-- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/23194 SET enable_analyzer = 1; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test1 (a String, nest Nested(x String, y String)); SELECT a, nest.* FROM test1 ARRAY JOIN nest; SELECT a, n.* FROM test1 ARRAY JOIN nest AS n; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test2 (a String, nest Array(Tuple(x String, y String))); SELECT a, nest.* FROM test2 ARRAY JOIN nest; SELECT a, n.* FROM test2 ARRAY JOIN nest AS n; SELECT 1 AS x, x, x + 1; SELECT x, x + 1, 1 AS x; SELECT x, 1 + (2 + (3 AS x)); SELECT '---'; SELECT 123 AS x FROM (SELECT a, x FROM (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b)); SELECT '---'; SELECT 123 AS x, (SELECT x) AS y; SELECT 123 AS x, 123 IN (SELECT x); SELECT '---'; WITH 123 AS x SELECT 555 FROM (SELECT a, x FROM (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b)); SELECT '---'; -- here we refer to table `test1` (defined as subquery) three times, one of them inside another scalar subquery. WITH t AS (SELECT 1) SELECT t, (SELECT * FROM t) FROM t; -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- throws, because x is not visible outside. SELECT x FROM (SELECT y FROM VALUES ('y UInt16', (2)) WHERE (1 AS x) = y) AS t; -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- throws, because the table name `t` is not visible outside SELECT t.x FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS x) AS t); -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } SELECT x FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 99 AS x) AS t); SELECT '---'; SELECT t.x FROM (SELECT 1 AS x) AS t; SELECT t.a FROM (SELECT a FROM test1) AS t; SELECT a FROM (SELECT a FROM test1) AS t; SELECT '---'; -- this is wrong, the `tbl` name is not exported SELECT test1.a FROM (SELECT a FROM test1) AS t; -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- this is also wrong, the `t2` alias is not exported SELECT test1.a FROM (SELECT a FROM test1 AS t2) AS t; -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- does not work, `x` is not visible; SELECT x, (SELECT 1 AS x); -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- does not work either; SELECT x IN (SELECT 1 AS x); -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- this will work, but keep in mind that there are two different `x`. SELECT x IN (SELECT 1 AS x) FROM (SELECT 1 AS x); SELECT '---'; SELECT x + 1 AS x, x FROM (SELECT 1 AS x); SELECT x, x + 1 AS x FROM (SELECT 1 AS x); SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS x; -- { serverError MULTIPLE_EXPRESSIONS_FOR_ALIAS } SELECT '---'; SELECT arrayMap(x -> x + 1, [1, 2]); SELECT x, arrayMap((x, y) -> x[1] + y + arrayFirst(x -> x != y, x), arr) FROM (SELECT 1 AS x, [([1, 2], 3), ([4, 5], 6)] AS arr); SELECT x1, arrayMap((x2, y2) -> x2[1] + y2 + arrayFirst(x3 -> x3 != y2, x2), arr) FROM (SELECT 1 AS x1, [([1, 2], 3), ([4, 5], 6)] AS arr); SELECT arrayMap(x -> [y * 2, (x + 1) AS y, 1 AS z], [1, 2]), y; -- { serverError UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER } -- TODO: this must work --SELECT arrayMap(x -> [y * 2, (x + 1) AS y, 1 AS z], [1, 2]), z; SELECT arrayMap(x -> (x + 1) AS y, [3, 5]), arrayMap(x -> (x || 'hello') AS y, ['qq', 'ww']); -- { serverError MULTIPLE_EXPRESSIONS_FOR_ALIAS }