin/bash clickhouse \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \ ca-certificates \ locales \ tzdata \ wget \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/cache/debconf /tmp/* ARG REPO_CHANNEL="stable" ARG REPOSITORY="deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/clickhouse-keyring.gpg] ${REPO_CHANNEL} main" ARG VERSION="" ARG PACKAGES="clickhouse-client clickhouse-server clickhouse-common-static" #docker-official-library:off # The part between `docker-official-library` tags is related to our builds # set non-empty deb_location_url url to create a docker image # from debs created by CI build, for example: # docker build . --network host --build-arg version="" --build-arg deb_location_url="https://..." -t ... ARG deb_location_url="" ARG DIRECT_DOWNLOAD_URLS="" # set non-empty single_binary_location_url to create docker image # from a single binary url (useful for non-standard builds - with sanitizers, for arm64). ARG single_binary_location_url="" ARG TARGETARCH # install from direct URL RUN if [ -n "${DIRECT_DOWNLOAD_URLS}" ]; then \ echo "installing from custom predefined urls with deb packages: ${DIRECT_DOWNLOAD_URLS}" \ && rm -rf /tmp/clickhouse_debs \ && mkdir -p /tmp/clickhouse_debs \ && for url in $DIRECT_DOWNLOAD_URLS; do \ wget --progress=bar:force:noscroll "$url" -P /tmp/clickhouse_debs || exit 1 \ ; done \ && dpkg -i /tmp/clickhouse_debs/*.deb \ && rm -rf /tmp/* ; \ fi # install from a web location with deb packages RUN arch="${TARGETARCH:-amd64}" \ && if [ -n "${deb_location_url}" ]; then \ echo "installing from custom url with deb packages: ${deb_location_url}" \ && rm -rf /tmp/clickhouse_debs \ && mkdir -p /tmp/clickhouse_debs \ && for package in ${PACKAGES}; do \ { wget --progress=bar:force:noscroll "${deb_location_url}/${package}_${VERSION}_${arch}.deb" -P /tmp/clickhouse_debs || \ wget --progress=bar:force:noscroll "${deb_location_url}/${package}_${VERSION}_all.deb" -P /tmp/clickhouse_debs ; } \ || exit 1 \ ; done \ && dpkg -i /tmp/clickhouse_debs/*.deb \ && rm -rf /tmp/* ; \ fi # install from a single binary RUN if [ -n "${single_binary_location_url}" ]; then \ echo "installing from single binary url: ${single_binary_location_url}" \ && rm -rf /tmp/clickhouse_binary \ && mkdir -p /tmp/clickhouse_binary \ && wget --progress=bar:force:noscroll "${single_binary_location_url}" -O /tmp/clickhouse_binary/clickhouse \ && chmod +x /tmp/clickhouse_binary/clickhouse \ && /tmp/clickhouse_binary/clickhouse install --user "clickhouse" --group "clickhouse" \ && rm -rf /tmp/* ; \ fi # The rest is the same in the official docker and in our build system #docker-official-library:on # A fallback to installation from ClickHouse repository RUN if ! clickhouse local -q "SELECT ''" > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ apt-get update \ && apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \ apt-transport-https \ dirmngr \ gnupg2 \ && mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d \ && GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d) \ && GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME" gpg --batch --no-default-keyring \ --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/clickhouse-keyring.gpg \ --keyserver hkp:// \ --recv-keys 3a9ea1193a97b548be1457d48919f6bd2b48d754 \ && rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" \ && chmod +r /usr/share/keyrings/clickhouse-keyring.gpg \ && echo "${REPOSITORY}" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list \ && echo "installing from repository: ${REPOSITORY}" \ && apt-get update \ && for package in ${PACKAGES}; do \ packages="${packages} ${package}=${VERSION}" \ ; done \ && apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated --yes --no-install-recommends ${packages} || exit 1 \ && rm -rf \ /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ /var/cache/debconf \ /tmp/* \ && apt-get autoremove --purge -yq libksba8 \ && apt-get autoremove -yq \ ; fi # post install # we need to allow "others" access to clickhouse folder, because docker container # can be started with arbitrary uid (openshift usecase) RUN clickhouse-local -q 'SELECT * FROM system.build_options' \ && mkdir -p /var/lib/clickhouse /var/log/clickhouse-server /etc/clickhouse-server /etc/clickhouse-client \ && chmod ugo+Xrw -R /var/lib/clickhouse /var/log/clickhouse-server /etc/clickhouse-server /etc/clickhouse-client RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE en_US:en ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ENV TZ UTC RUN mkdir /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d COPY docker_related_config.xml /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/ COPY / EXPOSE 9000 8123 9009 VOLUME /var/lib/clickhouse ENV CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml ENTRYPOINT ["/"]