#pragma once #include #include #include namespace DB { /** For a small number of keys - an array of fixed size "on the stack". * For large, HyperLogLog is allocated. * See also the more practical implementation in CombinedCardinalityEstimator.h, * where a hash table is also used for medium-sized sets. */ template < typename Key, UInt8 small_set_size, UInt8 K, typename Hash = IntHash32, typename DenominatorType = double> class HyperLogLogWithSmallSetOptimization : private boost::noncopyable { private: using Small = SmallSet; using Large = HyperLogLogCounter; Small small; Large * large = nullptr; bool isLarge() const { return large != nullptr; } void toLarge() { /// At the time of copying data from `tiny`, setting the value of `large` is still not possible (otherwise it will overwrite some data). Large * tmp_large = new Large; for (const auto & x : small) tmp_large->insert(x.getValue()); large = tmp_large; } public: using value_type = Key; ~HyperLogLogWithSmallSetOptimization() { if (isLarge()) delete large; } void insert(Key value) { if (!isLarge()) { if (small.find(value) == small.end()) { if (!small.full()) small.insert(value); else { toLarge(); large->insert(value); } } } else large->insert(value); } UInt64 size() const { return !isLarge() ? small.size() : large->size(); } void merge(const HyperLogLogWithSmallSetOptimization & rhs) { if (rhs.isLarge()) { if (!isLarge()) toLarge(); large->merge(*rhs.large); } else { for (const auto & x : rhs.small) insert(x.getValue()); } } /// You can only call for an empty object. void read(DB::ReadBuffer & in) { bool is_large; readBinary(is_large, in); if (is_large) { toLarge(); large->read(in); } else small.read(in); } void readAndMerge(DB::ReadBuffer & in) { bool is_rhs_large; readBinary(is_rhs_large, in); if (!isLarge() && is_rhs_large) toLarge(); if (!is_rhs_large) { typename Small::Reader reader(in); while (reader.next()) insert(reader.get()); } else large->readAndMerge(in); } void write(DB::WriteBuffer & out) const { writeBinary(isLarge(), out); if (isLarge()) large->write(out); else small.write(out); } }; }