import argparse import dataclasses import json import os import subprocess from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import copy from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterator, List from git_helper import Git, GIT_PREFIX from ssh import SSHAgent from env_helper import GITHUB_REPOSITORY, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET from s3_helper import S3Helper from import Labels from ci_utils import Shell from version_helper import ( FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH, GENERATED_CONTRIBUTORS, get_abs_path, get_version_from_repo, update_cmake_version, update_contributors, VersionType, ) from ci_config import CI CMAKE_PATH = get_abs_path(FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH) CONTRIBUTORS_PATH = get_abs_path(GENERATED_CONTRIBUTORS) class ShellRunner: @classmethod def run( cls, command, check_retcode=True, print_output=True, async_=False, dry_run=False ): if dry_run: print(f"Dry-run: Would run shell command: [{command}]") return 0, "" print(f"Running shell command: [{command}]") if async_: subprocess.Popen(command.split(" ")) # pylint:disable=consider-using-with return 0, "" result = command + " 2>&1", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True, ) if print_output: print(result.stdout) if check_retcode: assert result.returncode == 0, f"Return code [{result.returncode}]" return result.returncode, result.stdout @dataclasses.dataclass class ReleaseInfo: version: str release_tag: str release_branch: str commit_sha: str # lts or stable codename: str previous_release_tag: str previous_release_sha: str @staticmethod def from_file(file_path: str) -> "ReleaseInfo": with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: res = json.load(json_file) return ReleaseInfo(**res) @staticmethod def prepare(commit_ref: str, release_type: str, outfile: str) -> None: Path(outfile).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(outfile).unlink(missing_ok=True) version = None release_branch = None release_tag = None previous_release_tag = None previous_release_sha = None codename = None assert release_type in ("patch", "new") if release_type == "new": # check commit_ref is right and on a right branch f"git merge-base --is-ancestor origin/{commit_ref} origin/master" ) with checkout(commit_ref): _, commit_sha ="git rev-parse {commit_ref}") # Git() must be inside "with checkout" contextmanager git = Git() version = get_version_from_repo(git=git) release_branch = "master" expected_prev_tag = f"v{version.major}.{version.minor}.1.1-new" version.bump().with_description(VersionType.NEW) assert ( git.latest_tag == expected_prev_tag ), f"BUG: latest tag [{git.latest_tag}], expected [{expected_prev_tag}]" release_tag = version.describe codename = ( VersionType.STABLE ) # dummy value (artifactory won't be updated for new release) previous_release_tag = expected_prev_tag previous_release_sha = Shell.run_strict( f"git rev-parse {previous_release_tag}" ) assert previous_release_sha if release_type == "patch": with checkout(commit_ref): _, commit_sha ="git rev-parse {commit_ref}") # Git() must be inside "with checkout" contextmanager git = Git() version = get_version_from_repo(git=git) codename = version.get_stable_release_type() version.with_description(codename) release_branch = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}" release_tag = version.describe"{GIT_PREFIX} fetch origin {release_branch} --tags") # check commit is right and on a right branch f"git merge-base --is-ancestor {commit_ref} origin/{release_branch}" ) if version.patch == 1: expected_version = copy(version) previous_release_tag = f"v{version.major}.{version.minor}.1.1-new" expected_version.bump() expected_tag_prefix = ( f"v{expected_version.major}.{expected_version.minor}." ) expected_tag_suffix = "-new" else: expected_tag_prefix = ( f"v{version.major}.{version.minor}.{version.patch-1}." ) expected_tag_suffix = f"-{version.get_stable_release_type()}" previous_release_tag = git.latest_tag if git.latest_tag.startswith( expected_tag_prefix ) and git.latest_tag.endswith(expected_tag_suffix): pass else: assert ( False ), f"BUG: Unexpected latest tag [{git.latest_tag}] expected [{expected_tag_prefix}*{expected_tag_suffix}]" previous_release_sha = Shell.run_strict( f"git rev-parse {previous_release_tag}" ) assert previous_release_sha assert ( release_branch and previous_release_tag and previous_release_sha and commit_sha and release_tag and version and codename in ("lts", "stable") ) res = ReleaseInfo( release_branch=release_branch, commit_sha=commit_sha, release_tag=release_tag, version=version.string, codename=codename, previous_release_tag=previous_release_tag, previous_release_sha=previous_release_sha, ) with open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: print(json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(res), indent=2), file=f) def push_release_tag(self, dry_run: bool) -> None: if dry_run: # remove locally created tag from prev run f"{GIT_PREFIX} tag -l | grep -q {self.release_tag} && git tag -d {self.release_tag} ||:" ) # Create release tag print( f"Create and push release tag [{self.release_tag}], commit [{self.commit_sha}]" ) tag_message = f"Release {self.release_tag}" f"{GIT_PREFIX} tag -a -m '{tag_message}' {self.release_tag} {self.commit_sha}" ) cmd_push_tag = f"{GIT_PREFIX} push origin {self.release_tag}:{self.release_tag}", dry_run=dry_run) @staticmethod def _create_gh_label(label: str, color_hex: str, dry_run: bool) -> None: cmd = f"gh api repos/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/labels -f name={label} -f color={color_hex}", dry_run=dry_run) def push_new_release_branch(self, dry_run: bool) -> None: assert ( self.release_branch == "master" ), "New release branch can be created only for release type [new]" git = Git() version = get_version_from_repo(git=git) new_release_branch = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}" stable_release_type = version.get_stable_release_type() version_after_release = copy(version) version_after_release.bump() assert ( version_after_release.string == self.version ), f"Unexpected current version in git, must precede [{self.version}] by one step, actual [{version.string}]" if dry_run: # remove locally created branch from prev run f"{GIT_PREFIX} branch -l | grep -q {new_release_branch} && git branch -d {new_release_branch} ||:" ) print( f"Create and push new release branch [{new_release_branch}], commit [{self.commit_sha}]" ) with checkout(self.release_branch): with checkout_new(new_release_branch): pr_labels = f"--label {Labels.RELEASE}" if stable_release_type == VersionType.LTS: pr_labels += f" --label {Labels.RELEASE_LTS}" cmd_push_branch = ( f"{GIT_PREFIX} push --set-upstream origin {new_release_branch}" ), dry_run=dry_run) print("Create and push backport tags for new release branch") ReleaseInfo._create_gh_label( f"v{new_release_branch}-must-backport", "10dbed", dry_run=dry_run ) ReleaseInfo._create_gh_label( f"v{new_release_branch}-affected", "c2bfff", dry_run=dry_run ) f"""gh pr create --repo {GITHUB_REPOSITORY} --title 'Release pull request for branch {new_release_branch}' --head {new_release_branch} {pr_labels} --body 'This PullRequest is a part of ClickHouse release cycle. It is used by CI system only. Do not perform any changes with it.' """, dry_run=dry_run, ) def update_version_and_contributors_list(self, dry_run: bool) -> None: # Bump version, update contributors list, create PR branch_upd_version_contributors = f"bump_version_{self.version}" with checkout(self.commit_sha): git = Git() version = get_version_from_repo(git=git) if self.release_branch == "master": version.bump() version.with_description(VersionType.TESTING) else: version.with_description(version.get_stable_release_type()) assert ( version.string == self.version ), f"BUG: version in release info does not match version in git commit, expected [{self.version}], got [{version.string}]" with checkout(self.release_branch): with checkout_new(branch_upd_version_contributors): update_cmake_version(version) update_contributors(raise_error=True) cmd_commit_version_upd = f"{GIT_PREFIX} commit '{CMAKE_PATH}' '{CONTRIBUTORS_PATH}' -m 'Update autogenerated version to {self.version} and contributors'" cmd_push_branch = f"{GIT_PREFIX} push --set-upstream origin {branch_upd_version_contributors}" body_file = get_abs_path(".github/") actor = os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR", "") or "me" cmd_create_pr = f"gh pr create --repo {GITHUB_REPOSITORY} --title 'Update version after release' --head {branch_upd_version_contributors} --base {self.release_branch} --body-file '{body_file} --label 'do not test' --assignee @{actor}", dry_run=dry_run), dry_run=dry_run), dry_run=dry_run) if dry_run: f"{GIT_PREFIX} diff '{CMAKE_PATH}' '{CONTRIBUTORS_PATH}'" ) f"{GIT_PREFIX} checkout '{CMAKE_PATH}' '{CONTRIBUTORS_PATH}'" ) def create_gh_release(self, packages_files: List[str], dry_run: bool) -> None: repo = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY") assert repo cmds = [] cmds.append( f"gh release create --repo {repo} --title 'Release {self.release_tag}' {self.release_tag}" ) for file in packages_files: cmds.append(f"gh release upload {self.release_tag} {file}") if not dry_run: for cmd in cmds: else: print("Dry-run, would run commands:") print("\n * ".join(cmds)) class RepoTypes: RPM = "rpm" DEBIAN = "deb" TGZ = "tgz" class PackageDownloader: PACKAGES = ( "clickhouse-client", "clickhouse-common-static", "clickhouse-common-static-dbg", "clickhouse-keeper", "clickhouse-keeper-dbg", "clickhouse-server", ) EXTRA_PACKAGES = ( "clickhouse-library-bridge", "clickhouse-odbc-bridge", ) PACKAGE_TYPES = (CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE, CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_AARCH64) MACOS_PACKAGE_TO_BIN_SUFFIX = { CI.BuildNames.BINARY_DARWIN: "macos", CI.BuildNames.BINARY_DARWIN_AARCH64: "macos-aarch64", } LOCAL_DIR = "/tmp/packages" @classmethod def _get_arch_suffix(cls, package_arch, repo_type): if package_arch == CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE: return ( "amd64" if repo_type in (RepoTypes.DEBIAN, RepoTypes.TGZ) else "x86_64" ) elif package_arch == CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_AARCH64: return ( "arm64" if repo_type in (RepoTypes.DEBIAN, RepoTypes.TGZ) else "aarch64" ) else: assert False, "BUG" def __init__(self, release, commit_sha, version): assert version.startswith(release), "Invalid release branch or version" major, minor = map(int, release.split(".")) self.package_names = list(self.PACKAGES) if major > 24 or (major == 24 and minor > 3): self.package_names += list(self.EXTRA_PACKAGES) self.release = release self.commit_sha = commit_sha self.version = version self.s3 = S3Helper() self.deb_package_files = [] self.rpm_package_files = [] self.tgz_package_files = [] # just binaries for macos self.macos_package_files = ["clickhouse-macos", "clickhouse-macos-aarch64"] self.file_to_type = {}"mkdir -p {self.LOCAL_DIR}") for package_type in self.PACKAGE_TYPES: for package in self.package_names: deb_package_file_name = f"{package}_{self.version}_{self._get_arch_suffix(package_type, RepoTypes.DEBIAN)}.deb" self.deb_package_files.append(deb_package_file_name) self.file_to_type[deb_package_file_name] = package_type rpm_package_file_name = f"{package}-{self.version}.{self._get_arch_suffix(package_type, RepoTypes.RPM)}.rpm" self.rpm_package_files.append(rpm_package_file_name) self.file_to_type[rpm_package_file_name] = package_type tgz_package_file_name = f"{package}-{self.version}-{self._get_arch_suffix(package_type, RepoTypes.TGZ)}.tgz" self.tgz_package_files.append(tgz_package_file_name) self.file_to_type[tgz_package_file_name] = package_type tgz_package_file_name += ".sha512" self.tgz_package_files.append(tgz_package_file_name) self.file_to_type[tgz_package_file_name] = package_type def get_deb_packages_files(self): return self.deb_package_files def get_rpm_packages_files(self): return self.rpm_package_files def get_tgz_packages_files(self): return self.tgz_package_files def get_macos_packages_files(self): return self.macos_package_files def get_packages_names(self): return self.package_names def get_all_packages_files(self): assert self.local_tgz_packages_ready() assert self.local_deb_packages_ready() assert self.local_rpm_packages_ready() assert self.local_macos_packages_ready() res = [] for package_file in ( self.deb_package_files + self.rpm_package_files + self.tgz_package_files + self.macos_package_files ): res.append(self.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + package_file) return res def run(self):"rm -rf {self.LOCAL_DIR}/*") for package_file in ( self.deb_package_files + self.rpm_package_files + self.tgz_package_files ): print(f"Downloading: [{package_file}]") s3_path = "/".join( [ self.release, self.commit_sha, self.file_to_type[package_file], package_file, ] ) self.s3.download_file( bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, s3_path=s3_path, local_file_path="/".join([self.LOCAL_DIR, package_file]), ) for macos_package, bin_suffix in self.MACOS_PACKAGE_TO_BIN_SUFFIX.items(): binary_name = "clickhouse" destination_binary_name = f"{binary_name}-{bin_suffix}" assert destination_binary_name in self.macos_package_files print( f"Downloading: [{macos_package}] binary to [{destination_binary_name}]" ) s3_path = "/".join( [ self.release, self.commit_sha, macos_package, binary_name, ] ) self.s3.download_file( bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, s3_path=s3_path, local_file_path="/".join([self.LOCAL_DIR, destination_binary_name]), ) def local_deb_packages_ready(self) -> bool: assert self.deb_package_files for package_file in self.deb_package_files: print(f"Check package is downloaded [{package_file}]") if not Path(self.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + package_file).is_file(): return False return True def local_rpm_packages_ready(self) -> bool: assert self.rpm_package_files for package_file in self.rpm_package_files: print(f"Check package is downloaded [{package_file}]") if not Path(self.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + package_file).is_file(): return False return True def local_tgz_packages_ready(self) -> bool: assert self.tgz_package_files for package_file in self.tgz_package_files: print(f"Check package is downloaded [{package_file}]") if not Path(self.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + package_file).is_file(): return False return True def local_macos_packages_ready(self) -> bool: assert self.macos_package_files for package_file in self.macos_package_files: print(f"Check package is downloaded [{package_file}]") if not Path(self.LOCAL_DIR + "/" + package_file).is_file(): return False return True def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Creates release", ) parser.add_argument( "--prepare-release-info", action="store_true", help="Initial step to prepare info like release branch, release tag, etc.", ) parser.add_argument( "--push-release-tag", action="store_true", help="Creates and pushes git tag", ) parser.add_argument( "--push-new-release-branch", action="store_true", help="Creates and pushes new release branch and corresponding service gh tags for backports", ) parser.add_argument( "--create-bump-version-pr", action="store_true", help="Updates version, contributors' list and creates PR", ) parser.add_argument( "--download-packages", action="store_true", help="Downloads all required packages from s3", ) parser.add_argument( "--create-gh-release", action="store_true", help="Create GH Release object and attach all packages", ) parser.add_argument( "--ref", type=str, help="the commit hash or branch", ) parser.add_argument( "--release-type", choices=("new", "patch"), # dest="release_type", help="a release type to bump the major.minor.patch version part, " "new branch is created only for the value 'new'", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="do not make any actual changes in the repo, just show what will be done", ) parser.add_argument( "--outfile", default="", type=str, help="output file to write json result to, if not set - stdout", ) parser.add_argument( "--infile", default="", type=str, help="input file with release info", ) return parser.parse_args() @contextmanager def checkout(ref: str) -> Iterator[None]: _, orig_ref ="{GIT_PREFIX} symbolic-ref --short HEAD") rollback_cmd = f"{GIT_PREFIX} checkout {orig_ref}" assert orig_ref if ref not in (orig_ref,):"{GIT_PREFIX} checkout {ref}") try: yield except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: print(f"ERROR: Exception [{e}]") raise @contextmanager def checkout_new(ref: str) -> Iterator[None]: _, orig_ref ="{GIT_PREFIX} symbolic-ref --short HEAD") rollback_cmd = f"{GIT_PREFIX} checkout {orig_ref}" assert orig_ref"{GIT_PREFIX} checkout -b {ref}") try: yield except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: print(f"ERROR: Exception [{e}]") raise if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() assert args.dry_run # prepare ssh for git if needed _ssh_agent = None _key_pub = None if os.getenv("ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY", ""): _key = os.getenv("ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY") _ssh_agent = SSHAgent() _key_pub = _ssh_agent.add(_key) _ssh_agent.print_keys() if args.prepare_release_info: assert ( args.ref and args.release_type and args.outfile ), "--ref, --release-type and --outfile must be provided with --prepare-release-info" ReleaseInfo.prepare( commit_ref=args.ref, release_type=args.release_type, outfile=args.outfile ) if args.push_release_tag: assert args.infile, "--infile must be provided" release_info = ReleaseInfo.from_file(args.infile) release_info.push_release_tag(dry_run=args.dry_run) if args.push_new_release_branch: assert args.infile, "--infile must be provided" release_info = ReleaseInfo.from_file(args.infile) release_info.push_new_release_branch(dry_run=args.dry_run) if args.create_bump_version_pr: # TODO: store link to PR in release info assert args.infile, "--infile must be provided" release_info = ReleaseInfo.from_file(args.infile) release_info.update_version_and_contributors_list(dry_run=args.dry_run) if args.download_packages: assert args.infile, "--infile must be provided" release_info = ReleaseInfo.from_file(args.infile) p = PackageDownloader( release=release_info.release_branch, commit_sha=release_info.commit_sha, version=release_info.version, ) if args.create_gh_release: assert args.infile, "--infile must be provided" release_info = ReleaseInfo.from_file(args.infile) p = PackageDownloader( release=release_info.release_branch, commit_sha=release_info.commit_sha, version=release_info.version, ) release_info.create_gh_release(p.get_all_packages_files(), args.dry_run) # tear down ssh if _ssh_agent and _key_pub: _ssh_agent.remove(_key_pub) """ Prepare release machine: ### INSTALL PACKAGES sudo apt update sudo apt install --yes --no-install-recommends python3-dev python3-pip gh unzip sudo apt install --yes python3-boto3 sudo apt install --yes python3-github sudo apt install --yes python3-unidiff sudo apt install --yes python3-tqdm # cloud changelog sudo apt install --yes python3-thefuzz # cloud changelog sudo apt install --yes s3fs ### INSTALL AWS CLI cd /tmp curl "$(uname -m).zip" -o "" unzip sudo ./aws/install rm -rf aws* cd - ### INSTALL GH ACTIONS RUNNER: # Create a folder RUNNER_VERSION=2.317.0 cd ~ mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner # Download the latest runner package runner_arch() { case $(uname -m) in x86_64 ) echo x64;; aarch64 ) echo arm64;; esac } curl -O -L$RUNNER_VERSION/actions-runner-linux-$(runner_arch)-$RUNNER_VERSION.tar.gz # Extract the installer tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-$(runner_arch)-$RUNNER_VERSION.tar.gz rm ./actions-runner-linux-$(runner_arch)-$RUNNER_VERSION.tar.gz ### Install reprepro: cd ~ sudo apt install dpkg-dev libgpgme-dev libdb-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libarchive-dev shunit2 db-util debhelper git clone cd reprepro dpkg-buildpackage -b --no-sign && sudo dpkg -i ../reprepro_$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version)_$(dpkg-architecture -q DEB_HOST_ARCH).deb ### Install createrepo-c: sudo apt install createrepo-c createrepo_c --version #Version: 0.17.3 (Features: DeltaRPM LegacyWeakdeps ) ### Import gpg sign key gpg --import key.pgp gpg --list-secret-keys ### Install docker sudo su; cd ~ deb_arch() { case $(uname -m) in x86_64 ) echo amd64;; aarch64 ) echo arm64;; esac } curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(deb_arch) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends docker-ce docker-buildx-plugin docker-ce-cli sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu # enable ipv6 in containers (fixed-cidr-v6 is some random network mask) cat < /etc/docker/daemon.json { "ipv6": true, "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64", "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-file": "5", "max-size": "1000m" }, "insecure-registries" : ["dockerhub-proxy.dockerhub-proxy-zone:5000"], "registry-mirrors" : ["http://dockerhub-proxy.dockerhub-proxy-zone:5000"] } EOT # if docker build does not work: sudo systemctl restart docker docker buildx rm mybuilder docker buildx create --name mybuilder --driver docker-container --use docker buildx inspect mybuilder --bootstrap ### Install tailscale ### Configure GH runner """