Higher-order functions ---------------------- -> operator, lambda(params, expr) function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allows describing a lambda function for passing to a higher-order function. The left side of the arrow has a formal parameter - any ID, or multiple formal parameters - any IDs in a tuple. The right side of the arrow has an expression that can use these formal parameters, as well as any table columns. Examples: ``x -> 2 * x, str -> str != Referer.`` Higher-order functions can only accept lambda functions as their functional argument. A lambda function that accepts multiple arguments can be passed to a higher-order function. In this case, the higher-order function is passed several arrays of identical length that these arguments will correspond to. For all functions other than 'arrayMap' and 'arrayFilter', the first argument (the lambda function) can be omitted. In this case, identical mapping is assumed. arrayMap(func, arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns an array obtained from the original application of the 'func' function to each element in the 'arr' array. arrayFilter(func, arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns an array containing only the elements in 'arr1' for which 'func' returns something other than 0. Examples: .. code-block:: sql SELECT arrayFilter(x -> x LIKE '%World%', ['Hello', 'abc World']) AS res .. code-block:: text ┌─res───────────┐ │ ['abc World'] │ └───────────────┘ .. code-block:: sql SELECT arrayFilter( (i, x) -> x LIKE '%World%', arrayEnumerate(arr), ['Hello', 'abc World'] AS arr) AS res .. code-block:: text ┌─res─┐ │ [2] │ └─────┘ arrayCount([func,] arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the number of elements in 'arr' for which 'func' returns something other than 0. If 'func' is not specified, it returns the number of non-zero items in the array. arrayExists([func,] arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns 1 if there is at least one element in 'arr' for which 'func' returns something other than 0. Otherwise, it returns 0. arrayAll([func,] arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns 1 if 'func' returns something other than 0 for all the elements in 'arr'. Otherwise, it returns 0. arraySum([func,] arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the sum of the 'func' values. If the function is omitted, it just returns the sum of the array elements. arrayFirst(func, arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the first element in the 'arr1' array for which 'func' returns something other than 0. arrayFirstIndex(func, arr1, ...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the index of the first element in the 'arr1' array for which 'func' returns something other than 0.