#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from random import choices, randint CURDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CURDIR, "helpers")) from pure_http_client import ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient() N = 10 create_query = ( "CREATE TABLE t_cnf_fuzz(" + ", ".join([f"c{i} UInt8" for i in range(N)]) + ") ENGINE = Memory" ) client.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_cnf_fuzz") client.query(create_query) # Insert all possible combinations of bool columns. insert_query = "INSERT INTO t_cnf_fuzz VALUES " for i in range(2**N): values = [] cur = i for _ in range(N): values.append(cur % 2) cur //= 2 insert_query += "(" + ", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x), values)) + ")" client.query(insert_query) # Let's try to covert DNF to CNF, # because it's a worst case in a sense. MAX_CLAUSES = 10 MAX_ATOMS = 5 def generate_dnf(): clauses = [] num_clauses = randint(1, MAX_CLAUSES) for _ in range(num_clauses): num_atoms = randint(1, MAX_ATOMS) atom_ids = choices(range(N), k=num_atoms) negates = choices([0, 1], k=num_atoms) atoms = [ f"(NOT c{i})" if neg else f"c{i}" for (i, neg) in zip(atom_ids, negates) ] clauses.append("(" + " AND ".join(atoms) + ")") return " OR ".join(clauses) select_query = ( "SELECT count() FROM t_cnf_fuzz WHERE {} SETTINGS convert_query_to_cnf = {}" ) fail_report = """ Failed query: '{}'. Result without optimization: {}. Result with optimization: {}. """ T = 500 for _ in range(T): condition = generate_dnf() query = select_query.format(condition, 0) res = client.query(query).strip() query_cnf = select_query.format(condition, 1) res_cnf = client.query(query_cnf).strip() if res != res_cnf: print(fail_report.format(query_cnf, res, res_cnf)) exit(1) client.query("DROP TABLE t_cnf_fuzz") print("OK")