-- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/57193 SELECT 2147483647, count(pow(NULL, 1.0001)) FROM remote(test_cluster_two_shards, system, one) GROUP BY makeDateTime64(NULL, NULL, pow(NULL, '257') - '-1', '0.2147483647', 257), makeDateTime64(pow(pow(NULL, '21474836.46') - '0.0000065535', 1048577), '922337203685477580.6', NULL, NULL, pow(NULL, 1.0001) - 65536, NULL) WITH CUBE SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer = 1; CREATE TABLE data_01223 (`key` Int) ENGINE = Memory; CREATE TABLE dist_layer_01223 AS data_01223 ENGINE = Distributed(test_cluster_two_shards, currentDatabase(), data_01223); CREATE TABLE dist_01223 AS data_01223 ENGINE = Distributed(test_cluster_two_shards, currentDatabase(), dist_layer_01223); SELECT count(round('92233720368547758.07', '-0.01', NULL, nan, '25.7', '-92233720368547758.07', NULL)) FROM dist_01223 WHERE round(NULL, 1025, 1.1754943508222875e-38, NULL) WITH TOTALS SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer = 1;