#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { void ASTLiteral::updateTreeHashImpl(SipHash & hash_state, bool ignore_aliases) const { const char * prefix = "Literal_"; hash_state.update(prefix, strlen(prefix)); applyVisitor(FieldVisitorHash(hash_state), value); if (!ignore_aliases) ASTWithAlias::updateTreeHashImpl(hash_state, ignore_aliases); } ASTPtr ASTLiteral::clone() const { auto res = std::make_shared(*this); res->unique_column_name = {}; return res; } namespace { /// Writes 'tuple' word before tuple literals for backward compatibility reasons. class FieldVisitorToColumnName : public StaticVisitor { public: template String operator() (const T & x) const { return visitor(x); } private: FieldVisitorToString visitor; }; template<> String FieldVisitorToColumnName::operator() (const Tuple & x) const { WriteBufferFromOwnString wb; wb << "tuple("; for (auto it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) { if (it != x.begin()) wb << ", "; wb << applyVisitor(*this, *it); } wb << ')'; return wb.str(); } } void ASTLiteral::appendColumnNameImpl(WriteBuffer & ostr) const { if (use_legacy_column_name_of_tuple) { appendColumnNameImplLegacy(ostr); return; } /// 100 - just arbitrary value. constexpr auto min_elements_for_hashing = 100; /// Special case for very large arrays and tuples. Instead of listing all elements, will use hash of them. /// (Otherwise column name will be too long, that will lead to significant slowdown of expression analysis.) auto type = value.getType(); if ((type == Field::Types::Array && value.get().size() > min_elements_for_hashing) || (type == Field::Types::Tuple && value.get().size() > min_elements_for_hashing)) { SipHash hash; applyVisitor(FieldVisitorHash(hash), value); UInt64 low, high; hash.get128(low, high); writeCString(type == Field::Types::Array ? "__array_" : "__tuple_", ostr); writeText(low, ostr); ostr.write('_'); writeText(high, ostr); } else { /// Shortcut for huge AST. The `FieldVisitorToString` becomes expensive /// for tons of literals as it creates temporary String. if (value.getType() == Field::Types::String) { writeQuoted(value.get(), ostr); } else { String column_name = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), value); writeString(column_name, ostr); } } } void ASTLiteral::appendColumnNameImplLegacy(WriteBuffer & ostr) const { /// 100 - just arbitrary value. constexpr auto min_elements_for_hashing = 100; /// Special case for very large arrays. Instead of listing all elements, will use hash of them. /// (Otherwise column name will be too long, that will lead to significant slowdown of expression analysis.) auto type = value.getType(); if ((type == Field::Types::Array && value.get().size() > min_elements_for_hashing)) { SipHash hash; applyVisitor(FieldVisitorHash(hash), value); UInt64 low, high; hash.get128(low, high); writeCString("__array_", ostr); writeText(low, ostr); ostr.write('_'); writeText(high, ostr); } else { String column_name = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToColumnName(), value); writeString(column_name, ostr); } } /// Use different rules for escaping backslashes and quotes class FieldVisitorToStringPostgreSQL : public StaticVisitor { public: template String operator() (const T & x) const { return visitor(x); } private: FieldVisitorToString visitor; }; template<> String FieldVisitorToStringPostgreSQL::operator() (const String & x) const { WriteBufferFromOwnString wb; writeQuotedStringPostgreSQL(x, wb); return wb.str(); } void ASTLiteral::formatImplWithoutAlias(const FormatSettings & settings, IAST::FormatState &, IAST::FormatStateStacked) const { if (settings.literal_escaping_style == LiteralEscapingStyle::Regular) settings.ostr << applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), value); else settings.ostr << applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToStringPostgreSQL(), value); } }