--- machine_translated: true machine_translated_rev: 72537a2d527c63c07aa5d2361a8829f3895cf2bd toc_priority: 43 toc_title: "\u5916\u90E8\u5B57\u5178\u7684\u6765\u6E90" --- # 外部字典的来源 {#dicts-external-dicts-dict-sources} 外部字典可以从许多不同的来源连接。 如果使用xml-file配置字典,则配置如下所示: ``` xml ... ... ... ``` 在情况下 [DDL-查询](../../statements/create.md#create-dictionary-query),相等的配置将看起来像: ``` sql CREATE DICTIONARY dict_name (...) ... SOURCE(SOURCE_TYPE(param1 val1 ... paramN valN)) -- Source configuration ... ``` 源配置在 `source` 科。 对于源类型 [本地文件](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-local_file), [可执行文件](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-executable), [HTTP(s)](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-http), [ClickHouse](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-clickhouse) 可选设置: ``` xml /opt/dictionaries/os.tsv TabSeparated 0 ``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(FILE(path '/opt/dictionaries/os.tsv' format 'TabSeparated')) SETTINGS(format_csv_allow_single_quotes = 0) ``` 来源类型 (`source_type`): - [本地文件](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-local_file) - [可执行文件](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-executable) - [HTTP(s)](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-http) - DBMS - [ODBC](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-odbc) - [MySQL](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-mysql) - [ClickHouse](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-clickhouse) - [MongoDB](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-mongodb) - [Redis](#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-redis) ## 本地文件 {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-local_file} 设置示例: ``` xml /opt/dictionaries/os.tsv TabSeparated ``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(FILE(path '/opt/dictionaries/os.tsv' format 'TabSeparated')) ``` 设置字段: - `path` – The absolute path to the file. - `format` – The file format. All the formats described in “[格式](../../../interfaces/formats.md#formats)” 支持。 ## 可执行文件 {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-executable} 使用可执行文件取决于 [字典如何存储在内存中](external-dicts-dict-layout.md). 如果字典存储使用 `cache` 和 `complex_key_cache`,ClickHouse通过向可执行文件的STDIN发送请求来请求必要的密钥。 否则,ClickHouse将启动可执行文件并将其输出视为字典数据。 设置示例: ``` xml cat /opt/dictionaries/os.tsv TabSeparated ``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(EXECUTABLE(command 'cat /opt/dictionaries/os.tsv' format 'TabSeparated')) ``` 设置字段: - `command` – The absolute path to the executable file, or the file name (if the program directory is written to `PATH`). - `format` – The file format. All the formats described in “[格式](../../../interfaces/formats.md#formats)” 支持。 ## Http(s) {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-http} 使用HTTP(s)服务器取决于 [字典如何存储在内存中](external-dicts-dict-layout.md). 如果字典存储使用 `cache` 和 `complex_key_cache`,ClickHouse通过通过发送请求请求必要的密钥 `POST` 方法。 设置示例: ``` xml http://[::1]/os.tsv TabSeparated user password
``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(HTTP( url 'http://[::1]/os.tsv' format 'TabSeparated' credentials(user 'user' password 'password') headers(header(name 'API-KEY' value 'key')) )) ``` 为了让ClickHouse访问HTTPS资源,您必须 [配置openSSL](../../../operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings.md#server_configuration_parameters-openssl) 在服务器配置中。 设置字段: - `url` – The source URL. - `format` – The file format. All the formats described in “[格式](../../../interfaces/formats.md#formats)” 支持。 - `credentials` – Basic HTTP authentication. Optional parameter. - `user` – Username required for the authentication. - `password` – Password required for the authentication. - `headers` – All custom HTTP headers entries used for the HTTP request. Optional parameter. - `header` – Single HTTP header entry. - `name` – Identifiant name used for the header send on the request. - `value` – Value set for a specific identifiant name. ## ODBC {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-odbc} 您可以使用此方法连接具有ODBC驱动程序的任何数据库。 设置示例: ``` xml DatabaseName ShemaName.TableName
DSN=some_parameters SQL_QUERY
``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(ODBC( db 'DatabaseName' table 'SchemaName.TableName' connection_string 'DSN=some_parameters' invalidate_query 'SQL_QUERY' )) ``` 设置字段: - `db` – Name of the database. Omit it if the database name is set in the `` 参数。 - `table` – Name of the table and schema if exists. - `connection_string` – Connection string. - `invalidate_query` – Query for checking the dictionary status. Optional parameter. Read more in the section [更新字典](external-dicts-dict-lifetime.md). ClickHouse接收来自ODBC-driver的引用符号,并将查询中的所有设置引用到driver,因此有必要根据数据库中的表名大小写设置表名。 如果您在使用Oracle时遇到编码问题,请参阅相应的 [FAQ](../../../faq/general.md#oracle-odbc-encodings) 文章. ### ODBC字典功能的已知漏洞 {#known-vulnerability-of-the-odbc-dictionary-functionality} !!! attention "注意" 通过ODBC驱动程序连接参数连接到数据库时 `Servername` 可以取代。 在这种情况下,值 `USERNAME` 和 `PASSWORD` 从 `odbc.ini` 被发送到远程服务器,并且可能会受到损害。 **不安全使用示例** 让我们为PostgreSQL配置unixODBC。 的内容 `/etc/odbc.ini`: ``` text [gregtest] Driver = /usr/lib/psqlodbca.so Servername = localhost PORT = 5432 DATABASE = test_db #OPTION = 3 USERNAME = test PASSWORD = test ``` 如果然后进行查询,例如 ``` sql SELECT * FROM odbc('DSN=gregtest;Servername=some-server.com', 'test_db'); ``` ODBC驱动程序将发送的值 `USERNAME` 和 `PASSWORD` 从 `odbc.ini` 到 `some-server.com`. ### 连接Postgresql的示例 {#example-of-connecting-postgresql} Ubuntu操作系统。 为PostgreSQL安装unixODBC和ODBC驱动程序: ``` bash $ sudo apt-get install -y unixodbc odbcinst odbc-postgresql ``` 配置 `/etc/odbc.ini` (或 `~/.odbc.ini`): ``` text [DEFAULT] Driver = myconnection [myconnection] Description = PostgreSQL connection to my_db Driver = PostgreSQL Unicode Database = my_db Servername = UserName = username Password = password Port = 5432 Protocol = 9.3 ReadOnly = No RowVersioning = No ShowSystemTables = No ConnSettings = ``` ClickHouse中的字典配置: ``` xml table_name DSN=myconnection postgresql_table
300 360 id some_column UInt64 0
``` 或 ``` sql CREATE DICTIONARY table_name ( id UInt64, some_column UInt64 DEFAULT 0 ) PRIMARY KEY id SOURCE(ODBC(connection_string 'DSN=myconnection' table 'postgresql_table')) LAYOUT(HASHED()) LIFETIME(MIN 300 MAX 360) ``` 您可能需要编辑 `odbc.ini` 使用驱动程序指定库的完整路径 `DRIVER=/usr/local/lib/psqlodbcw.so`. ### 连接MS SQL Server的示例 {#example-of-connecting-ms-sql-server} Ubuntu操作系统。 安装驱动程序: : ``` bash $ sudo apt-get install tdsodbc freetds-bin sqsh ``` 配置驱动程序: ``` bash $ cat /etc/freetds/freetds.conf ... [MSSQL] host = port = 1433 tds version = 7.0 client charset = UTF-8 $ cat /etc/odbcinst.ini ... [FreeTDS] Description = FreeTDS Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so Setup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsS.so FileUsage = 1 UsageCount = 5 $ cat ~/.odbc.ini ... [MSSQL] Description = FreeTDS Driver = FreeTDS Servername = MSSQL Database = test UID = test PWD = test Port = 1433 ``` 在ClickHouse中配置字典: ``` xml test dict
300 360 k s String
``` 或 ``` sql CREATE DICTIONARY test ( k UInt64, s String DEFAULT '' ) PRIMARY KEY k SOURCE(ODBC(table 'dict' connection_string 'DSN=MSSQL;UID=test;PWD=test')) LAYOUT(FLAT()) LIFETIME(MIN 300 MAX 360) ``` ## DBMS {#dbms} ### Mysql {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-mysql} 设置示例: ``` xml 3306 clickhouse qwerty example01-1 1 example01-2 1 db_name table_name
``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(MYSQL( port 3306 user 'clickhouse' password 'qwerty' replica(host 'example01-1' priority 1) replica(host 'example01-2' priority 1) db 'db_name' table 'table_name' where 'id=10' invalidate_query 'SQL_QUERY' )) ``` 设置字段: - `port` – The port on the MySQL server. You can specify it for all replicas, or for each one individually (inside ``). - `user` – Name of the MySQL user. You can specify it for all replicas, or for each one individually (inside ``). - `password` – Password of the MySQL user. You can specify it for all replicas, or for each one individually (inside ``). - `replica` – Section of replica configurations. There can be multiple sections. - `replica/host` – The MySQL host. - `replica/priority` – The replica priority. When attempting to connect, ClickHouse traverses the replicas in order of priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. - `db` – Name of the database. - `table` – Name of the table. - `where` – The selection criteria. The syntax for conditions is the same as for `WHERE` 例如,mysql中的子句, `id > 10 AND id < 20`. 可选参数。 - `invalidate_query` – Query for checking the dictionary status. Optional parameter. Read more in the section [更新字典](external-dicts-dict-lifetime.md). MySQL可以通过套接字在本地主机上连接。 要做到这一点,设置 `host` 和 `socket`. 设置示例: ``` xml localhost /path/to/socket/file.sock clickhouse qwerty db_name table_name
``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(MYSQL( host 'localhost' socket '/path/to/socket/file.sock' user 'clickhouse' password 'qwerty' db 'db_name' table 'table_name' where 'id=10' invalidate_query 'SQL_QUERY' )) ``` ### ClickHouse {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-clickhouse} 设置示例: ``` xml example01-01-1 9000 default default ids
``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE( host 'example01-01-1' port 9000 user 'default' password '' db 'default' table 'ids' where 'id=10' )) ``` 设置字段: - `host` – The ClickHouse host. If it is a local host, the query is processed without any network activity. To improve fault tolerance, you can create a [分布](../../../engines/table-engines/special/distributed.md) 表并在后续配置中输入它。 - `port` – The port on the ClickHouse server. - `user` – Name of the ClickHouse user. - `password` – Password of the ClickHouse user. - `db` – Name of the database. - `table` – Name of the table. - `where` – The selection criteria. May be omitted. - `invalidate_query` – Query for checking the dictionary status. Optional parameter. Read more in the section [更新字典](external-dicts-dict-lifetime.md). ### Mongodb {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-mongodb} 设置示例: ``` xml localhost 27017 test dictionary_source ``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(MONGO( host 'localhost' port 27017 user '' password '' db 'test' collection 'dictionary_source' )) ``` 设置字段: - `host` – The MongoDB host. - `port` – The port on the MongoDB server. - `user` – Name of the MongoDB user. - `password` – Password of the MongoDB user. - `db` – Name of the database. - `collection` – Name of the collection. ### Redis {#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-redis} 设置示例: ``` xml localhost 6379 simple 0 ``` 或 ``` sql SOURCE(REDIS( host 'localhost' port 6379 storage_type 'simple' db_index 0 )) ``` 设置字段: - `host` – The Redis host. - `port` – The port on the Redis server. - `storage_type` – The structure of internal Redis storage using for work with keys. `simple` 适用于简单源和散列单键源, `hash_map` 用于具有两个键的散列源。 不支持具有复杂键的范围源和缓存源。 可以省略,默认值为 `simple`. - `db_index` – The specific numeric index of Redis logical database. May be omitted, default value is 0. [原始文章](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/query_language/dicts/external_dicts_dict_sources/)