import re import os from typing import TextIO, List, Tuple, Optional, Dict # name, default value, description Entity = Tuple[str, str, str] # cmake_option_regex: str = r"^\s*option\s*\(([A-Z_0-9${}]+)\s*(?:\"((?:.|\n)*?)\")?\s*(.*)?\).*$" ch_master_url: str = "" name_str: str = "[`{name}`](" + ch_master_url + "{path}#L{line})" default_anchor_str: str = "[`{name}`](#{anchor})" comment_var_regex: str = r"\${(.+)}" comment_var_replace: str = "`\\1`" table_header: str = """ | Name | Default value | Description | Comment | |------|---------------|-------------|---------| """ # Needed to detect conditional variables (those which are defined twice) # name -> (path, values) entities: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] = {} def make_anchor(t: str) -> str: return "".join(["-" if i == "_" else i.lower() for i in t if i.isalpha() or i == "_"]) def process_comment(comment: str) -> str: return re.sub(comment_var_regex, comment_var_replace, comment, flags=re.MULTILINE) def build_entity(path: str, entity: Entity, line_comment: Tuple[int, str]) -> None: (line, comment) = line_comment (name, description, default) = entity if name in entities: return # cannot escape the { in macro option description -> invalid AMP html # Skipping "USE_INTERNAL_${LIB_NAME_UC}_LIBRARY" if "LIB_NAME_UC" in name: return if len(default) == 0: formatted_default: str = "`OFF`" elif default[0] == "$": formatted_default: str = "`{}`".format(default[2:-1]) else: formatted_default: str = "`" + default + "`" formatted_name: str = name_str.format( anchor=make_anchor(name), name=name, path=path, line=line) formatted_description: str = "".join(description.split("\n")) formatted_comment: str = process_comment(comment) formatted_entity: str = "| {} | {} | {} | {} |".format( formatted_name, formatted_default, formatted_description, formatted_comment) entities[name] = path, formatted_entity def process_file(root_path: str, file_path: str, file_name: str) -> None: with open(os.path.join(file_path, file_name), 'r') as cmake_file: contents: str = def get_line_and_comment(target: str) -> Tuple[int, str]: contents_list: List[str] = contents.split("\n") comment: str = "" for n, line in enumerate(contents_list): if 'option' not in line.lower() or target not in line: continue for maybe_comment_line in contents_list[n - 1::-1]: if not re.match("\s*#\s*", maybe_comment_line): break comment = re.sub("\s*#\s*", "", maybe_comment_line) + " " + comment # line numbering starts with 1 return n + 1, comment matches: Optional[List[Entity]] = re.findall(cmake_option_regex, contents, re.MULTILINE) file_rel_path_with_name: str = os.path.join(file_path[len(root_path):], file_name) if file_rel_path_with_name.startswith('/'): file_rel_path_with_name = file_rel_path_with_name[1:] if matches: for entity in matches: build_entity(file_rel_path_with_name, entity, get_line_and_comment(entity[0])) def process_folder(root_path: str, name: str) -> None: for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.join(root_path, name)): for f in files: if f == "CMakeLists.txt" or ".cmake" in f: process_file(root_path, root, f) def generate_cmake_flags_files() -> None: root_path: str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..') output_file_name: str = os.path.join(root_path, "docs/en/development/") header_file_name: str = os.path.join(root_path, "docs/_includes/") footer_file_name: str = os.path.join(root_path, "docs/_includes/") process_file(root_path, root_path, "CMakeLists.txt") process_file(root_path, os.path.join(root_path, "programs"), "CMakeLists.txt") process_folder(root_path, "base") process_folder(root_path, "cmake") process_folder(root_path, "src") with open(output_file_name, "w") as f: with open(header_file_name, "r") as header: f.write( sorted_keys: List[str] = sorted(entities.keys()) ignored_keys: List[str] = [] f.write("### ClickHouse modes\n" + table_header) for k in sorted_keys: if k.startswith("ENABLE_CLICKHOUSE_"): f.write(entities[k][1] + "\n") ignored_keys.append(k) f.write("\n### External libraries\nNote that ClickHouse uses forks of these libraries, see\n" + table_header) for k in sorted_keys: if k.startswith("ENABLE_") and ".cmake" in entities[k][0]: f.write(entities[k][1] + "\n") ignored_keys.append(k) f.write("\n\n### External libraries system/bundled mode\n" + table_header) for k in sorted_keys: if k.startswith("USE_INTERNAL_"): f.write(entities[k][1] + "\n") ignored_keys.append(k) f.write("\n\n### Other flags\n" + table_header) for k in sorted(set(sorted_keys).difference(set(ignored_keys))): f.write(entities[k][1] + "\n") with open(footer_file_name, "r") as footer: f.write( if __name__ == '__main__': generate_cmake_flags_files()