#include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } namespace { void formatColumnNames(const Strings & columns, const IAST::FormatSettings & settings) { settings.ostr << "("; bool need_comma = false; for (const auto & column : columns) { if (std::exchange(need_comma, true)) settings.ostr << ", "; settings.ostr << backQuoteIfNeed(column); } settings.ostr << ")"; } void formatAccessRightsElements(const AccessRightsElements & elements, const IAST::FormatSettings & settings) { bool no_output = true; for (size_t i = 0; i != elements.size(); ++i) { const auto & element = elements[i]; auto keywords = element.access_flags.toKeywords(); if (keywords.empty() || (!element.any_column && element.columns.empty())) continue; for (const auto & keyword : keywords) { if (!std::exchange(no_output, false)) settings.ostr << ", "; settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_keyword : "") << keyword << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_none : ""); if (!element.any_column) formatColumnNames(element.columns, settings); } bool next_element_on_same_db_and_table = false; if (i != elements.size() - 1) { const auto & next_element = elements[i + 1]; if ((element.database == next_element.database) && (element.any_database == next_element.any_database) && (element.table == next_element.table) && (element.any_table == next_element.any_table)) next_element_on_same_db_and_table = true; } if (!next_element_on_same_db_and_table) { settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_keyword : "") << " ON " << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_none : ""); if (element.any_database) settings.ostr << "*."; else if (!element.database.empty()) settings.ostr << backQuoteIfNeed(element.database) + "."; if (element.any_table) settings.ostr << "*"; else settings.ostr << backQuoteIfNeed(element.table); } } if (no_output) settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_keyword : "") << "USAGE ON " << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_none : "") << "*.*"; } void formatToRoles(const ASTRolesOrUsersSet & to_roles, ASTGrantQuery::Kind kind, const IAST::FormatSettings & settings) { using Kind = ASTGrantQuery::Kind; settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_keyword : "") << ((kind == Kind::GRANT) ? " TO " : " FROM ") << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_none : ""); to_roles.format(settings); } } String ASTGrantQuery::getID(char) const { return "GrantQuery"; } ASTPtr ASTGrantQuery::clone() const { return std::make_shared(*this); } void ASTGrantQuery::formatImpl(const FormatSettings & settings, FormatState &, FormatStateStacked) const { settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_keyword : "") << (attach ? "ATTACH " : "") << ((kind == Kind::GRANT) ? "GRANT" : "REVOKE") << (settings.hilite ? IAST::hilite_none : ""); formatOnCluster(settings); if (kind == Kind::REVOKE) { if (grant_option) settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << " GRANT OPTION FOR" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : ""); else if (admin_option) settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << " ADMIN OPTION FOR" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : ""); } if (roles && !access_rights_elements.empty()) throw Exception("Either roles or access rights elements should be set", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); settings.ostr << " "; if (roles) roles->format(settings); else formatAccessRightsElements(access_rights_elements, settings); formatToRoles(*to_roles, kind, settings); if (kind == Kind::GRANT) { if (grant_option) settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << " WITH GRANT OPTION" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : ""); else if (admin_option) settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << " WITH ADMIN OPTION" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : ""); } } void ASTGrantQuery::replaceEmptyDatabaseWithCurrent(const String & current_database) { access_rights_elements.replaceEmptyDatabase(current_database); } void ASTGrantQuery::replaceCurrentUserTagWithName(const String & current_user_name) const { if (to_roles) to_roles->replaceCurrentUserTagWithName(current_user_name); } void ASTGrantQuery::removeNonGrantableFlags() { if (kind == Kind::GRANT) access_rights_elements.removeNonGrantableFlags(); } }