--- toc_priority: 37 toc_title: VIEW --- # CREATE VIEW {#create-view} Creates a new view. There are two types of views: normal and materialized. ## Normal {#normal} Syntax: ``` sql CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER] AS SELECT ... ``` Normal views don’t store any data. They just perform a read from another table on each access. In other words, a normal view is nothing more than a saved query. When reading from a view, this saved query is used as a subquery in the [FROM](../../../sql-reference/statements/select/from.md) clause. As an example, assume you’ve created a view: ``` sql CREATE VIEW view AS SELECT ... ``` and written a query: ``` sql SELECT a, b, c FROM view ``` This query is fully equivalent to using the subquery: ``` sql SELECT a, b, c FROM (SELECT ...) ``` ## Materialized {#materialized} ``` sql CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER] [TO[db.]name] [ENGINE = engine] [POPULATE] AS SELECT ... ``` Materialized views store data transformed by the corresponding [SELECT](../../../sql-reference/statements/select/index.md) query. When creating a materialized view without `TO [db].[table]`, you must specify `ENGINE` – the table engine for storing data. When creating a materialized view with `TO [db].[table]`, you must not use `POPULATE`. A materialized view is implemented as follows: when inserting data to the table specified in `SELECT`, part of the inserted data is converted by this `SELECT` query, and the result is inserted in the view. !!! important "Important" Materialized views in ClickHouse are implemented more like insert triggers. If there’s some aggregation in the view query, it’s applied only to the batch of freshly inserted data. Any changes to existing data of source table (like update, delete, drop partition, etc.) doesn’t change the materialized view. If you specify `POPULATE`, the existing table data is inserted in the view when creating it, as if making a `CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ...` . Otherwise, the query contains only the data inserted in the table after creating the view. We **don’t recommend** using POPULATE, since data inserted in the table during the view creation will not be inserted in it. A `SELECT` query can contain `DISTINCT`, `GROUP BY`, `ORDER BY`, `LIMIT`… Note that the corresponding conversions are performed independently on each block of inserted data. For example, if `GROUP BY` is set, data is aggregated during insertion, but only within a single packet of inserted data. The data won’t be further aggregated. The exception is when using an `ENGINE` that independently performs data aggregation, such as `SummingMergeTree`. The execution of [ALTER](../../../sql-reference/statements/alter/index.md) queries on materialized views has limitations, so they might be inconvenient. If the materialized view uses the construction `TO [db.]name`, you can `DETACH` the view, run `ALTER` for the target table, and then `ATTACH` the previously detached (`DETACH`) view. Views look the same as normal tables. For example, they are listed in the result of the `SHOW TABLES` query. There isn’t a separate query for deleting views. To delete a view, use [DROP TABLE](../../../sql-reference/statements/drop.md). ## Live View (Experimental) {#live-view} !!! important "Important" This is an experimental feature that may change in backwards-incompatible ways in the future releases. Enable usage of live views and `WATCH` query using `set allow_experimental_live_view = 1`. ```sql CREATE LIVE VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [WITH [TIMEOUT [value_in_sec] [AND]] [REFRESH [value_in_sec]]] AS SELECT ... ``` Live views store result of the corresponding [SELECT](../../../sql-reference/statements/select/index.md) query and are updated any time the result of the query changes. Query result as well as partial result needed to combine with new data are stored in memory providing increased performance for repeated queries. Live views can provide push notifications when query result changes using the [WATCH](../../../sql-reference/statements/watch.md) query. Live views are triggered by insert into the innermost table specified in the query. !!! info "Note" [Table function](../../../sql-reference/table-functions/index.md) is not supported as the innermost table. !!! info "Note" Tables that do not have inserts such as a [dictionary](../../../sql-reference/dictionaries/index.md) or a [system table](../../../operations/system-tables/index.md) will not trigger a live view. See [WITH REFRESH](#live-view-with-refresh) to enable periodic updates of a live view. Live views work similarly to how a query in a distributed table works. But instead of combining partial results from different servers they combine partial result from current data with partial result from the new data. When a live view query includes a subquery then the cached partial result is only stored for the innermost subquery. !!! info "Note" Only queries where one can combine partial result from the old data plus partial result from the new data will work. Live view will not work for queries that require the complete data set to compute the final result. You can execute [SELECT](../../../sql-reference/statements/select/index.md) query on a live view in the same way as for any regular view or a table. If the query result is cached it will return the result immediately without running the stored query on the underlying tables. ```sql SELECT * FROM [db.]live_view WHERE ... ``` ### Force Refresh {#live-view-alter-refresh} You can force live view refresh using the `ALTER LIVE VIEW [db.]table_name REFRESH` statement. ### With Timeout {#live-view-with-timeout} When a live view is create with a `WITH TIMEOUT` clause then the live view will be dropped automatically after the specified number of seconds elapse since the end of the last [WATCH](../../../sql-reference/statements/watch.md) query that was watching the live view. ```sql CREATE LIVE VIEW [db.]table_name WITH TIMEOUT [value_in_sec] AS SELECT ... ``` If the timeout value is not specified then the value specified by the `temporary_live_view_timeout` setting is used. ### With Refresh {#live-view-with-refresh} When a live view is created with a `WITH REFRESH` clause then it will be automatically refreshed after the specified number of seconds elapse since the last refresh or trigger. ```sql CREATE LIVE VIEW [db.]table_name WITH REFRESH [value_in_sec] AS SELECT ... ``` If the refresh value is not specified then the value specified by the `periodic_live_view_refresh` setting is used. You can combine `WITH TIMEOUT` and `WITH REFRESH` clauses using an `AND` clause. ```sql CREATE LIVE VIEW [db.]table_name WITH TIMEOUT [value_in_sec] AND REFRESH [value_in_sec] AS SELECT ... ``` ### Settings {#live-view-settings} You can use the following settings to control the behaviour of live views. - `allow_experimental_live_view` - enable live views. Default is `0`. - `live_view_heartbeat_interval` - the heartbeat interval in seconds to indicate live query is alive. Default is `15` seconds. - `max_live_view_insert_blocks_before_refresh` - maximum number of inserted blocks after which mergeable blocks are dropped and query is re-executed. Default is `64` inserts. - `temporary_live_view_timeout` - interval after which live view with timeout is deleted. Default is `5` seconds. - `periodic_live_view_refresh` - interval after which periodically refreshed live view is forced to refresh. Default is `60` seconds.