#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { Block::Block(const Block & other) { *this = other; } void Block::addDefaults(const NamesAndTypesList & required_columns) { /// Для недостающих столбцов из вложенной структуры нужно создавать не столбец пустых массивов, а столбец массивов правильных длин. /// Сначала запомним столбцы смещений для всех массивов в блоке. std::map offset_columns; for (const auto & elem : data) { if (const ColumnArray * array = typeid_cast(&*elem.column)) { String offsets_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(elem.name); auto & offsets_column = offset_columns[offsets_name]; /// Если почему-то есть разные столбцы смещений для одной вложенной структуры, то берём непустой. if (!offsets_column || offsets_column->empty()) offsets_column = array->getOffsetsColumn(); } } for (const auto & requested_column : required_columns) { if (has(requested_column.name)) continue; ColumnWithTypeAndName column_to_add; column_to_add.name = requested_column.name; column_to_add.type = requested_column.type; String offsets_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(column_to_add.name); if (offset_columns.count(offsets_name)) { ColumnPtr offsets_column = offset_columns[offsets_name]; DataTypePtr nested_type = typeid_cast(*column_to_add.type).getNestedType(); size_t nested_rows = offsets_column->empty() ? 0 : typeid_cast(*offsets_column).getData().back(); ColumnPtr nested_column = dynamic_cast( *nested_type->createConstColumn( nested_rows, nested_type->getDefault())).convertToFullColumn(); column_to_add.column = new ColumnArray(nested_column, offsets_column); } else { /** Нужно превратить константный столбец в полноценный, так как в части блоков (из других кусков), * он может быть полноценным (а то интерпретатор может посчитать, что он константный везде). */ column_to_add.column = dynamic_cast( *column_to_add.type->createConstColumn( rowsInFirstColumn(), column_to_add.type->getDefault())).convertToFullColumn(); } insert(column_to_add); } } Block & Block::operator= (const Block & other) { info = other.info; data = other.data; index_by_position.resize(data.size()); index_by_name.clear(); size_t pos = 0; for (Container_t::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it, ++pos) { index_by_position[pos] = it; index_by_name[it->name] = it; } return *this; } void Block::insert(size_t position, const ColumnWithTypeAndName & elem) { if (position > index_by_position.size()) throw Exception("Position out of bound in Block::insert(), max position = " + toString(index_by_position.size()), ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); if (position == index_by_position.size()) { insert(elem); return; } Container_t::iterator it = data.insert(index_by_position[position], elem); index_by_name[elem.name] = it; index_by_position.resize(index_by_position.size() + 1); for (size_t i = index_by_position.size() - 1; i > position; --i) index_by_position[i] = index_by_position[i - 1]; index_by_position[position] = it; } void Block::insert(const ColumnWithTypeAndName & elem) { Container_t::iterator it = data.insert(data.end(), elem); index_by_name[elem.name] = it; index_by_position.push_back(it); } void Block::insertUnique(const ColumnWithTypeAndName & elem) { if (index_by_name.end() == index_by_name.find(elem.name)) insert(elem); } void Block::erase(size_t position) { if (index_by_position.empty()) throw Exception("Block is empty", ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); if (position >= index_by_position.size()) throw Exception("Position out of bound in Block::erase(), max position = " + toString(index_by_position.size() - 1), ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); Container_t::iterator it = index_by_position[position]; index_by_name.erase(index_by_name.find(it->name)); data.erase(it); for (size_t i = position, size = index_by_position.size() - 1; i < size; ++i) index_by_position[i] = index_by_position[i + 1]; index_by_position.resize(index_by_position.size() - 1); } void Block::erase(const String & name) { IndexByName_t::iterator index_it = index_by_name.find(name); if (index_it == index_by_name.end()) throw Exception("No such name in Block::erase(): '" + name + "'", ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); Container_t::iterator it = index_it->second; index_by_name.erase(index_it); size_t position = std::distance(data.begin(), it); data.erase(it); for (size_t i = position, size = index_by_position.size() - 1; i < size; ++i) index_by_position[i] = index_by_position[i + 1]; index_by_position.resize(index_by_position.size() - 1); } ColumnWithTypeAndName & Block::getByPosition(size_t position) { if (index_by_position.empty()) throw Exception("Block is empty", ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); if (position >= index_by_position.size()) throw Exception("Position " + toString(position) + " is out of bound in Block::getByPosition(), max position = " + toString(index_by_position.size() - 1) + ", there are columns: " + dumpNames(), ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); return *index_by_position[position]; } const ColumnWithTypeAndName & Block::getByPosition(size_t position) const { if (index_by_position.empty()) throw Exception("Block is empty", ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); if (position >= index_by_position.size()) throw Exception("Position " + toString(position) + " is out of bound in Block::getByPosition(), max position = " + toString(index_by_position.size() - 1) + ", there are columns: " + dumpNames(), ErrorCodes::POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND); return *index_by_position[position]; } ColumnWithTypeAndName & Block::getByName(const std::string & name) { IndexByName_t::const_iterator it = index_by_name.find(name); if (index_by_name.end() == it) throw Exception("Not found column " + name + " in block. There are only columns: " + dumpNames() , ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); return *it->second; } const ColumnWithTypeAndName & Block::getByName(const std::string & name) const { IndexByName_t::const_iterator it = index_by_name.find(name); if (index_by_name.end() == it) throw Exception("Not found column " + name + " in block. There are only columns: " + dumpNames() , ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); return *it->second; } bool Block::has(const std::string & name) const { return index_by_name.end() != index_by_name.find(name); } size_t Block::getPositionByName(const std::string & name) const { IndexByName_t::const_iterator it = index_by_name.find(name); if (index_by_name.end() == it) throw Exception("Not found column " + name + " in block. There are only columns: " + dumpNames() , ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); return std::distance(const_cast(data).begin(), it->second); } size_t Block::rows() const { size_t res = 0; for (const auto & elem : data) { size_t size = elem.column->size(); if (res != 0 && size != res) throw Exception("Sizes of columns doesn't match: " + data.begin()->name + ": " + toString(res) + ", " + elem.name + ": " + toString(size) , ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_COLUMNS_DOESNT_MATCH); res = size; } return res; } size_t Block::rowsInFirstColumn() const { if (data.empty()) return 0; for (const auto & elem : data) { if (!elem.column.isNull()) return elem.column->size(); } return 0; } size_t Block::bytes() const { size_t res = 0; for (const auto & elem : data) res += elem.column->byteSize(); return res; } std::string Block::dumpNames() const { std::stringstream res; for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { if (it != data.begin()) res << ", "; res << it->name; } return res.str(); } std::string Block::dumpStructure() const { std::stringstream res; for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { if (it != data.begin()) res << ", "; res << it->name << ' ' << it->type->getName(); if (it->column) res << ' ' << it->column->getName() << ' ' << it->column->size(); else res << " nullptr"; } return res.str(); } Block Block::cloneEmpty() const { Block res; for (const auto & elem : data) res.insert(elem.cloneEmpty()); return res; } Block Block::sortColumns() const { Block sorted_block; for (const auto & name : index_by_name) sorted_block.insert(*name.second); return sorted_block; } ColumnsWithTypeAndName Block::getColumns() const { return ColumnsWithTypeAndName(data.begin(), data.end()); } NamesAndTypesList Block::getColumnsList() const { NamesAndTypesList res; for (const auto & elem : data) res.push_back(NameAndTypePair(elem.name, elem.type)); return res; } void Block::checkNestedArraysOffsets() const { /// Указатели на столбцы-массивы, для проверки равенства столбцов смещений во вложенных структурах данных typedef std::map ArrayColumns; ArrayColumns array_columns; for (const auto & elem : data) { if (const ColumnArray * column_array = typeid_cast(&*elem.column)) { String name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(elem.name); ArrayColumns::const_iterator it = array_columns.find(name); if (array_columns.end() == it) array_columns[name] = column_array; else { if (!it->second->hasEqualOffsets(*column_array)) throw Exception("Sizes of nested arrays do not match", ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_ARRAYS_DOESNT_MATCH); } } } } void Block::optimizeNestedArraysOffsets() { /// Указатели на столбцы-массивы, для проверки равенства столбцов смещений во вложенных структурах данных typedef std::map ArrayColumns; ArrayColumns array_columns; for (auto & elem : data) { if (ColumnArray * column_array = typeid_cast(&*elem.column)) { String name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(elem.name); ArrayColumns::const_iterator it = array_columns.find(name); if (array_columns.end() == it) array_columns[name] = column_array; else { if (!it->second->hasEqualOffsets(*column_array)) throw Exception("Sizes of nested arrays do not match", ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_ARRAYS_DOESNT_MATCH); /// делаем так, чтобы столбцы смещений массивов внутри одной вложенной таблицы указывали в одно место column_array->getOffsetsColumn() = it->second->getOffsetsColumn(); } } } } bool blocksHaveEqualStructure(const Block & lhs, const Block & rhs) { size_t columns = lhs.columns(); if (rhs.columns() != columns) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { const IDataType & lhs_type = *lhs.getByPosition(i).type; const IDataType & rhs_type = *rhs.getByPosition(i).type; if (lhs_type.getName() != rhs_type.getName()) return false; } return true; } void Block::clear() { info = BlockInfo(); data.clear(); index_by_name.clear(); index_by_position.clear(); } void Block::swap(Block & other) { std::swap(info, other.info); data.swap(other.data); index_by_name.swap(other.index_by_name); index_by_position.swap(other.index_by_position); } }