#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int METADATA_MISMATCH; } static String formattedAST(const ASTPtr & ast) { if (!ast) return ""; WriteBufferFromOwnString buf; formatAST(*ast, buf, false, true); return buf.str(); } ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata(const MergeTreeData & data, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot) { if (data.format_version < MERGE_TREE_DATA_MIN_FORMAT_VERSION_WITH_CUSTOM_PARTITIONING) { auto minmax_idx_column_names = data.getMinMaxColumnsNames(metadata_snapshot->getPartitionKey()); date_column = minmax_idx_column_names[data.minmax_idx_date_column_pos]; } const auto data_settings = data.getSettings(); sampling_expression = formattedAST(metadata_snapshot->getSamplingKeyAST()); index_granularity = data_settings->index_granularity; merging_params_mode = static_cast(data.merging_params.mode); sign_column = data.merging_params.sign_column; /// This code may looks strange, but previously we had only one entity: PRIMARY KEY (or ORDER BY, it doesn't matter) /// Now we have two different entities ORDER BY and it's optional prefix -- PRIMARY KEY. /// In most cases user doesn't specify PRIMARY KEY and semantically it's equal to ORDER BY. /// So rules in zookeeper metadata is following: /// - When we have only ORDER BY, than store it in "primary key:" row of /metadata /// - When we have both, than store PRIMARY KEY in "primary key:" row and ORDER BY in "sorting key:" row of /metadata primary_key = formattedAST(metadata_snapshot->getPrimaryKey().expression_list_ast); if (metadata_snapshot->isPrimaryKeyDefined()) sorting_key = formattedAST(metadata_snapshot->getSortingKey().expression_list_ast); data_format_version = data.format_version; if (data.format_version >= MERGE_TREE_DATA_MIN_FORMAT_VERSION_WITH_CUSTOM_PARTITIONING) partition_key = formattedAST(metadata_snapshot->getPartitionKey().expression_list_ast); ttl_table = formattedAST(metadata_snapshot->getTableTTLs().definition_ast); skip_indices = metadata_snapshot->getSecondaryIndices().toString(); if (data.canUseAdaptiveGranularity()) index_granularity_bytes = data_settings->index_granularity_bytes; else index_granularity_bytes = 0; constraints = metadata_snapshot->getConstraints().toString(); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::write(WriteBuffer & out) const { out << "metadata format version: 1\n" << "date column: " << date_column << "\n" << "sampling expression: " << sampling_expression << "\n" << "index granularity: " << index_granularity << "\n" << "mode: " << merging_params_mode << "\n" << "sign column: " << sign_column << "\n" << "primary key: " << primary_key << "\n"; if (data_format_version >= MERGE_TREE_DATA_MIN_FORMAT_VERSION_WITH_CUSTOM_PARTITIONING) { out << "data format version: " << data_format_version.toUnderType() << "\n" << "partition key: " << partition_key << "\n"; } if (!sorting_key.empty()) out << "sorting key: " << sorting_key << "\n"; if (!ttl_table.empty()) out << "ttl: " << ttl_table << "\n"; if (!skip_indices.empty()) out << "indices: " << skip_indices << "\n"; if (index_granularity_bytes != 0) out << "granularity bytes: " << index_granularity_bytes << "\n"; if (!constraints.empty()) out << "constraints: " << constraints << "\n"; } String ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::toString() const { WriteBufferFromOwnString out; write(out); return out.str(); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::read(ReadBuffer & in) { in >> "metadata format version: 1\n"; in >> "date column: " >> date_column >> "\n"; in >> "sampling expression: " >> sampling_expression >> "\n"; in >> "index granularity: " >> index_granularity >> "\n"; in >> "mode: " >> merging_params_mode >> "\n"; in >> "sign column: " >> sign_column >> "\n"; in >> "primary key: " >> primary_key >> "\n"; if (in.eof()) data_format_version = 0; else if (checkString("data format version: ", in)) in >> data_format_version.toUnderType() >> "\n"; if (data_format_version >= MERGE_TREE_DATA_MIN_FORMAT_VERSION_WITH_CUSTOM_PARTITIONING) in >> "partition key: " >> partition_key >> "\n"; if (checkString("sorting key: ", in)) in >> sorting_key >> "\n"; if (checkString("ttl: ", in)) in >> ttl_table >> "\n"; if (checkString("indices: ", in)) in >> skip_indices >> "\n"; if (checkString("granularity bytes: ", in)) { in >> index_granularity_bytes >> "\n"; index_granularity_bytes_found_in_zk = true; } else index_granularity_bytes = 0; if (checkString("constraints: ", in)) in >> constraints >> "\n"; } ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::parse(const String & s) { ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata metadata; ReadBufferFromString buf(s); metadata.read(buf); return metadata; } void ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::checkImmutableFieldsEquals(const ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata & from_zk) const { if (data_format_version < MERGE_TREE_DATA_MIN_FORMAT_VERSION_WITH_CUSTOM_PARTITIONING) { if (date_column != from_zk.date_column) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in date index column." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.date_column + ", local: " + date_column, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } else if (!from_zk.date_column.empty()) { throw Exception( "Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in date index column." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.date_column + ", local is custom-partitioned.", ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } if (index_granularity != from_zk.index_granularity) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in index granularity." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + DB::toString(from_zk.index_granularity) + ", local: " + DB::toString(index_granularity), ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); if (merging_params_mode != from_zk.merging_params_mode) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in mode of merge operation." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + DB::toString(from_zk.merging_params_mode) + ", local: " + DB::toString(merging_params_mode), ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); if (sign_column != from_zk.sign_column) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in sign column." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.sign_column + ", local: " + sign_column, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); /// NOTE: You can make a less strict check of match expressions so that tables do not break from small changes /// in formatAST code. if (primary_key != from_zk.primary_key) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in primary key." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.primary_key + ", local: " + primary_key, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); if (data_format_version != from_zk.data_format_version) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in data format version." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + DB::toString(from_zk.data_format_version.toUnderType()) + ", local: " + DB::toString(data_format_version.toUnderType()), ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); if (partition_key != from_zk.partition_key) throw Exception( "Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in partition key expression." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.partition_key + ", local: " + partition_key, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::checkEquals(const ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata & from_zk, const ColumnsDescription & columns, const Context & context) const { checkImmutableFieldsEquals(from_zk); if (sampling_expression != from_zk.sampling_expression) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in sample expression." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.sampling_expression + ", local: " + sampling_expression, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); if (sorting_key != from_zk.sorting_key) { throw Exception( "Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in sorting key expression." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.sorting_key + ", local: " + sorting_key, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } if (ttl_table != from_zk.ttl_table) { throw Exception( "Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in TTL." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.ttl_table + ", local: " + ttl_table, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } String parsed_zk_skip_indices = IndicesDescription::parse(from_zk.skip_indices, columns, context).toString(); if (skip_indices != parsed_zk_skip_indices) { throw Exception( "Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in skip indexes." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.skip_indices + ", parsed from ZooKeeper: " + parsed_zk_skip_indices + ", local: " + skip_indices, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } String parsed_zk_constraints = ConstraintsDescription::parse(from_zk.constraints).toString(); if (constraints != parsed_zk_constraints) { throw Exception( "Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in constraints." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + from_zk.constraints + ", parsed from ZooKeeper: " + parsed_zk_constraints + ", local: " + constraints, ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } if (from_zk.index_granularity_bytes_found_in_zk && index_granularity_bytes != from_zk.index_granularity_bytes) throw Exception("Existing table metadata in ZooKeeper differs in index granularity bytes." " Stored in ZooKeeper: " + DB::toString(from_zk.index_granularity_bytes) + ", local: " + DB::toString(index_granularity_bytes), ErrorCodes::METADATA_MISMATCH); } ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::Diff ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata::checkAndFindDiff(const ReplicatedMergeTreeTableMetadata & from_zk) const { checkImmutableFieldsEquals(from_zk); Diff diff; if (sorting_key != from_zk.sorting_key) { diff.sorting_key_changed = true; diff.new_sorting_key = from_zk.sorting_key; } if (sampling_expression != from_zk.sampling_expression) { diff.sampling_expression_changed = true; diff.new_sampling_expression = from_zk.sampling_expression; } if (ttl_table != from_zk.ttl_table) { diff.ttl_table_changed = true; diff.new_ttl_table = from_zk.ttl_table; } if (skip_indices != from_zk.skip_indices) { diff.skip_indices_changed = true; diff.new_skip_indices = from_zk.skip_indices; } if (constraints != from_zk.constraints) { diff.constraints_changed = true; diff.new_constraints = from_zk.constraints; } return diff; } }