# These requirements were auto generated # from software requirements specification (SRS) # document by TestFlows v1.6.210101.1235930. # Do not edit by hand but re-generate instead # using 'tfs requirements generate' command. from testflows.core import Specification from testflows.core import Requirement Heading = Specification.Heading RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support [AES] encryption functions to encrypt and decrypt data.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.1.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_MySQL = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.MySQL', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support [AES] encryption functions compatible with [MySQL 5.7].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.2.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_Dictionaries = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Dictionaries', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed on remote\n' '[MySQL] servers using [MySQL Dictionary].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.2.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_Engine_Database_MySQL = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Database.MySQL', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed using [MySQL Database Engine],\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.2.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_Engine_Table_MySQL = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Table.MySQL', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed using [MySQL Table Engine].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.2.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_TableFunction_MySQL = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.TableFunction.MySQL', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed using [MySQL Table Function].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.2.5') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_DifferentModes = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DifferentModes', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL allow different modes to be supported in a single SQL statement\n' 'using explicit function parameters.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.3.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_DataFromMultipleSources = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DataFromMultipleSources', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support handling encryption and decryption of data from multiple sources\n' 'in the `SELECT` statement, including [ClickHouse] [MergeTree] table as well as [MySQL Dictionary],\n' '[MySQL Database Engine], [MySQL Table Engine], and [MySQL Table Function]\n' 'with possibly different encryption schemes.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.4.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_SuppressOutputOfSensitiveValues = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.SuppressOutputOfSensitiveValues', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL suppress output of [AES] `string` and `key` parameters to the system log,\n' 'error log, and `query_log` table to prevent leakage of sensitive values.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.5.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_InvalidParameters = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.InvalidParameters', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when parameters are invalid.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.6.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_Key = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Key', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return garbage for mismatched keys.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.7.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_IV = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.IV', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return garbage for mismatched initialization vector for the modes that use it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.7.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_AAD = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.AAD', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return garbage for mismatched additional authentication data for the modes that use it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.7.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_Mode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Mode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error or garbage for mismatched mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.7.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Check_Performance = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Performance', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( 'Performance of [AES] encryption functions SHALL be measured.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.8.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Function_Check_Performance_BestCase = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.BestCase', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( 'Performance of [AES] encryption functions SHALL be checked for the best case\n' 'scenario where there is one key, one initialization vector, and one large stream of data.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.8.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_Function_Check_Performance_WorstCase = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.WorstCase', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( 'Performance of [AES] encryption functions SHALL be checked for the worst case\n' 'where there are `N` keys, `N` initialization vectors and `N` very small streams of data.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.8.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Check_Compression = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( 'Effect of [AES] encryption on column compression SHALL be measured.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.8.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Check_Compression_LowCardinality = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression.LowCardinality', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( 'Effect of [AES] encryption on the compression of a column with [LowCardinality] data type\n' 'SHALL be measured.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.8.5') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `encrypt` function to encrypt data using [AES].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Syntax = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Syntax', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `encrypt` function\n' '\n' '```sql\n' 'encrypt(mode, plaintext, key, [iv, aad])\n' '```\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_NIST_TestVectors = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NIST.TestVectors', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] `encrypt` function output SHALL produce output that matches [NIST test vectors].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_PlainText = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText', version='2.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `plaintext` with `String`, `FixedString`, `Nullable(String)`,\n' '`Nullable(FixedString)`, `LowCardinality(String)`, or `LowCardinality(FixedString(N))` data types as\n' 'the second parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the data to be encrypted.\n' '\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Key = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types\n' 'as the parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the encryption key.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.5') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter\n' 'to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.6') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `encrypt` function where\n' 'the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept\n' '`128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption\n' 'mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB] as well as\n' '[CTR] and [GCM] as the values. For example, `aes-256-ofb`.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.7') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `encrypt`\n' 'function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying\n' '[OpenSSL] implementation.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.8') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `encrypt` function:\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' ' and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is appended to the resulting ciphertext according to\n' ' the [RFC5116]\n' '* `aes-192-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' ' and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is appended to the resulting ciphertext according to\n' ' the [RFC5116]\n' '* `aes-256-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' ' and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is appended to the resulting ciphertext according to\n' ' the [RFC5116]\n' '* `aes-128-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.9') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth\n' 'parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require\n' 'it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.10') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_AdditionalAuthenticatedData = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `aad` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fifth\n' 'parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the additional authenticated data\n' 'for block modes that require it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.11') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return the encrypted value of the data\n' 'using `String` data type as the result of `encrypt` function.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.12') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Key_Length_InvalidLengthError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is not exact for the `encrypt` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.13') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_InvalidLengthError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` length is specified and not of the exact size for the `encrypt` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.14') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `encrypt` function for a mode that does not need it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.15') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_NotValidForMode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `aad` is specified for the `encrypt` function for a mode that does not need it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.16') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL not limit the size of the `aad` parameter passed to the `encrypt` function.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.17') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_NonGCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `encrypt` function is called with the following parameter values\n' 'when using non-GCM modes\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-ctr` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-ctr` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-ctr` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.18') RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_GCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `encrypt` function is called with the following parameter values\n' 'when using GCM modes\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-gcm` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` is not specified\n' '* `aes-192-gcm` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` is not specified\n' '* `aes-256-gcm` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` is not specified\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.9.19') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `decrypt` function to decrypt data using [AES].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Syntax = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Syntax', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `decrypt` function\n' '\n' '```sql\n' 'decrypt(mode, ciphertext, key, [iv, aad])\n' '```\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_CipherText = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `ciphertext` accepting `FixedString` or `String` data types as\n' 'the second parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the data to be decrypted.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Key = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types\n' 'as the third parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the encryption key.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter\n' 'to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.5') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `decrypt` function where\n' 'the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept\n' '`128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption\n' 'mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB] as well as\n' '[CTR] and [GCM] as the values. For example, `aes-256-ofb`.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.6') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `decrypt`\n' 'function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying\n' '[OpenSSL] implementation.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.7') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `decrypt` function:\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' ' and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is expected present at the end of the ciphertext according to\n' ' the [RFC5116]\n' '* `aes-192-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' ' and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is expected present at the end of the ciphertext according to\n' ' the [RFC5116]\n' '* `aes-256-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' ' and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is expected present at the end of the ciphertext according to\n' ' the [RFC5116]\n' '* `aes-128-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.8') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth\n' 'parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require\n' 'it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.9') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_AdditionalAuthenticatedData = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `aad` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fifth\n' 'parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the additional authenticated data\n' 'for block modes that require it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.10') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return the decrypted value of the data\n' 'using `String` data type as the result of `decrypt` function.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.11') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Key_Length_InvalidLengthError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is not exact for the `decrypt` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.12') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_InvalidLengthError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified and the length is not exact for the `decrypt` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.13') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `decrypt` function\n' 'for a mode that does not need it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.14') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_NotValidForMode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `aad` is specified for the `decrypt` function\n' 'for a mode that does not need it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.15') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL not limit the size of the `aad` parameter passed to the `decrypt` function.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.16') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_NonGCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `decrypt` function is called with the following parameter values\n' 'when using non-GCM modes\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-ctr` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-ctr` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-ctr` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.17') RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_GCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `decrypt` function is called with the following parameter values\n' 'when using GCM modes\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-gcm` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` is not specified\n' '* `aes-192-gcm` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` is not specified\n' '* `aes-256-gcm` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` is not specified\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.10.18') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `aes_encrypt_mysql` function to encrypt data using [AES].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Syntax = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Syntax', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function\n' '\n' '```sql\n' 'aes_encrypt_mysql(mode, plaintext, key, [iv])\n' '```\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_PlainText = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText', version='2.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `plaintext` with `String`, `FixedString`, `Nullable(String)`,\n' '`Nullable(FixedString)`, `LowCardinality(String)`, or `LowCardinality(FixedString(N))` data types as\n' 'the second parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the data to be encrypted.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Key = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types\n' 'as the third parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the encryption key.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter\n' 'to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.5') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function where\n' 'the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept\n' '`128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption\n' 'mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB]. For example, `aes-256-ofb`.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.6') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql`\n' 'function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying\n' '[OpenSSL] implementation.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.7') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function:\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.8') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_GCM_Error = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [GCM] modes are specified as the value \n' 'for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-gcm`\n' '* `aes-192-gcm`\n' '* `aes-256-gcm`\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.9') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_CTR_Error = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [CTR] modes are specified as the value \n' 'for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ctr`\n' '* `aes-192-ctr`\n' '* `aes-256-ctr`\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.10') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth\n' 'parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require\n' 'it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.11') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return the encrypted value of the data\n' 'using `String` data type as the result of `aes_encrypt_mysql` function.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.12') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooShortError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is less than the minimum for the `aes_encrypt_mysql`\n' 'function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.13') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooLong = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL use folding algorithm specified below if the `key` length is longer than required\n' 'for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' '```python\n' 'def fold_key(key, cipher_key_size):\n' ' key = list(key) if not isinstance(key, (list, tuple)) else key\n' '\t folded_key = key[:cipher_key_size]\n' '\t for i in range(cipher_key_size, len(key)):\n' '\t\t print(i % cipher_key_size, i)\n' '\t\t folded_key[i % cipher_key_size] ^= key[i]\n' '\t return folded_key\n' '```\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.14') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooShortError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` length is specified and is less than the minimum\n' 'that is required for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.15') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooLong = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL use the first `N` bytes that are required if the `iv` is specified and\n' 'its length is longer than required for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.16') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `aes_encrypt_mysql`\n' 'function for a mode that does not need it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.17') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Mode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function is called with the following parameter values\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or `iv` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or `iv` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or `iv` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.11.18') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `aes_decrypt_mysql` function to decrypt data using [AES].\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.1') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Syntax = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Syntax', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function\n' '\n' '```sql\n' 'aes_decrypt_mysql(mode, ciphertext, key, [iv])\n' '```\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.2') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_CipherText = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `ciphertext` accepting any data type as\n' 'the second parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the data to be decrypted.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.3') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Key = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types\n' 'as the third parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the encryption key.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.4') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter\n' 'to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.5') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function where\n' 'the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept\n' '`128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption\n' 'mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB]. For example, `aes-256-ofb`.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.6') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql`\n' 'function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying\n' '[OpenSSL] implementation.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.7') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter\n' 'of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function:\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.8') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_GCM_Error = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [GCM] modes are specified as the value \n' 'for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-gcm`\n' '* `aes-192-gcm`\n' '* `aes-256-gcm`\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.9') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_CTR_Error = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [CTR] modes are specified as the value \n' 'for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ctr`\n' '* `aes-192-ctr`\n' '* `aes-256-ctr`\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.10') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth\n' 'parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require\n' 'it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.11') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return the decrypted value of the data\n' 'using `String` data type as the result of `aes_decrypt_mysql` function.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.12') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooShortError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is less than the minimum for the `aes_decrypt_mysql`\n' 'function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.13') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooLong = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL use folding algorithm specified below if the `key` length is longer than required\n' 'for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' '```python\n' 'def fold_key(key, cipher_key_size):\n' ' key = list(key) if not isinstance(key, (list, tuple)) else key\n' '\t folded_key = key[:cipher_key_size]\n' '\t for i in range(cipher_key_size, len(key)):\n' '\t\t print(i % cipher_key_size, i)\n' '\t\t folded_key[i % cipher_key_size] ^= key[i]\n' '\t return folded_key\n' '```\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.14') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooShortError = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` length is specified and is less than the minimum\n' 'that is required for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.15') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooLong = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL use the first `N` bytes that are required if the `iv` is specified and\n' 'its length is longer than required for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.16') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `aes_decrypt_mysql`\n' 'function for a mode that does not need it.\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.17') RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Mode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length = Requirement( name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', version='1.0', priority=None, group=None, type=None, uid=None, description=( '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function is called with the following parameter values\n' '\n' '* `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or `iv` is specified\n' '* `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or `iv` is specified\n' '* `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or `iv` is specified\n' '* `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '* `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes\n' '\n' ), link=None, level=3, num='4.12.18') SRS_008_ClickHouse_AES_Encryption_Functions = Specification( name='SRS-008 ClickHouse AES Encryption Functions', description=None, author=None, date=None, status=None, approved_by=None, approved_date=None, approved_version=None, version=None, group=None, type=None, link=None, uid=None, parent=None, children=None, headings=( Heading(name='Revision History', level=1, num='1'), Heading(name='Introduction', level=1, num='2'), Heading(name='Terminology', level=1, num='3'), Heading(name='AES', level=2, num='3.1'), Heading(name='AEAD', level=2, num='3.2'), Heading(name='Requirements', level=1, num='4'), Heading(name='Generic', level=2, num='4.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions', level=3, num='4.1.1'), Heading(name='Compatibility', level=2, num='4.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.MySQL', level=3, num='4.2.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Dictionaries', level=3, num='4.2.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Database.MySQL', level=3, num='4.2.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Table.MySQL', level=3, num='4.2.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.TableFunction.MySQL', level=3, num='4.2.5'), Heading(name='Different Modes', level=2, num='4.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DifferentModes', level=3, num='4.3.1'), Heading(name='Multiple Sources', level=2, num='4.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DataFromMultipleSources', level=3, num='4.4.1'), Heading(name='Suppressing Sensitive Values', level=2, num='4.5'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.SuppressOutputOfSensitiveValues', level=3, num='4.5.1'), Heading(name='Invalid Parameters', level=2, num='4.6'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.InvalidParameters', level=3, num='4.6.1'), Heading(name='Mismatched Values', level=2, num='4.7'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Key', level=3, num='4.7.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.IV', level=3, num='4.7.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.AAD', level=3, num='4.7.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Mode', level=3, num='4.7.4'), Heading(name='Performance', level=2, num='4.8'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Performance', level=3, num='4.8.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.BestCase', level=3, num='4.8.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.WorstCase', level=3, num='4.8.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression', level=3, num='4.8.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression.LowCardinality', level=3, num='4.8.5'), Heading(name='Encrypt Function', level=2, num='4.9'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function', level=3, num='4.9.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Syntax', level=3, num='4.9.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NIST.TestVectors', level=3, num='4.9.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText', level=3, num='4.9.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', level=3, num='4.9.5'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', level=3, num='4.9.6'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', level=3, num='4.9.7'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', level=3, num='4.9.8'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', level=3, num='4.9.9'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', level=3, num='4.9.10'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData', level=3, num='4.9.11'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', level=3, num='4.9.12'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError', level=3, num='4.9.13'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError', level=3, num='4.9.14'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', level=3, num='4.9.15'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode', level=3, num='4.9.16'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length', level=3, num='4.9.17'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', level=3, num='4.9.18'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', level=3, num='4.9.19'), Heading(name='Decrypt Function', level=2, num='4.10'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function', level=3, num='4.10.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Syntax', level=3, num='4.10.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText', level=3, num='4.10.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', level=3, num='4.10.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', level=3, num='4.10.5'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', level=3, num='4.10.6'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', level=3, num='4.10.7'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', level=3, num='4.10.8'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', level=3, num='4.10.9'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData', level=3, num='4.10.10'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', level=3, num='4.10.11'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError', level=3, num='4.10.12'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError', level=3, num='4.10.13'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', level=3, num='4.10.14'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode', level=3, num='4.10.15'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length', level=3, num='4.10.16'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', level=3, num='4.10.17'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', level=3, num='4.10.18'), Heading(name='MySQL Encrypt Function', level=2, num='4.11'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function', level=3, num='4.11.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Syntax', level=3, num='4.11.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText', level=3, num='4.11.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', level=3, num='4.11.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', level=3, num='4.11.5'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', level=3, num='4.11.6'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', level=3, num='4.11.7'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', level=3, num='4.11.8'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error', level=3, num='4.11.9'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error', level=3, num='4.11.10'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', level=3, num='4.11.11'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', level=3, num='4.11.12'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError', level=3, num='4.11.13'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong', level=3, num='4.11.14'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError', level=3, num='4.11.15'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong', level=3, num='4.11.16'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', level=3, num='4.11.17'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', level=3, num='4.11.18'), Heading(name='MySQL Decrypt Function', level=2, num='4.12'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function', level=3, num='4.12.1'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Syntax', level=3, num='4.12.2'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText', level=3, num='4.12.3'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key', level=3, num='4.12.4'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode', level=3, num='4.12.5'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat', level=3, num='4.12.6'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid', level=3, num='4.12.7'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values', level=3, num='4.12.8'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error', level=3, num='4.12.9'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error', level=3, num='4.12.10'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector', level=3, num='4.12.11'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue', level=3, num='4.12.12'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError', level=3, num='4.12.13'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong', level=3, num='4.12.14'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError', level=3, num='4.12.15'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong', level=3, num='4.12.16'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode', level=3, num='4.12.17'), Heading(name='RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length', level=3, num='4.12.18'), Heading(name='References', level=1, num='5'), ), requirements=( RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_MySQL, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_Dictionaries, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_Engine_Database_MySQL, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_Engine_Table_MySQL, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Compatibility_TableFunction_MySQL, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_DifferentModes, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_DataFromMultipleSources, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_SuppressOutputOfSensitiveValues, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_InvalidParameters, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_Key, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_IV, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_AAD, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Mismatched_Mode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Check_Performance, RQ_SRS008_AES_Function_Check_Performance_BestCase, RQ_SRS008_AES_Function_Check_Performance_WorstCase, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Check_Compression, RQ_SRS008_AES_Functions_Check_Compression_LowCardinality, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Syntax, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_NIST_TestVectors, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_PlainText, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Key, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_AdditionalAuthenticatedData, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_Key_Length_InvalidLengthError, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_InvalidLengthError, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_NotValidForMode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_NonGCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_Encrypt_Function_GCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Syntax, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_CipherText, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Key, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_AdditionalAuthenticatedData, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_Key_Length_InvalidLengthError, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_InvalidLengthError, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_NotValidForMode, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_AdditionalAuthenticationData_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_NonGCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_Decrypt_Function_GCMMode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Syntax, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_PlainText, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Key, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_GCM_Error, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_CTR_Error, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooShortError, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooLong, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooShortError, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooLong, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Encrypt_Function_Mode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Syntax, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_CipherText, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Key, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_ValuesFormat, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Value_Invalid, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_GCM_Error, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_Mode_Values_CTR_Error, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_InitializationVector, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Parameters_ReturnValue, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooShortError, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Key_Length_TooLong, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooShortError, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_Length_TooLong, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_InitializationVector_NotValidForMode, RQ_SRS008_AES_MySQL_Decrypt_Function_Mode_KeyAndInitializationVector_Length, ), content=''' # SRS-008 ClickHouse AES Encryption Functions # Software Requirements Specification ## Table of Contents * 1 [Revision History](#revision-history) * 2 [Introduction](#introduction) * 3 [Terminology](#terminology) * 3.1 [AES](#aes) * 3.2 [AEAD](#aead) * 4 [Requirements](#requirements) * 4.1 [Generic](#generic) * 4.1.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions](#rqsrs008aesfunctions) * 4.2 [Compatibility](#compatibility) * 4.2.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.MySQL](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscompatibilitymysql) * 4.2.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Dictionaries](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscompatibilitydictionaries) * 4.2.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Database.MySQL](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscompatibilityenginedatabasemysql) * 4.2.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Table.MySQL](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscompatibilityenginetablemysql) * 4.2.5 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.TableFunction.MySQL](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscompatibilitytablefunctionmysql) * 4.3 [Different Modes](#different-modes) * 4.3.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DifferentModes](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsdifferentmodes) * 4.4 [Multiple Sources](#multiple-sources) * 4.4.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DataFromMultipleSources](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsdatafrommultiplesources) * 4.5 [Suppressing Sensitive Values](#suppressing-sensitive-values) * 4.5.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.SuppressOutputOfSensitiveValues](#rqsrs008aesfunctionssuppressoutputofsensitivevalues) * 4.6 [Invalid Parameters](#invalid-parameters) * 4.6.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.InvalidParameters](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsinvalidparameters) * 4.7 [Mismatched Values](#mismatched-values) * 4.7.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Key](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsmismatchedkey) * 4.7.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.IV](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsmismatchediv) * 4.7.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.AAD](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsmismatchedaad) * 4.7.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Mode](#rqsrs008aesfunctionsmismatchedmode) * 4.8 [Performance](#performance) * 4.8.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Performance](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscheckperformance) * 4.8.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.BestCase](#rqsrs008aesfunctioncheckperformancebestcase) * 4.8.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.WorstCase](#rqsrs008aesfunctioncheckperformanceworstcase) * 4.8.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscheckcompression) * 4.8.5 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression.LowCardinality](#rqsrs008aesfunctionscheckcompressionlowcardinality) * 4.9 [Encrypt Function](#encrypt-function) * 4.9.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunction) * 4.9.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Syntax](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionsyntax) * 4.9.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NIST.TestVectors](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionnisttestvectors) * 4.9.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersplaintext) * 4.9.5 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparameterskey) * 4.9.6 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersmode) * 4.9.7 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesformat) * 4.9.8 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersmodevalueinvalid) * 4.9.9 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersmodevalues) * 4.9.10 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersinitializationvector) * 4.9.11 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersadditionalauthenticateddata) * 4.9.12 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionparametersreturnvalue) * 4.9.13 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionkeylengthinvalidlengtherror) * 4.9.14 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctioninitializationvectorlengthinvalidlengtherror) * 4.9.15 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctioninitializationvectornotvalidformode) * 4.9.16 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionadditionalauthenticationdatanotvalidformode) * 4.9.17 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionadditionalauthenticationdatalength) * 4.9.18 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctionnongcmmodekeyandinitializationvectorlength) * 4.9.19 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length](#rqsrs008aesencryptfunctiongcmmodekeyandinitializationvectorlength) * 4.10 [Decrypt Function](#decrypt-function) * 4.10.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunction) * 4.10.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Syntax](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionsyntax) * 4.10.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersciphertext) * 4.10.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparameterskey) * 4.10.5 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersmode) * 4.10.6 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesformat) * 4.10.7 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersmodevalueinvalid) * 4.10.8 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersmodevalues) * 4.10.9 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersinitializationvector) * 4.10.10 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersadditionalauthenticateddata) * 4.10.11 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionparametersreturnvalue) * 4.10.12 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionkeylengthinvalidlengtherror) * 4.10.13 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctioninitializationvectorlengthinvalidlengtherror) * 4.10.14 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctioninitializationvectornotvalidformode) * 4.10.15 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionadditionalauthenticationdatanotvalidformode) * 4.10.16 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionadditionalauthenticationdatalength) * 4.10.17 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctionnongcmmodekeyandinitializationvectorlength) * 4.10.18 [RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length](#rqsrs008aesdecryptfunctiongcmmodekeyandinitializationvectorlength) * 4.11 [MySQL Encrypt Function](#mysql-encrypt-function) * 4.11.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunction) * 4.11.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Syntax](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionsyntax) * 4.11.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersplaintext) * 4.11.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparameterskey) * 4.11.5 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersmode) * 4.11.6 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesformat) * 4.11.7 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersmodevalueinvalid) * 4.11.8 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersmodevalues) * 4.11.9 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesgcmerror) * 4.11.10 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesctrerror) * 4.11.11 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersinitializationvector) * 4.11.12 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionparametersreturnvalue) * 4.11.13 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionkeylengthtooshorterror) * 4.11.14 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionkeylengthtoolong) * 4.11.15 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctioninitializationvectorlengthtooshorterror) * 4.11.16 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctioninitializationvectorlengthtoolong) * 4.11.17 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctioninitializationvectornotvalidformode) * 4.11.18 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length](#rqsrs008aesmysqlencryptfunctionmodekeyandinitializationvectorlength) * 4.12 [MySQL Decrypt Function](#mysql-decrypt-function) * 4.12.1 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunction) * 4.12.2 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Syntax](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionsyntax) * 4.12.3 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersciphertext) * 4.12.4 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparameterskey) * 4.12.5 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersmode) * 4.12.6 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesformat) * 4.12.7 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersmodevalueinvalid) * 4.12.8 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersmodevalues) * 4.12.9 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesgcmerror) * 4.12.10 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersmodevaluesctrerror) * 4.12.11 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersinitializationvector) * 4.12.12 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionparametersreturnvalue) * 4.12.13 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionkeylengthtooshorterror) * 4.12.14 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionkeylengthtoolong) * 4.12.15 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctioninitializationvectorlengthtooshorterror) * 4.12.16 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctioninitializationvectorlengthtoolong) * 4.12.17 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctioninitializationvectornotvalidformode) * 4.12.18 [RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length](#rqsrs008aesmysqldecryptfunctionmodekeyandinitializationvectorlength) * 5 [References](#references) ## Revision History This document is stored in an electronic form using [Git] source control management software hosted in a [GitHub Repository]. All the updates are tracked using the [Revision History]. ## Introduction Users need an ability to encrypt and decrypt column data with tenant specific keys. Use cases include protection of sensitive column values and [GDPR] right to forget policies. The implementation will support capabilities of the [MySQL aes_encrypt] and [MySQL aes_decrypt] functions which encrypt and decrypt values using the [AES] (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. This functionality will enable encryption and decryption of data accessed on remote [MySQL] servers via [MySQL Dictionary] or [MySQL Database Engine], [MySQL Table Engine], or [MySQL Table Function]. ## Terminology ### AES Advanced Encryption Standard ([AES]) ### AEAD Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data ## Requirements ### Generic #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support [AES] encryption functions to encrypt and decrypt data. ### Compatibility #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.MySQL version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support [AES] encryption functions compatible with [MySQL 5.7]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Dictionaries version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed on remote [MySQL] servers using [MySQL Dictionary]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Database.MySQL version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed using [MySQL Database Engine], #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.Engine.Table.MySQL version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed using [MySQL Table Engine]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Compatibility.TableFunction.MySQL version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support encryption and decryption of data accessed using [MySQL Table Function]. ### Different Modes #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DifferentModes version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL allow different modes to be supported in a single SQL statement using explicit function parameters. ### Multiple Sources #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.DataFromMultipleSources version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support handling encryption and decryption of data from multiple sources in the `SELECT` statement, including [ClickHouse] [MergeTree] table as well as [MySQL Dictionary], [MySQL Database Engine], [MySQL Table Engine], and [MySQL Table Function] with possibly different encryption schemes. ### Suppressing Sensitive Values #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.SuppressOutputOfSensitiveValues version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL suppress output of [AES] `string` and `key` parameters to the system log, error log, and `query_log` table to prevent leakage of sensitive values. ### Invalid Parameters #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.InvalidParameters version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when parameters are invalid. ### Mismatched Values #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Key version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return garbage for mismatched keys. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.IV version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return garbage for mismatched initialization vector for the modes that use it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.AAD version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return garbage for mismatched additional authentication data for the modes that use it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Mismatched.Mode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error or garbage for mismatched mode. ### Performance #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Performance version: 1.0 Performance of [AES] encryption functions SHALL be measured. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.BestCase version: 1.0 Performance of [AES] encryption functions SHALL be checked for the best case scenario where there is one key, one initialization vector, and one large stream of data. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Function.Check.Performance.WorstCase version: 1.0 Performance of [AES] encryption functions SHALL be checked for the worst case where there are `N` keys, `N` initialization vectors and `N` very small streams of data. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression version: 1.0 Effect of [AES] encryption on column compression SHALL be measured. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Functions.Check.Compression.LowCardinality version: 1.0 Effect of [AES] encryption on the compression of a column with [LowCardinality] data type SHALL be measured. ### Encrypt Function #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `encrypt` function to encrypt data using [AES]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Syntax version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `encrypt` function ```sql encrypt(mode, plaintext, key, [iv, aad]) ``` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NIST.TestVectors version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] `encrypt` function output SHALL produce output that matches [NIST test vectors]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText version: 2.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `plaintext` with `String`, `FixedString`, `Nullable(String)`, `Nullable(FixedString)`, `LowCardinality(String)`, or `LowCardinality(FixedString(N))` data types as the second parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the data to be encrypted. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the encryption key. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter of the `encrypt` function where the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept `128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB] as well as [CTR] and [GCM] as the values. For example, `aes-256-ofb`. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `encrypt` function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying [OpenSSL] implementation. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `encrypt` function: * `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 128 bit key and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is appended to the resulting ciphertext according to the [RFC5116] * `aes-192-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 192 bit key and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is appended to the resulting ciphertext according to the [RFC5116] * `aes-256-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 256 bit key and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is appended to the resulting ciphertext according to the [RFC5116] * `aes-128-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 256 bit key #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `aad` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fifth parameter to the `encrypt` function that SHALL specify the additional authenticated data for block modes that require it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return the encrypted value of the data using `String` data type as the result of `encrypt` function. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is not exact for the `encrypt` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` length is specified and not of the exact size for the `encrypt` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `encrypt` function for a mode that does not need it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `aad` is specified for the `encrypt` function for a mode that does not need it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL not limit the size of the `aad` parameter passed to the `encrypt` function. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `encrypt` function is called with the following parameter values when using non-GCM modes * `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-ctr` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes * `aes-192-ctr` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes * `aes-256-ctr` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Encrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `encrypt` function is called with the following parameter values when using GCM modes * `aes-128-gcm` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` is not specified * `aes-192-gcm` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` is not specified * `aes-256-gcm` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` is not specified ### Decrypt Function #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `decrypt` function to decrypt data using [AES]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Syntax version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `decrypt` function ```sql decrypt(mode, ciphertext, key, [iv, aad]) ``` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `ciphertext` accepting `FixedString` or `String` data types as the second parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the data to be decrypted. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the third parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the encryption key. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter of the `decrypt` function where the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept `128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB] as well as [CTR] and [GCM] as the values. For example, `aes-256-ofb`. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `decrypt` function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying [OpenSSL] implementation. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `decrypt` function: * `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 128 bit key and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is expected present at the end of the ciphertext according to the [RFC5116] * `aes-192-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 192 bit key and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is expected present at the end of the ciphertext according to the [RFC5116] * `aes-256-gcm` that SHALL use [GCM] block mode encryption with 256 bit key and [AEAD] 16-byte tag is expected present at the end of the ciphertext according to the [RFC5116] * `aes-128-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ctr` that SHALL use [CTR] block mode encryption with 256 bit key #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.AdditionalAuthenticatedData version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `aad` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fifth parameter to the `decrypt` function that SHALL specify the additional authenticated data for block modes that require it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return the decrypted value of the data using `String` data type as the result of `decrypt` function. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.InvalidLengthError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is not exact for the `decrypt` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.InvalidLengthError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified and the length is not exact for the `decrypt` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `decrypt` function for a mode that does not need it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.NotValidForMode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `aad` is specified for the `decrypt` function for a mode that does not need it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.AdditionalAuthenticationData.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL not limit the size of the `aad` parameter passed to the `decrypt` function. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.NonGCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `decrypt` function is called with the following parameter values when using non-GCM modes * `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes or `aad` is specified * `aes-128-ctr` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes * `aes-192-ctr` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes * `aes-256-ctr` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is not 16 bytes #### RQ.SRS008.AES.Decrypt.Function.GCMMode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `decrypt` function is called with the following parameter values when using GCM modes * `aes-128-gcm` mode and `key` is not 16 bytes or `iv` is not specified * `aes-192-gcm` mode and `key` is not 24 bytes or `iv` is not specified * `aes-256-gcm` mode and `key` is not 32 bytes or `iv` is not specified ### MySQL Encrypt Function #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `aes_encrypt_mysql` function to encrypt data using [AES]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Syntax version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function ```sql aes_encrypt_mysql(mode, plaintext, key, [iv]) ``` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.PlainText version: 2.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `plaintext` with `String`, `FixedString`, `Nullable(String)`, `Nullable(FixedString)`, `LowCardinality(String)`, or `LowCardinality(FixedString(N))` data types as the second parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the data to be encrypted. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Key version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the third parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the encryption key. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function where the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept `128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB]. For example, `aes-256-ofb`. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying [OpenSSL] implementation. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function: * `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [GCM] modes are specified as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function * `aes-128-gcm` * `aes-192-gcm` * `aes-256-gcm` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [CTR] modes are specified as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function * `aes-128-ctr` * `aes-192-ctr` * `aes-256-ctr` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth parameter to the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return the encrypted value of the data using `String` data type as the result of `aes_encrypt_mysql` function. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is less than the minimum for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL use folding algorithm specified below if the `key` length is longer than required for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. ```python def fold_key(key, cipher_key_size): key = list(key) if not isinstance(key, (list, tuple)) else key folded_key = key[:cipher_key_size] for i in range(cipher_key_size, len(key)): print(i % cipher_key_size, i) folded_key[i % cipher_key_size] ^= key[i] return folded_key ``` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` length is specified and is less than the minimum that is required for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL use the first `N` bytes that are required if the `iv` is specified and its length is longer than required for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function for a mode that does not need it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Encrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `aes_encrypt_mysql` function is called with the following parameter values * `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or `iv` is specified * `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or `iv` is specified * `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or `iv` is specified * `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes ### MySQL Decrypt Function #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `aes_decrypt_mysql` function to decrypt data using [AES]. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Syntax version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following syntax for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function ```sql aes_decrypt_mysql(mode, ciphertext, key, [iv]) ``` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.CipherText version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `ciphertext` accepting any data type as the second parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the data to be decrypted. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Key version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `key` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the third parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the encryption key. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `mode` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the first parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify encryption key length and block encryption mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.ValuesFormat version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support values of the form `aes-[key length]-[mode]` for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function where the `key_length` SHALL specifies the length of the key and SHALL accept `128`, `192`, or `256` as the values and the `mode` SHALL specify the block encryption mode and SHALL accept [ECB], [CBC], [CFB128], or [OFB]. For example, `aes-256-ofb`. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Value.Invalid version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the specified value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function is not valid with the exception where such a mode is supported by the underlying [OpenSSL] implementation. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support the following [AES] block encryption modes as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function: * `aes-128-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ecb` that SHALL use [ECB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-192-cbc` that SHALL use [CBC] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-cfb128` that SHALL use [CFB128] block mode encryption with 256 bit key * `aes-128-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 128 bit key * `aes-192-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 192 bit key * `aes-256-ofb` that SHALL use [OFB] block mode encryption with 256 bit key #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.GCM.Error version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [GCM] modes are specified as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function * `aes-128-gcm` * `aes-192-gcm` * `aes-256-gcm` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.Mode.Values.CTR.Error version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if any of the following [CTR] modes are specified as the value for the `mode` parameter of the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function * `aes-128-ctr` * `aes-192-ctr` * `aes-256-ctr` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.InitializationVector version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL support `iv` with `String` or `FixedString` data types as the optional fourth parameter to the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function that SHALL specify the initialization vector for block modes that require it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Parameters.ReturnValue version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return the decrypted value of the data using `String` data type as the result of `aes_decrypt_mysql` function. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooShortError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `key` length is less than the minimum for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Key.Length.TooLong version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL use folding algorithm specified below if the `key` length is longer than required for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. ```python def fold_key(key, cipher_key_size): key = list(key) if not isinstance(key, (list, tuple)) else key folded_key = key[:cipher_key_size] for i in range(cipher_key_size, len(key)): print(i % cipher_key_size, i) folded_key[i % cipher_key_size] ^= key[i] return folded_key ``` #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooShortError version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` length is specified and is less than the minimum that is required for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.Length.TooLong version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL use the first `N` bytes that are required if the `iv` is specified and its length is longer than required for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a given block mode. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.InitializationVector.NotValidForMode version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error if the `iv` is specified for the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function for a mode that does not need it. #### RQ.SRS008.AES.MySQL.Decrypt.Function.Mode.KeyAndInitializationVector.Length version: 1.0 [ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when the `aes_decrypt_mysql` function is called with the following parameter values * `aes-128-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or `iv` is specified * `aes-192-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or `iv` is specified * `aes-256-ecb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or `iv` is specified * `aes-128-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cbc` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cfb1` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes and if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cfb8` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-cfb128` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-128-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 16 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-192-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 24 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes * `aes-256-ofb` mode and `key` is less than 32 bytes or if specified `iv` is less than 16 bytes ## References * **GDPR:** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation * **MySQL:** https://www.mysql.com/ * **AES:** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard * **ClickHouse:** https://clickhouse.tech * **Git:** https://git-scm.com/ [AEAD]: #aead [OpenSSL]: https://www.openssl.org/ [LowCardinality]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/lowcardinality/ [MergeTree]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/mergetree/ [MySQL Database Engine]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/database-engines/mysql/ [MySQL Table Engine]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/integrations/mysql/ [MySQL Table Function]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/table-functions/mysql/ [MySQL Dictionary]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/dictionaries/external-dictionaries/external-dicts-dict-sources/#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-mysql [GCM]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois/Counter_Mode [CTR]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Counter_(CTR) [CBC]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Cipher_block_chaining_(CBC) [ECB]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_(ECB) [CFB]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_(CFB) [CFB128]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_(CFB) [OFB]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Output_feedback_(OFB) [GDPR]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation [RFC5116]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5116#section-5.1 [MySQL]: https://www.mysql.com/ [MySQL 5.7]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ [MySQL aes_encrypt]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-encrypt [MySQL aes_decrypt]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html#function_aes-decrypt [AES]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard [ClickHouse]: https://clickhouse.tech [GitHub repository]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/tests/testflows/aes_encryption/requirements/requirements.md [Revision history]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/commits/master/tests/testflows/aes_encryption/requirements/requirements.md [Git]: https://git-scm.com/ [NIST test vectors]: https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/Cryptographic-Algorithm-Validation-Program ''')