// // AttributesImpl.h // // Library: XML // Package: SAX // Module: SAX // // Implementation of the SAX2 Attributes Interface. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef SAX_AttributesImpl_INCLUDED #define SAX_AttributesImpl_INCLUDED #include #include "Poco/SAX/Attributes.h" #include "Poco/XML/XML.h" namespace Poco { namespace XML { class XML_API AttributesImpl : public Attributes /// This class provides a default implementation of the SAX2 Attributes interface, /// with the addition of manipulators so that the list can be modified or reused. /// /// There are two typical uses of this class: /// 1. to take a persistent snapshot of an Attributes object in a startElement event; or /// 2. to construct or modify an Attributes object in a SAX2 driver or filter. { public: struct Attribute { XMLString localName; XMLString namespaceURI; XMLString qname; XMLString value; XMLString type; bool specified; }; using AttributeVec = std::vector; using iterator = AttributeVec::const_iterator; AttributesImpl(); /// Creates the AttributesImpl. AttributesImpl(const Attributes & attributes); /// Creates the AttributesImpl by copying another one. AttributesImpl(const AttributesImpl & attributes); /// Creates the AttributesImpl by copying another one. AttributesImpl(AttributesImpl && attributes) noexcept; /// Creates the AttributesImpl by copying another one. ~AttributesImpl(); /// Destroys the AttributesImpl. AttributesImpl & operator=(const AttributesImpl & attributes); /// Assignment operator. AttributesImpl & operator=(AttributesImpl && attributes) noexcept; /// Assignment operator. int getIndex(const XMLString & name) const; int getIndex(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const; int getLength() const; const XMLString & getLocalName(int i) const; const XMLString & getQName(int i) const; const XMLString & getType(int i) const; const XMLString & getType(const XMLString & qname) const; const XMLString & getType(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const; const XMLString & getValue(int i) const; const XMLString & getValue(const XMLString & qname) const; const XMLString & getValue(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const; const XMLString & getURI(int i) const; bool isSpecified(int i) const; /// Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting. /// Extension from Attributes2 interface. bool isSpecified(const XMLString & qname) const; /// Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting. /// Extension from Attributes2 interface. bool isSpecified(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const; /// Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting. /// Extension from Attributes2 interface. void setValue(int i, const XMLString & value); /// Sets the value of an attribute. void setValue(const XMLString & qname, const XMLString & value); /// Sets the value of an attribute. void setValue(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName, const XMLString & value); /// Sets the value of an attribute. void setAttributes(const Attributes & attributes); /// Copies the attributes from another Attributes object. void setAttribute( int i, const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName, const XMLString & qname, const XMLString & type, const XMLString & value); /// Sets an attribute. void addAttribute( const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName, const XMLString & qname, const XMLString & type, const XMLString & value); /// Adds an attribute to the end of the list. void addAttribute( const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName, const XMLString & qname, const XMLString & type, const XMLString & value, bool specified); /// Adds an attribute to the end of the list. void addAttribute( const XMLChar * namespaceURI, const XMLChar * localName, const XMLChar * qname, const XMLChar * type, const XMLChar * value, bool specified); /// Adds an attribute to the end of the list. Attribute & addAttribute(); /// Add an (empty) attribute to the end of the list. /// For internal use only. /// The returned Attribute element must be filled by the caller. void removeAttribute(int i); /// Removes an attribute. void removeAttribute(const XMLString & qname); /// Removes an attribute. void removeAttribute(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName); /// Removes an attribute. void clear(); /// Removes all attributes. void reserve(std::size_t capacity); /// Reserves capacity in the internal vector. void setLocalName(int i, const XMLString & localName); /// Sets the local name of an attribute. void setQName(int i, const XMLString & qname); /// Sets the qualified name of an attribute. void setType(int i, const XMLString & type); /// Sets the type of an attribute. void setURI(int i, const XMLString & namespaceURI); /// Sets the namespace URI of an attribute. iterator begin() const; /// Iterator support. iterator end() const; /// Iterator support. protected: Attribute * find(const XMLString & qname) const; Attribute * find(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const; struct EmptyAttribute : Attribute { EmptyAttribute(); }; private: AttributeVec _attributes; static EmptyAttribute _empty; }; // // inlines // inline AttributesImpl::iterator AttributesImpl::begin() const { return _attributes.begin(); } inline AttributesImpl::iterator AttributesImpl::end() const { return _attributes.end(); } inline AttributesImpl::Attribute & AttributesImpl::addAttribute() { _attributes.push_back(_empty); return _attributes.back(); } inline int AttributesImpl::getLength() const { return (int)_attributes.size(); } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getLocalName(int i) const { poco_assert(0 <= i && i < static_cast(_attributes.size())); return _attributes[i].localName; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getQName(int i) const { poco_assert(0 <= i && i < static_cast(_attributes.size())); return _attributes[i].qname; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getType(int i) const { poco_assert(0 <= i && i < static_cast(_attributes.size())); return _attributes[i].type; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getType(const XMLString & qname) const { Attribute * pAttr = find(qname); if (pAttr) return pAttr->type; else return _empty.type; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getType(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const { Attribute * pAttr = find(namespaceURI, localName); if (pAttr) return pAttr->type; else return _empty.type; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getValue(int i) const { poco_assert(0 <= i && i < static_cast(_attributes.size())); return _attributes[i].value; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getValue(const XMLString & qname) const { Attribute * pAttr = find(qname); if (pAttr) return pAttr->value; else return _empty.value; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getValue(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const { Attribute * pAttr = find(namespaceURI, localName); if (pAttr) return pAttr->value; else return _empty.value; } inline const XMLString & AttributesImpl::getURI(int i) const { poco_assert(0 <= i && i < static_cast(_attributes.size())); return _attributes[i].namespaceURI; } inline bool AttributesImpl::isSpecified(int i) const { poco_assert(0 <= i && i < static_cast(_attributes.size())); return _attributes[i].specified; } inline bool AttributesImpl::isSpecified(const XMLString & qname) const { Attribute * pAttr = find(qname); if (pAttr) return pAttr->specified; else return false; } inline bool AttributesImpl::isSpecified(const XMLString & namespaceURI, const XMLString & localName) const { Attribute * pAttr = find(namespaceURI, localName); if (pAttr) return pAttr->specified; else return false; } } } // namespace Poco::XML #endif // SAX_AttributesImpl_INCLUDED