import logging import time import pytest import threading import random from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster # two replicas in remote_servers.xml REPLICA_COUNT = 2 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) for i in range(1, REPLICA_COUNT + 1): cluster.add_instance( f"node{i}", main_configs=[ "configs/config.d/storage_conf.xml", "configs/config.d/remote_servers.xml", ], with_minio=True, with_zookeeper=True, )"Starting cluster...") cluster.start()"Cluster started") yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def create_table(node, table_name, replicated, additional_settings): settings = { "storage_policy": "two_disks", "old_parts_lifetime": 0, "index_granularity": 512, "temporary_directories_lifetime": 0, "merge_tree_clear_old_temporary_directories_interval_seconds": 1, } settings.update(additional_settings) table_engine = ( f"ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/0/{table_name}', '{}')" if replicated else "MergeTree()" ) create_table_statement = f""" CREATE TABLE {table_name} ( dt Date, id Int64, data String, INDEX min_max (id) TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 3 ) ENGINE = {table_engine} PARTITION BY dt ORDER BY (dt, id) SETTINGS {",".join((k+"="+repr(v) for k, v in settings.items()))}""" if replicated: node.query_with_retry(create_table_statement) else: node.query(create_table_statement) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication,replicated_engine", [(False, False), (False, True), (True, True)], ) def test_alter_moving( cluster, allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication, replicated_engine ): """ Test that we correctly move parts during ALTER TABLE """ if replicated_engine: nodes = list(cluster.instances.values()) else: nodes = [cluster.instances["node1"]] additional_settings = {} # Different names for logs readability table_name = "test_table" if allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication: table_name = "test_table_zero_copy" additional_settings["allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication"] = 1 if replicated_engine: table_name = table_name + "_replicated" for node in nodes: create_table(node, table_name, replicated_engine, additional_settings) for i in range(1, 11): partition = f"2021-01-{i:02d}" random.choice(nodes).query( f"INSERT INTO {table_name} SELECT toDate('{partition}'), number as id, toString(sipHash64(number, {i})) FROM numbers(10_000)" ) # Run ALTER in parallel with moving parts stop_alter = False def alter(): random.choice(nodes).query(f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD COLUMN col0 String") for d in range(1, 100): if stop_alter: break # Some lightweight mutation should change moving part before it is swapped, then we will have to cleanup it. # Messages `Failed to swap {}. Active part doesn't exist` should appear in logs. # # I managed to reproduce issue with DELETE (`ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD/DROP COLUMN` also works on real s3 instead of minio) # Note: do not delete rows with id % 100 = 0, because they are used in `check_count` to use them in check that data is not corrupted random.choice(nodes).query(f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE id % 100 = {d}") time.sleep(0.1) alter_thread = threading.Thread(target=alter) alter_thread.start() for i in range(1, 11): partition = f"2021-01-{i:02d}" try: random.choice(nodes).query( f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} MOVE PARTITION '{partition}' TO DISK 's31'", ) except QueryRuntimeException as e: if "PART_IS_TEMPORARILY_LOCKED" in str(e): continue raise e # Function to clear old temporary directories wakes up every 1 second, sleep to make sure it is called time.sleep(0.5) stop_alter = True alter_thread.join() # Check that no data was lost data_digest = None if replicated_engine: # We don't know what data was replicated, so we need to check all replicas and take unique values data_digest = random.choice(nodes).query_with_retry( f"SELECT countDistinct(dt, data) FROM clusterAllReplicas(test_cluster, default.{table_name}) WHERE id % 100 == 0" ) else: data_digest = random.choice(nodes).query( f"SELECT countDistinct(dt, data) FROM {table_name} WHERE id % 100 == 0" ) assert data_digest == "1000\n" def test_delete_race_leftovers(cluster): """ Test that we correctly delete outdated parts and do not leave any leftovers on s3 """ node = cluster.instances["node1"] table_name = "test_delete_race_leftovers" additional_settings = { # use another disk not to interfere with other tests "storage_policy": "one_disk", # always remove parts in parallel "concurrent_part_removal_threshold": 1, } create_table( node, table_name, replicated=True, additional_settings=additional_settings ) # Stop merges to have several small parts in active set node.query(f"SYSTEM STOP MERGES {table_name}") # Creare several small parts in one partition for i in range(1, 11): node.query( f"INSERT INTO {table_name} SELECT toDate('2021-01-01'), number as id, toString(sipHash64(number, {i})) FROM numbers(10_000)" ) table_digest_query = f"SELECT count(), sum(sipHash64(id, data)) FROM {table_name}" table_digest = node.query(table_digest_query) # Execute several noop deletes to have parts with updated mutation id without changes in data # New parts will have symlinks to old parts node.query(f"SYSTEM START MERGES {table_name}") for i in range(10): node.query(f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE data = ''") # Make existing parts outdated # Also we don't want have changing parts set, # because it will be difficult match objects on s3 and in remote_data_paths to check correctness node.query(f"OPTIMIZE TABLE {table_name} FINAL") inactive_parts_query = ( f"SELECT count() FROM " f"WHERE not active AND table = '{table_name}' AND database = 'default'" ) # Try to wait for deletion of outdated parts # However, we do not want to wait too long # If some parts are not deleted after several iterations, we will just continue for i in range(20): inactive_parts_count = int(node.query(inactive_parts_query).strip()) if inactive_parts_count == 0: print(f"Inactive parts are deleted after {i} iterations") break print(f"Inactive parts count: {inactive_parts_count}") time.sleep(5) # Check that we correctly deleted all outdated parts and no leftovers on s3 # Do it with retries because we delete blobs in the background # and it can be race condition between removing from remote_data_paths and deleting blobs all_remote_paths = set() known_remote_paths = set() for i in range(3): known_remote_paths = set( node.query( f"SELECT remote_path FROM system.remote_data_paths WHERE disk_name = 's32'" ).splitlines() ) all_remote_paths = set( obj.object_name for obj in cluster.minio_client.list_objects( cluster.minio_bucket, "data2/", recursive=True ) ) # Some blobs can be deleted after we listed remote_data_paths # It's alright, thus we check only that all remote paths are known # (in other words, all remote paths is subset of known paths) if all_remote_paths == {p for p in known_remote_paths if p in all_remote_paths}: break time.sleep(1) assert all_remote_paths == {p for p in known_remote_paths if p in all_remote_paths} # Check that we have all data assert table_digest == node.query(table_digest_query)