DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_with_compact_parts; CREATE TABLE table_with_compact_parts ( date Date, key UInt64, value1 String, value2 String, value3 String ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY date ORDER BY key settings index_granularity = 8, min_rows_for_wide_part = 10, min_bytes_for_wide_part = '10G'; INSERT INTO table_with_compact_parts SELECT toDate('2019-10-01') + number % 3, number, toString(number), toString(number), toString(number) from numbers(9); SELECT value1 FROM table_with_compact_parts WHERE key = 1; ALTER TABLE table_with_compact_parts RENAME COLUMN value1 to renamed_value1; SELECT renamed_value1 FROM table_with_compact_parts WHERE key = 1; SELECT * FROM table_with_compact_parts WHERE key = 1 FORMAT TSVWithNames; ALTER TABLE table_with_compact_parts RENAME COLUMN value2 TO renamed_value2, RENAME COLUMN value3 TO renamed_value3; SELECT renamed_value2, renamed_value3 FROM table_with_compact_parts WHERE key = 7; SELECT * FROM table_with_compact_parts WHERE key = 7 FORMAT TSVWithNames; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_with_compact_parts;