-- Tags: no-fasttest -- no-fasttest: 'count_min' sketches need a 3rd party library -- Tests that DDL statements which create / drop / materialize statistics SET mutations_sync = 1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab; SET allow_experimental_statistics = 0; -- Error case: Can't create statistics when allow_experimental_statistics = 0 CREATE TABLE tab (col Float64 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } SET allow_experimental_statistics = 1; -- Error case: Unknown statistics types are rejected CREATE TABLE tab (col Float64 STATISTICS(no_statistics_type)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } -- Error case: The same statistics type can't exist more than once on a column CREATE TABLE tab (col Float64 STATISTICS(tdigest, tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } SET allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types = 1; -- Statistics can only be created on columns of specific data types (depending on the statistics kind), (*) -- tdigest requires data_type.isValueRepresentedByInteger -- These types work: CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt8 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt256 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Float32 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Decimal32(3) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date32 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime64 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Enum('hello', 'world') STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv4 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Nullable(UInt8) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(UInt8) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(Nullable(UInt8)) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; -- These types don't work: CREATE TABLE tab (col String STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col FixedString(1) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Array(Float64) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Tuple(Float64, Float64) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Map(UInt64, UInt64) STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col UUID STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv6 STATISTICS(tdigest)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- uniq requires data_type.isValueRepresentedByInteger or (Fixed)String -- These types work: CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt8 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt256 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Float32 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Decimal32(3) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date32 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime64 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Enum('hello', 'world') STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv4 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Nullable(UInt8) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(UInt8) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(Nullable(UInt8)) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col String STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col FixedString(1) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; -- These types don't work: CREATE TABLE tab (col Array(Float64) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Tuple(Float64, Float64) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Map(UInt64, UInt64) STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col UUID STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv6 STATISTICS(uniq)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- count_min requires data_type.isValueRepresentedByInteger or data_type = (Fixed)String -- These types work: CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt8 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt256 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Float32 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Decimal32(3) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date32 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime64 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Enum('hello', 'world') STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv4 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Nullable(UInt8) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(UInt8) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(Nullable(UInt8)) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col String STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col FixedString(1) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; -- These types don't work: CREATE TABLE tab (col Array(Float64) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Tuple(Float64, Float64) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Map(UInt64, UInt64) STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col UUID STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv6 STATISTICS(count_min)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- minmax requires data_type.isValueRepresentedByInteger -- These types work: CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt8 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col UInt256 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Float32 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Decimal32(3) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Date32 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col DateTime64 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Enum('hello', 'world') STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv4 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col Nullable(UInt8) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(UInt8) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TABLE tab (col LowCardinality(Nullable(UInt8)) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); DROP TABLE tab; -- These types don't work: CREATE TABLE tab (col String STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col FixedString(1) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Array(Float64) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Tuple(Float64, Float64) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col Map(UInt64, UInt64) STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col UUID STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } CREATE TABLE tab (col IPv6 STATISTICS(minmax)) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- CREATE TABLE was easy, ALTER is more fun CREATE TABLE tab ( f64 Float64, f64_tdigest Float64 STATISTICS(tdigest), f32 Float32, s String, a Array(Float64) ) Engine = MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple(); -- Error case: Unknown statistics types are rejected -- (relevant for ADD and MODIFY) ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64 TYPE no_statistics_type; -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS IF NOT EXISTS f64 TYPE no_statistics_type; -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64 TYPE no_statistics_type; -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } -- for some reason, ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS IF EXISTS is not supported -- Error case: The same statistics type can't exist more than once on a column -- (relevant for ADD and MODIFY) -- Create the same statistics object twice ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64 TYPE tdigest, tdigest; -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS IF NOT EXISTS f64 TYPE tdigest, tdigest; -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64 TYPE tdigest, tdigest; -- { serverError INCORRECT_QUERY } -- Create an statistics which exists already ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64_tdigest TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS IF NOT EXISTS f64_tdigest TYPE tdigest; -- no-op ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64_tdigest TYPE tdigest; -- no-op -- Error case: Column does not exist -- (relevant for ADD, MODIFY, DROP, CLEAR, and MATERIALIZE) -- Note that the results are unfortunately quite inconsistent ... ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS no_such_column TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS IF NOT EXISTS no_such_column TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS no_such_column TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS no_such_column; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS IF EXISTS no_such_column; -- no-op ALTER TABLE tab CLEAR STATISTICS no_such_column; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab CLEAR STATISTICS IF EXISTS no_such_column; -- no-op ALTER TABLE tab MATERIALIZE STATISTICS no_such_column; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MATERIALIZE STATISTICS IF EXISTS no_such_column; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- Error case: Column exists but has no statistics -- (relevant for MODIFY, DROP, CLEAR, and MATERIALIZE) -- Note that the results are unfortunately quite inconsistent ... ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS s TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS s; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS IF EXISTS s; -- no-op ALTER TABLE tab CLEAR STATISTICS s; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab CLEAR STATISTICS IF EXISTS s; -- no-op ALTER TABLE tab MATERIALIZE STATISTICS s; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MATERIALIZE STATISTICS IF EXISTS s; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- We don't check systematically that that statistics can only be created via ALTER ADD STATISTICS on columns of specific data types (the -- internal type validation code is tested already above, (*)). Only do a rudimentary check for each statistics type with a data type that -- works and one that doesn't work. -- tdigest -- Works: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64 TYPE tdigest; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64 TYPE tdigest; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; -- Doesn't work: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS a TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS a TYPE tdigest; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- uniq -- Works: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64 TYPE uniq; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64 TYPE count_min; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; -- Doesn't work: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS a TYPE uniq; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS a TYPE uniq; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- count_min -- Works: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64 TYPE count_min; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64 TYPE count_min; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; -- Doesn't work: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS a TYPE count_min; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS a TYPE count_min; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- minmax -- Works: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64 TYPE minmax; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64 TYPE minmax; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64; -- Doesn't work: ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS a TYPE minmax; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS a TYPE minmax; -- { serverError ILLEGAL_STATISTICS } -- Any data type changes on columns with statistics are disallowed, for simplicity even if the new data type is compatible with all existing -- statistics objects (e.g. tdigest can be created on Float64 and UInt64) ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY COLUMN f64_tdigest UInt64; -- { serverError ALTER_OF_COLUMN_IS_FORBIDDEN } -- Finally, do a full-circle test of a good case. Print table definition after each step. -- Intentionally specifying _two_ columns and _two_ statistics types to have that also tested. SHOW CREATE TABLE tab; ALTER TABLE tab ADD STATISTICS f64, f32 TYPE tdigest, uniq; SHOW CREATE TABLE tab; ALTER TABLE tab MODIFY STATISTICS f64, f32 TYPE tdigest, uniq; SHOW CREATE TABLE tab; ALTER TABLE tab CLEAR STATISTICS f64, f32; SHOW CREATE TABLE tab; ALTER TABLE tab MATERIALIZE STATISTICS f64, f32; SHOW CREATE TABLE tab; ALTER TABLE tab DROP STATISTICS f64, f32; SHOW CREATE TABLE tab; DROP TABLE tab;