#include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } ColumnNullable::ColumnNullable(ColumnPtr nested_column_, ColumnPtr null_map_) : nested_column{nested_column_}, null_map{null_map_} { if (nested_column->isNullable()) throw Exception{"A nullable column cannot contain another nullable column", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR}; } ColumnPtr ColumnNullable::convertToFullColumnIfConst() const { ColumnPtr new_col_holder; if (auto full_col = nested_column->convertToFullColumnIfConst()) new_col_holder = std::make_shared(full_col, null_map); return new_col_holder; } void ColumnNullable::updateHashWithValue(size_t n, SipHash & hash) const { const auto & arr = getNullMap(); hash.update(reinterpret_cast(&arr[n]), sizeof(arr[0])); if (arr[n] == 0) nested_column->updateHashWithValue(n, hash); } ColumnPtr ColumnNullable::cloneResized(size_t new_size) const { ColumnPtr new_nested_col = nested_column->cloneResized(new_size); auto new_null_map = std::make_shared(); if (new_size > 0) { new_null_map->getData().resize(new_size); size_t count = std::min(size(), new_size); memcpy(new_null_map->getData().data(), getNullMap().data(), count * sizeof(getNullMap()[0])); /// If resizing to bigger one, set all new values to NULLs. if (new_size > count) memset(&new_null_map->getData()[count], 1, new_size - count); } return std::make_shared(new_nested_col, new_null_map); } Field ColumnNullable::operator[](size_t n) const { if (isNullAt(n)) return Null(); else { const IColumn & col = *nested_column; return col[n]; } } void ColumnNullable::get(size_t n, Field & res) const { if (isNullAt(n)) res = Null(); else nested_column->get(n, res); } StringRef ColumnNullable::getDataAt(size_t n) const { throw Exception{"Method getDataAt is not supported for " + getName(), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED}; } void ColumnNullable::insertData(const char * pos, size_t length) { throw Exception{"Method insertData is not supported for " + getName(), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED}; } StringRef ColumnNullable::serializeValueIntoArena(size_t n, Arena & arena, char const *& begin) const { const auto & arr = getNullMap(); static constexpr auto s = sizeof(arr[0]); auto pos = arena.allocContinue(s, begin); memcpy(pos, &arr[n], s); size_t nested_size = 0; if (arr[n] == 0) nested_size = nested_column->serializeValueIntoArena(n, arena, begin).size; return StringRef{begin, s + nested_size}; } const char * ColumnNullable::deserializeAndInsertFromArena(const char * pos) { UInt8 val = *reinterpret_cast(pos); pos += sizeof(val); getNullMap().push_back(val); if (val == 0) pos = nested_column->deserializeAndInsertFromArena(pos); else nested_column->insertDefault(); return pos; } void ColumnNullable::insertRangeFrom(const IColumn & src, size_t start, size_t length) { const ColumnNullable & nullable_col = static_cast(src); getNullMapConcreteColumn().insertRangeFrom(*nullable_col.null_map, start, length); nested_column->insertRangeFrom(*nullable_col.nested_column, start, length); } void ColumnNullable::insert(const Field & x) { if (x.isNull()) { nested_column->insertDefault(); getNullMap().push_back(1); } else { nested_column->insert(x); getNullMap().push_back(0); } } void ColumnNullable::insertFrom(const IColumn & src, size_t n) { const ColumnNullable & src_concrete = static_cast(src); nested_column->insertFrom(*src_concrete.getNestedColumn(), n); getNullMap().push_back(src_concrete.getNullMap()[n]); } void ColumnNullable::insertDefault() { nested_column->insertDefault(); getNullMap().push_back(1); } void ColumnNullable::popBack(size_t n) { nested_column->popBack(n); getNullMapConcreteColumn().popBack(n); } ColumnPtr ColumnNullable::filter(const Filter & filt, ssize_t result_size_hint) const { ColumnPtr filtered_data = nested_column->filter(filt, result_size_hint); ColumnPtr filtered_null_map = getNullMapConcreteColumn().filter(filt, result_size_hint); return std::make_shared(filtered_data, filtered_null_map); } ColumnPtr ColumnNullable::permute(const Permutation & perm, size_t limit) const { ColumnPtr permuted_data = nested_column->permute(perm, limit); ColumnPtr permuted_null_map = getNullMapConcreteColumn().permute(perm, limit); return std::make_shared(permuted_data, permuted_null_map); } int ColumnNullable::compareAt(size_t n, size_t m, const IColumn & rhs_, int null_direction_hint) const { /// NULL values share the properties of NaN values. /// Here the last parameter of compareAt is called null_direction_hint /// instead of the usual nan_direction_hint and is used to implement /// the ordering specified by either NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST in the /// ORDER BY construction. const ColumnNullable & nullable_rhs = static_cast(rhs_); bool lval_is_null = isNullAt(n); bool rval_is_null = nullable_rhs.isNullAt(m); if (unlikely(lval_is_null || rval_is_null)) { if (lval_is_null && rval_is_null) return 0; else return lval_is_null ? null_direction_hint : -null_direction_hint; } const IColumn & nested_rhs = *(nullable_rhs.getNestedColumn()); return nested_column->compareAt(n, m, nested_rhs, null_direction_hint); } void ColumnNullable::getPermutation(bool reverse, size_t limit, Permutation & res) const { nested_column->getPermutation(reverse, limit, res); size_t s = res.size(); /// Since we have created a permutation "res" that sorts a subset of the column values /// and some of these values may actually be nulls, there is no guarantee that /// these null values are well positioned. So we create a permutation "p" which /// operates on the result of "res" by moving all the null values to the required /// direction and leaving the order of the remaining elements unchanged. /// Create the permutation p. Permutation p; p.resize(s); size_t pos_left = 0; size_t pos_right = s - 1; if (reverse) { /// Move the null elements to the right. for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) { if (isNullAt(res[i])) { p[i] = pos_right; --pos_right; } else { p[i] = pos_left; ++pos_left; } } } else { /// Move the null elements to the left. for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) { size_t j = s - i - 1; if (isNullAt(res[j])) { p[j] = pos_left; ++pos_left; } else { p[j] = pos_right; --pos_right; } } } /// Combine the permutations res and p. Permutation res2; res2.resize(s); for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) res2[i] = res[p[i]]; res = std::move(res2); } void ColumnNullable::reserve(size_t n) { nested_column->reserve(n); getNullMap().reserve(n); } size_t ColumnNullable::byteSize() const { return nested_column->byteSize() + getNullMapConcreteColumn().byteSize(); } namespace { /// The following function implements a slightly more general version /// of getExtremes() than the implementation from ColumnVector. /// It takes into account the possible presence of nullable values. template void getExtremesFromNullableContent(const ColumnVector & col, const NullValuesByteMap & null_map, Field & min, Field & max) { const auto & data = col.getData(); size_t size = data.size(); if (size == 0) { min = Null(); max = Null(); return; } bool has_not_null = false; bool has_not_nan = false; T cur_min = 0; T cur_max = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const T x = data[i]; if (null_map[i]) continue; if (!has_not_null) { cur_min = x; cur_max = x; has_not_null = true; continue; } if (isNaN(x)) continue; if (!has_not_nan) { cur_min = x; cur_max = x; has_not_nan = true; continue; } if (x < cur_min) cur_min = x; if (x > cur_max) cur_max = x; } if (has_not_null) { min = typename NearestFieldType::Type(cur_min); max = typename NearestFieldType::Type(cur_max); } } } void ColumnNullable::getExtremes(Field & min, Field & max) const { min = Null(); max = Null(); const auto & null_map = getNullMap(); if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); else if (const auto col = typeid_cast(nested_column.get())) getExtremesFromNullableContent(*col, null_map, min, max); } ColumnPtr ColumnNullable::replicate(const Offsets_t & offsets) const { ColumnPtr replicated_data = nested_column->replicate(offsets); ColumnPtr replicated_null_map = getNullMapConcreteColumn().replicate(offsets); return std::make_shared(replicated_data, replicated_null_map); } void ColumnNullable::applyNullValuesByteMap(const ColumnNullable & other) { NullValuesByteMap & arr1 = getNullMap(); const NullValuesByteMap & arr2 = other.getNullMap(); if (arr1.size() != arr2.size()) throw Exception{"Inconsistent sizes of ColumnNullable objects", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR}; for (size_t i = 0, size = arr1.size(); i < size; ++i) arr1[i] |= arr2[i]; } }