#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import subprocess import os import time import shutil from collections import defaultdict import random import json import csv MAX_RETRY = 2 SLEEP_BETWEEN_RETRIES = 5 CLICKHOUSE_BINARY_PATH = "/usr/bin/clickhouse" CLICKHOUSE_ODBC_BRIDGE_BINARY_PATH = "/usr/bin/clickhouse-odbc-bridge" TRIES_COUNT = 10 MAX_TIME_SECONDS = 3600 MAX_TIME_IN_SANDBOX = 20 * 60 # 20 minutes TASK_TIMEOUT = 8 * 60 * 60 # 8 hours def get_tests_to_run(pr_info): result = set([]) changed_files = pr_info['changed_files'] if changed_files is None: return [] for fpath in changed_files: if 'tests/integration/test_' in fpath: logging.info('File %s changed and seems like integration test', fpath) result.add(fpath.split('/')[2]) return list(result) def filter_existing_tests(tests_to_run, repo_path): result = [] for relative_test_path in tests_to_run: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_path, 'tests/integration', relative_test_path)): result.append(relative_test_path) else: logging.info("Skipping test %s, seems like it was removed", relative_test_path) return result def _get_deselect_option(tests): return ' '.join(['--deselect {}'.format(t) for t in tests]) def parse_test_results_output(fname): read = False description_output = [] with open(fname, 'r') as out: for line in out: if read and line.strip() and not line.startswith('=='): description_output.append(line.strip()) if 'short test summary info' in line: read = True return description_output def get_counters(output): counters = { "ERROR": set([]), "PASSED": set([]), "FAILED": set([]), } for line in output: if '.py' in line: line_arr = line.strip().split(' ') state = line_arr[0] test_name = ' '.join(line_arr[1:]) if ' - ' in test_name: test_name = test_name[:test_name.find(' - ')] if state in counters: counters[state].add(test_name) else: logging.info("Strange line %s", line) else: logging.info("Strange line %s") return {k: list(v) for k, v in counters.items()} def parse_test_times(fname): read = False description_output = [] with open(fname, 'r') as out: for line in out: if read and '==' in line: break if read and line.strip(): description_output.append(line.strip()) if 'slowest durations' in line: read = True return description_output def get_test_times(output): result = defaultdict(float) for line in output: if '.py' in line: line_arr = line.strip().split(' ') test_time = line_arr[0] test_name = ' '.join([elem for elem in line_arr[2:] if elem]) if test_name not in result: result[test_name] = 0.0 result[test_name] += float(test_time[:-1]) return result def clear_ip_tables_and_restart_daemons(): logging.info("Dump iptables after run %s", subprocess.check_output("iptables -L", shell=True)) try: logging.info("Killing all alive docker containers") subprocess.check_output("docker kill $(docker ps -q)", shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.info("docker kill excepted: " + str(err)) try: logging.info("Removing all docker containers") subprocess.check_output("docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) --force", shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.info("docker rm excepted: " + str(err)) try: logging.info("Stopping docker daemon") subprocess.check_output("service docker stop", shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.info("docker stop excepted: " + str(err)) try: for i in range(200): try: logging.info("Restarting docker %s", i) subprocess.check_output("service docker start", shell=True) subprocess.check_output("docker ps", shell=True) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: time.sleep(0.5) logging.info("Waiting docker to start, current %s", str(err)) else: raise Exception("Docker daemon doesn't responding") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.info("Can't reload docker: " + str(err)) iptables_iter = 0 try: for i in range(1000): iptables_iter = i # when rules will be empty, it will raise exception subprocess.check_output("iptables -D DOCKER-USER 1", shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.info("All iptables rules cleared, " + str(iptables_iter) + "iterations, last error: " + str(err)) class ClickhouseIntegrationTestsRunner: def __init__(self, result_path, params): self.result_path = result_path self.params = params self.image_versions = self.params['docker_images_with_versions'] self.shuffle_groups = self.params['shuffle_test_groups'] self.flaky_check = 'flaky check' in self.params['context_name'] self.start_time = time.time() self.soft_deadline_time = self.start_time + (TASK_TIMEOUT - MAX_TIME_IN_SANDBOX) def path(self): return self.result_path def base_path(self): return os.path.join(str(self.result_path), '../') def should_skip_tests(self): return [] def get_image_with_version(self, name): if name in self.image_versions: return name + ":" + self.image_versions[name] logging.warn("Cannot find image %s in params list %s", name, self.image_versions) if ':' not in name: return name + ":latest" return name def get_single_image_version(self): name = self.get_images_names()[0] if name in self.image_versions: return self.image_versions[name] logging.warn("Cannot find image %s in params list %s", name, self.image_versions) return 'latest' def shuffle_test_groups(self): return self.shuffle_groups != 0 @staticmethod def get_images_names(): return ["yandex/clickhouse-integration-tests-runner", "yandex/clickhouse-mysql-golang-client", "yandex/clickhouse-mysql-java-client", "yandex/clickhouse-mysql-js-client", "yandex/clickhouse-mysql-php-client", "yandex/clickhouse-postgresql-java-client", "yandex/clickhouse-integration-test", "yandex/clickhouse-kerberos-kdc", "yandex/clickhouse-integration-helper", ] def _can_run_with(self, path, opt): with open(path, 'r') as script: for line in script: if opt in line: return True return False def _install_clickhouse(self, debs_path): for package in ('clickhouse-common-static_', 'clickhouse-server_', 'clickhouse-client', 'clickhouse-common-static-dbg_'): # order matters logging.info("Installing package %s", package) for f in os.listdir(debs_path): if package in f: full_path = os.path.join(debs_path, f) logging.info("Package found in %s", full_path) log_name = "install_" + f + ".log" log_path = os.path.join(str(self.path()), log_name) with open(log_path, 'w') as log: cmd = "dpkg -i {}".format(full_path) logging.info("Executing installation cmd %s", cmd) retcode = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=log, stdout=log).wait() if retcode == 0: logging.info("Instsallation of %s successfull", full_path) else: raise Exception("Installation of %s failed", full_path) break else: raise Exception("Package with {} not found".format(package)) logging.info("Unstripping binary") # logging.info("Unstring %s", subprocess.check_output("eu-unstrip /usr/bin/clickhouse {}".format(CLICKHOUSE_BINARY_PATH), shell=True)) logging.info("All packages installed") os.chmod(CLICKHOUSE_BINARY_PATH, 0o777) os.chmod(CLICKHOUSE_ODBC_BRIDGE_BINARY_PATH, 0o777) result_path_bin = os.path.join(str(self.base_path()), "clickhouse") result_path_bridge = os.path.join(str(self.base_path()), "clickhouse-odbc-bridge") shutil.copy(CLICKHOUSE_BINARY_PATH, result_path_bin) shutil.copy(CLICKHOUSE_ODBC_BRIDGE_BINARY_PATH, result_path_bridge) return None, None def _compress_logs(self, path, result_path): subprocess.check_call("tar czf {} -C {} .".format(result_path, path), shell=True) # STYLE_CHECK_ALLOW_SUBPROCESS_CHECK_CALL def _get_all_tests(self, repo_path): image_cmd = self._get_runner_image_cmd(repo_path) cmd = "cd {}/tests/integration && ./runner {} ' --setup-plan' | grep '::' | sed 's/ (fixtures used:.*//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' > all_tests.txt".format(repo_path, image_cmd) logging.info("Getting all tests with cmd '%s'", cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) # STYLE_CHECK_ALLOW_SUBPROCESS_CHECK_CALL all_tests_file_path = "{}/tests/integration/all_tests.txt".format(repo_path) if not os.path.isfile(all_tests_file_path) or os.path.getsize(all_tests_file_path) == 0: raise Exception("There is something wrong with getting all tests list: file '{}' is empty or does not exist.".format(all_tests_file_path)) all_tests = [] with open(all_tests_file_path, "r") as all_tests_file: for line in all_tests_file: all_tests.append(line.strip()) return list(sorted(all_tests)) def group_test_by_file(self, tests): result = {} for test in tests: test_file = test.split('::')[0] if test_file not in result: result[test_file] = [] result[test_file].append(test) return result def _update_counters(self, main_counters, current_counters): for test in current_counters["PASSED"]: if test not in main_counters["PASSED"] and test not in main_counters["FLAKY"]: is_flaky = False if test in main_counters["FAILED"]: main_counters["FAILED"].remove(test) is_flaky = True if test in main_counters["ERROR"]: main_counters["ERROR"].remove(test) is_flaky = True if is_flaky: main_counters["FLAKY"].append(test) else: main_counters["PASSED"].append(test) for state in ("ERROR", "FAILED"): for test in current_counters[state]: if test in main_counters["FLAKY"]: continue if test in main_counters["PASSED"]: main_counters["PASSED"].remove(test) main_counters["FLAKY"].append(test) continue if test not in main_counters[state]: main_counters[state].append(test) def _get_runner_image_cmd(self, repo_path): image_cmd = '' if self._can_run_with(os.path.join(repo_path, "tests/integration", "runner"), '--docker-image-version'): for img in self.get_images_names(): if img == "yandex/clickhouse-integration-tests-runner": runner_version = self.get_single_image_version() logging.info("Can run with custom docker image version %s", runner_version) image_cmd += ' --docker-image-version={} '.format(runner_version) else: if self._can_run_with(os.path.join(repo_path, "tests/integration", "runner"), '--docker-compose-images-tags'): image_cmd += '--docker-compose-images-tags={} '.format(self.get_image_with_version(img)) else: image_cmd = '' logging.info("Cannot run with custom docker image version :(") return image_cmd def run_test_group(self, repo_path, test_group, tests_in_group, num_tries): counters = { "ERROR": [], "PASSED": [], "FAILED": [], "SKIPPED": [], "FLAKY": [], } tests_times = defaultdict(float) if self.soft_deadline_time < time.time(): for test in tests_in_group: logging.info("Task timeout exceeded, skipping %s", test) counters["SKIPPED"].append(test) tests_times[test] = 0 log_name = None log_path = None return counters, tests_times, log_name, log_path image_cmd = self._get_runner_image_cmd(repo_path) test_group_str = test_group.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_') for i in range(num_tries): logging.info("Running test group %s for the %s retry", test_group, i) clear_ip_tables_and_restart_daemons() output_path = os.path.join(str(self.path()), "test_output_" + test_group_str + "_" + str(i) + ".log") log_name = "integration_run_" + test_group_str + "_" + str(i) + ".txt" log_path = os.path.join(str(self.path()), log_name) logging.info("Will wait output inside %s", output_path) test_names = set([]) for test_name in tests_in_group: if test_name not in counters["PASSED"]: if '[' in test_name: test_names.add(test_name[:test_name.find('[')]) else: test_names.add(test_name) test_cmd = ' '.join([test for test in sorted(test_names)]) cmd = "cd {}/tests/integration && ./runner {} '-ss {} -rfEp --color=no --durations=0 {}' | tee {}".format( repo_path, image_cmd, test_cmd, _get_deselect_option(self.should_skip_tests()), output_path) with open(log_path, 'w') as log: logging.info("Executing cmd: %s", cmd) retcode = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=log, stdout=log).wait() if retcode == 0: logging.info("Run %s group successfully", test_group) else: logging.info("Some tests failed") if os.path.exists(output_path): lines = parse_test_results_output(output_path) new_counters = get_counters(lines) times_lines = parse_test_times(output_path) new_tests_times = get_test_times(times_lines) self._update_counters(counters, new_counters) for test_name, test_time in new_tests_times.items(): tests_times[test_name] = test_time os.remove(output_path) if len(counters["PASSED"]) + len(counters["FLAKY"]) == len(tests_in_group): logging.info("All tests from group %s passed", test_group) break if len(counters["PASSED"]) + len(counters["FLAKY"]) >= 0 and len(counters["FAILED"]) == 0 and len(counters["ERROR"]) == 0: logging.info("Seems like all tests passed but some of them are skipped or deselected. Ignoring them and finishing group.") break else: for test in tests_in_group: if test not in counters["PASSED"] and test not in counters["ERROR"] and test not in counters["FAILED"]: counters["ERROR"].append(test) return counters, tests_times, log_name, log_path def run_flaky_check(self, repo_path, build_path): pr_info = self.params['pr_info'] # pytest swears, if we require to run some tests which was renamed or deleted tests_to_run = filter_existing_tests(get_tests_to_run(pr_info), repo_path) if not tests_to_run: logging.info("No tests to run found") return 'success', 'Nothing to run', [('Nothing to run', 'OK')], '' self._install_clickhouse(build_path) logging.info("Found '%s' tests to run", ' '.join(tests_to_run)) result_state = "success" description_prefix = "No flaky tests: " start = time.time() logging.info("Starting check with retries") final_retry = 0 log_paths = [] for i in range(TRIES_COUNT): final_retry += 1 logging.info("Running tests for the %s time", i) counters, tests_times, _, log_path = self.run_test_group(repo_path, "flaky", tests_to_run, 1) log_paths.append(log_path) if counters["FAILED"]: logging.info("Found failed tests: %s", ' '.join(counters["FAILED"])) description_prefix = "Flaky tests found: " result_state = "failure" break if counters["ERROR"]: description_prefix = "Flaky tests found: " logging.info("Found error tests: %s", ' '.join(counters["ERROR"])) # NOTE "error" result state will restart the whole test task, so we use "failure" here result_state = "failure" break assert len(counters["FLAKY"]) == 0 logging.info("Try is OK, all tests passed, going to clear env") clear_ip_tables_and_restart_daemons() logging.info("And going to sleep for some time") if time.time() - start > MAX_TIME_SECONDS: logging.info("Timeout reached, going to finish flaky check") break time.sleep(5) logging.info("Finally all tests done, going to compress test dir") test_logs = os.path.join(str(self.path()), "./test_dir.tar") self._compress_logs("{}/tests/integration".format(repo_path), test_logs) logging.info("Compression finished") test_result = [] for state in ("ERROR", "FAILED", "PASSED", "SKIPPED", "FLAKY"): if state == "PASSED": text_state = "OK" elif state == "FAILED": text_state = "FAIL" else: text_state = state test_result += [(c + ' (✕' + str(final_retry) + ')', text_state, "{:.2f}".format(tests_times[c])) for c in counters[state]] status_text = description_prefix + ', '.join([str(n).lower().replace('failed', 'fail') + ': ' + str(len(c)) for n, c in counters.items()]) return result_state, status_text, test_result, [test_logs] + log_paths def run_impl(self, repo_path, build_path): if self.flaky_check: return self.run_flaky_check(repo_path, build_path) self._install_clickhouse(build_path) logging.info("Dump iptables before run %s", subprocess.check_output("iptables -L", shell=True)) all_tests = self._get_all_tests(repo_path) logging.info("Found %s tests first 3 %s", len(all_tests), ' '.join(all_tests[:3])) grouped_tests = self.group_test_by_file(all_tests) logging.info("Found %s tests groups", len(grouped_tests)) counters = { "ERROR": [], "PASSED": [], "FAILED": [], "SKIPPED": [], "FLAKY": [], } tests_times = defaultdict(float) logs = [] items_to_run = list(grouped_tests.items()) logging.info("Total test groups %s", len(items_to_run)) if self.shuffle_test_groups(): logging.info("Shuffling test groups") random.shuffle(items_to_run) for group, tests in items_to_run: logging.info("Running test group %s countaining %s tests", group, len(tests)) group_counters, group_test_times, _, log_path = self.run_test_group(repo_path, group, tests, MAX_RETRY) total_tests = 0 for counter, value in group_counters.items(): logging.info("Tests from group %s stats, %s count %s", group, counter, len(value)) counters[counter] += value logging.info("Totally have %s with status %s", len(counters[counter]), counter) total_tests += len(counters[counter]) logging.info("Totally finished tests %s/%s", total_tests, len(all_tests)) for test_name, test_time in group_test_times.items(): tests_times[test_name] = test_time logs.append(log_path) if len(counters["FAILED"]) + len(counters["ERROR"]) >= 20: logging.info("Collected more than 20 failed/error tests, stopping") break logging.info("Finally all tests done, going to compress test dir") test_logs = os.path.join(str(self.path()), "./test_dir.tar") self._compress_logs("{}/tests/integration".format(repo_path), test_logs) logging.info("Compression finished") if counters["FAILED"] or counters["ERROR"]: logging.info("Overall status failure, because we have tests in FAILED or ERROR state") result_state = "failure" else: logging.info("Overall success!") result_state = "success" test_result = [] for state in ("ERROR", "FAILED", "PASSED", "SKIPPED", "FLAKY"): if state == "PASSED": text_state = "OK" elif state == "FAILED": text_state = "FAIL" else: text_state = state test_result += [(c, text_state, "{:.2f}".format(tests_times[c])) for c in counters[state]] failed_sum = len(counters['FAILED']) + len(counters['ERROR']) status_text = "fail: {}, passed: {}, flaky: {}".format(failed_sum, len(counters['PASSED']), len(counters['FLAKY'])) if self.soft_deadline_time < time.time(): status_text = "Timeout, " + status_text result_state = "failure" counters['FLAKY'] = [] if not counters or sum(len(counter) for counter in counters.values()) == 0: status_text = "No tests found for some reason! It's a bug" result_state = "failure" if '(memory)' in self.params['context_name']: result_state = "success" return result_state, status_text, test_result, [test_logs] + logs def write_results(results_file, status_file, results, status): with open(results_file, 'w') as f: out = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') out.writerows(results) with open(status_file, 'w') as f: out = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') out.writerow(status) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') repo_path = os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_REPO_PATH") build_path = os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_BUILD_PATH") result_path = os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_RESULT_PATH") params_path = os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_JSON_PARAMS_PATH") params = json.loads(open(params_path, 'r').read()) runner = ClickhouseIntegrationTestsRunner(result_path, params) logging.info("Running tests") state, description, test_results, _ = runner.run_impl(repo_path, build_path) logging.info("Tests finished") status = (state, description) out_results_file = os.path.join(str(runner.path()), "test_results.tsv") out_status_file = os.path.join(str(runner.path()), "check_status.tsv") write_results(out_results_file, out_status_file, test_results, status) logging.info("Result written")