#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import os.path import json import subprocess import time import lxml.etree as et import atexit import fnmatch from itertools import chain from os import system from argparse import ArgumentParser from termcolor import colored from subprocess import check_call from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import CalledProcessError from datetime import datetime from time import sleep from errno import ESRCH from pprint import pprint OP_SQUARE_BRACKET = colored("[", attrs=['bold']) CL_SQUARE_BRACKET = colored("]", attrs=['bold']) MSG_FAIL = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" FAIL ", "red", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET MSG_UNKNOWN = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" UNKNOWN ", "yellow", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET MSG_OK = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" OK ", "green", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET MSG_SKIPPED = OP_SQUARE_BRACKET + colored(" SKIPPED ", "cyan", attrs=['bold']) + CL_SQUARE_BRACKET wait_for_loading_sleep_time_sec = 3 failures = 0 SERVER_DIED = False prefix = base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) generated_prefix = prefix + '/generated/' dictionaries = [] def generate_structure(args): global dictionaries # [ name, key_type, has_parent ] dictionaries.extend([ # Simple key dictionaries [ 'file_flat', 0, True ], [ 'clickhouse_flat', 0, True ], [ 'executable_flat', 0, True ], [ 'file_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'clickhouse_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'executable_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'clickhouse_cache', 0, True ], [ 'executable_cache', 0, True ], # Complex key dictionaries with (UInt8, UInt8) key [ 'file_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], [ 'clickhouse_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], [ 'executable_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], [ 'clickhouse_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], [ 'executable_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], # Complex key dictionaries with (String, UInt8) key [ 'file_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], [ 'clickhouse_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], [ 'executable_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], [ 'clickhouse_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ], [ 'executable_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], ]) if not args.no_http: dictionaries.extend([ [ 'http_flat', 0, True ], [ 'http_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'http_cache', 0, True ], [ 'http_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], [ 'http_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], [ 'http_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], [ 'http_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], ]) if not args.no_https: dictionaries.extend([ [ 'https_flat', 0, True ], [ 'https_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'https_cache', 0, True ], ]) if not args.no_mysql: dictionaries.extend([ [ 'mysql_flat', 0, True ], [ 'mysql_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'mysql_cache', 0, True ], [ 'mysql_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], [ 'mysql_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], [ 'mysql_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], [ 'mysql_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ], ]) if not args.no_mongo: dictionaries.extend([ [ 'mongodb_flat', 0, True ], [ 'mongodb_hashed', 0, True ], [ 'mongodb_cache', 0, True ], [ 'mongodb_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], [ 'mongodb_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], [ 'mongodb_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], [ 'mongodb_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ], ]) if args.use_mongo_user: dictionaries.extend([ [ 'mongodb_user_flat', 0, True ], ]) if args.use_lib: dictionaries.extend([ # [ 'library_flat', 0, True ], # [ 'library_hashed', 0, True ], # [ 'library_cache', 0, True ], # [ 'library_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], # [ 'library_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], # [ 'library_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], # [ 'library_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ], # [ 'library_c_flat', 0, True ], # [ 'library_c_hashed', 0, True ], # [ 'library_c_cache', 0, True ], # [ 'library_c_complex_integers_key_hashed', 1, False ], # [ 'library_c_complex_integers_key_cache', 1, False ], # [ 'library_c_complex_mixed_key_hashed', 2, False ], # [ 'library_c_complex_mixed_key_cache', 2, False ], ]) for range_hashed_range_type in range_hashed_range_types: base_name = 'range_hashed_' + range_hashed_range_type dictionaries.extend([ [ 'file_' + base_name, 3, False ], # [ 'clickhouse_' + base_name, 3, True ], # [ 'executable_flat' + base_name, 3, True ] ]) files = [ 'key_simple.tsv', 'key_complex_integers.tsv', 'key_complex_mixed.tsv', 'key_range_hashed_{range_hashed_range_type}.tsv' ] types = [ 'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'UInt32', 'UInt64', 'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Float32', 'Float64', 'String', 'Date', 'DateTime', 'UUID' ] explicit_defaults = [ '42', '42', '42', '42', '-42', '-42', '-42', '-42', '1.5', '1.6', "'explicit-default'", "'2015-01-01'", "'2015-01-01 00:00:00'", "'550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000'" ] implicit_defaults = [ '1', '1', '1', '1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '2.71828', '2.71828', 'implicit-default', '2015-11-25', '2015-11-25 00:00:00', "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" ] range_hashed_range_types = [ '', # default type (Date) for compatibility with older versions 'UInt8', 'UInt16', 'UInt32', 'UInt64', 'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Date', 'DateTime' ] # values for range_hashed dictionary according to range_min/range_max type. range_hashed_dictGet_values = { # [(range_min, range_max), (hit, ...), (miss, ...)] # due to the nature of reference results, there should be equal number of hit and miss cases. 'UInt8': [('1', '10'), ('1', '5', '10'), ('0', '11', '255')], 'UInt16': [('1', '10'), ('1', '5', '10'), ('0', '11', '65535')], 'UInt32': [('1', '10'), ('1', '5', '10'), ('0', '11', '4294967295')], 'UInt64': [('1', '10'), ('1', '5', '10'), ('0', '11', '18446744073709551605')], 'Int8': [('-10', '10'), ('-10', '0', '10'), ('-11', '11', '255')], 'Int16': [('-10', '10'), ('-10', '0', '10'), ('-11', '11', '65535')], 'Int32': [('-10', '10'), ('-10', '0', '10'), ('-11', '11', '4294967295')], 'Int64': [('-10', '10'), ('-10', '0', '10'), ('-11', '11', '18446744073709551605')], # default type (Date) for compatibility with older versions: '': [("toDate('2015-11-20')", "toDate('2015-11-25')"), ("toDate('2015-11-20')", "toDate('2015-11-22')", "toDate('2015-11-25')"), ("toDate('2015-11-19')", "toDate('2015-11-26')", "toDate('2018-09-14')")], 'Date': [("toDate('2015-11-20')", "toDate('2015-11-25')"), ("toDate('2015-11-20')", "toDate('2015-11-22')", "toDate('2015-11-25')"), ("toDate('2015-11-19')", "toDate('2015-11-26')", "toDate('2018-09-14')")], 'DateTime': [("toDateTime('2015-11-20 00:00:00')", "toDateTime('2015-11-25 00:00:00')"), ("toDateTime('2015-11-20 00:00:00')", "toDateTime('2015-11-22 00:00:00')", "toDateTime('2015-11-25 00:00:00')"), ("toDateTime('2015-11-19 23:59:59')", "toDateTime('2015-10-26 00:00:01')", "toDateTime('2018-09-14 00:00:00')")], } def dump_report(destination, suite, test_case, report): if destination is not None: destination_file = os.path.join(destination, suite, test_case + ".xml") destination_dir = os.path.dirname(destination_file) if not os.path.exists(destination_dir): os.makedirs(destination_dir) with open(destination_file, 'w') as report_file: report_root = et.Element("testsuites", attrib = {'name': 'ClickHouse External Dictionaries Tests'}) report_suite = et.Element("testsuite", attrib = {"name": suite}) report_suite.append(report) report_root.append(report_suite) report_file.write(et.tostring(report_root, encoding = "UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)) def call(args, out_filename): with open(out_filename, 'w') as file: subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=file) def generate_data(args): def comma_separated(iterable): return ', '.join(iterable) def columns(): return map(lambda t: t + '_', types) key_columns = [ [ 'id' ], [ 'key0', 'key1' ], [ 'key0_str', 'key1' ], # Explicitly no column for range_hashed, since it is completely separate case ] print 'Creating ClickHouse table' # create ClickHouse table via insert select system('cat {source} | {ch} --port={port} -m -n --query "' 'create database if not exists test;' 'drop table if exists test.dictionary_source;' 'create table test.dictionary_source (' 'id UInt64, key0 UInt8, key0_str String, key1 UInt8,' 'UInt8_ UInt8, UInt16_ UInt16, UInt32_ UInt32, UInt64_ UInt64,' 'Int8_ Int8, Int16_ Int16, Int32_ Int32, Int64_ Int64,' 'Float32_ Float32, Float64_ Float64,' 'String_ String,' 'Date_ Date, DateTime_ DateTime, Parent UInt64, UUID_ UUID' ') engine=Log; insert into test.dictionary_source format TabSeparated' '"'.format(source = args.source, ch = args.client, port = args.port)) # generate files with different key types print 'Creating .tsv files' file_source_query = 'select %s from test.dictionary_source format TabSeparated;' for file, keys in zip(files, key_columns): query = file_source_query % comma_separated(chain(keys, columns(), [ 'Parent' ] if 1 == len(keys) else [])) call([ args.client, '--port', args.port, '--query', query ], 'generated/' + file) for range_hashed_range_type in range_hashed_range_types: file = files[3].format(range_hashed_range_type=range_hashed_range_type) keys = list(chain(['id'], range_hashed_dictGet_values[range_hashed_range_type][0])) query = file_source_query % comma_separated(chain(keys, columns(), ['Parent'] if 1 == len(keys) else [])) call([args.client, '--port', args.port, '--query', query], 'generated/' + file) # create MySQL table from complete_query if not args.no_mysql: print 'Creating MySQL table' subprocess.check_call('echo "' 'create database if not exists test;' 'drop table if exists test.dictionary_source;' 'create table test.dictionary_source (' 'id tinyint unsigned, key0 tinyint unsigned, key0_str text, key1 tinyint unsigned, ' 'UInt8_ tinyint unsigned, UInt16_ smallint unsigned, UInt32_ int unsigned, UInt64_ bigint unsigned, ' 'Int8_ tinyint, Int16_ smallint, Int32_ int, Int64_ bigint, ' 'Float32_ float, Float64_ double, ' 'String_ text, Date_ date, DateTime_ datetime, Parent bigint unsigned, UUID_ varchar(36)' ');' 'load data local infile \'{0}/source.tsv\' into table test.dictionary_source;" | mysql $MYSQL_OPTIONS --local-infile=1' .format(prefix), shell=True) # create MongoDB collection from complete_query via JSON file if not args.no_mongo: print 'Creating MongoDB test_user' subprocess.call([ 'mongo', '--eval', 'db.createUser({ user: "test_user", pwd: "test_pass", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "test" } ] })' ]) print 'Creating MongoDB collection' table_rows = json.loads(subprocess.check_output([ args.client, '--port', args.port, '--output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers', '0', '--query', "select * from test.dictionary_source where not ignore(" \ "concat('new Date(\\'', toString(Date_), '\\')') as Date_, " \ "concat('new ISODate(\\'', replaceOne(toString(DateTime_, 'UTC'), ' ', 'T'), 'Z\\')') as DateTime_" \ ") format JSON" ]))['data'] source_for_mongo = json.dumps(table_rows).replace(')"', ')').replace('"new', 'new') open('generated/full.json', 'w').write('db.dictionary_source.drop(); db.dictionary_source.insert(%s);' % source_for_mongo) result = system('cat {0}/full.json | mongo --quiet > /dev/null'.format(args.generated)) if result != 0: print 'Could not create MongoDB collection' exit(-1) def generate_dictionaries(args): dictionary_skeleton = ''' {name} {source} 0 0 {layout} {key} %s {parent} ''' attribute_skeleton = ''' %s_ %s %s ''' dictionary_skeleton =\ dictionary_skeleton % reduce(lambda xml, (type, default): xml + attribute_skeleton % (type, type, default), zip(types, implicit_defaults), '') source_file = ''' %s TabSeparated ''' source_clickhouse = ''' localhost %s default test dictionary_source
''' % args.port source_mysql = ''' 1 3333 2 localhost 3306 root test dictionary_source
''' source_mongodb = ''' {mongo_host} 27017 test dictionary_source '''.format(mongo_host=args.mongo_host) source_mongodb_user = ''' {mongo_host} 27017 test_user test_pass test dictionary_source '''.format(mongo_host=args.mongo_host) source_executable = ''' cat %s TabSeparated ''' # ignore stdin, then print file source_executable_cache = ''' cat ->/dev/null; cat %s TabSeparated ''' source_http = ''' http://{http_host}:{http_port}{http_path}%s TabSeparated '''.format(http_host=args.http_host, http_port=args.http_port, http_path=args.http_path) source_https = ''' https://{https_host}:{https_port}{https_path}%s TabSeparated '''.format(https_host=args.https_host, https_port=args.https_port, https_path=args.https_path) source_library = ''' {filename} '''.format(filename=os.path.abspath('../../../build/dbms/tests/external_dictionaries/dictionary_library/dictionary_library.so')) # Todo? #source_library_c = ''' # # {filename} # #'''.format(filename=os.path.abspath('../../../build/dbms/tests/external_dictionaries/dictionary_library/dictionary_library_c.so')) layout_flat = '' layout_hashed = '' layout_cache = '128' layout_complex_key_hashed = '' layout_complex_key_cache = '128' layout_range_hashed = '' key_simple = ''' id ''' key_complex_integers = ''' key0 UInt8 key1 UInt8 ''' key_complex_mixed = ''' key0_str String key1 UInt8 ''' # For range hashed, range_min and range_max are kind of additional keys, so it makes sense to put it here. key_range_hashed = ''' id StartDate {range_hashed_range_type} EndDate {range_hashed_range_type} ''' keys = [ key_simple, key_complex_integers, key_complex_mixed, key_range_hashed ] parent_attribute = ''' Parent UInt64 true 0 ''' sources_and_layouts = [ # Simple key dictionaries [ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_flat], [ source_clickhouse, layout_flat ], [ source_executable % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_flat ], [ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_hashed], [ source_clickhouse, layout_hashed ], [ source_executable % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_hashed ], [ source_clickhouse, layout_cache ], [ source_executable_cache % (generated_prefix + files[0]), layout_cache ], # Complex key dictionaries with (UInt8, UInt8) key [ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[1]), layout_complex_key_hashed], [ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_executable % (generated_prefix + files[1]), layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_cache ], [ source_executable_cache % (generated_prefix + files[1]), layout_complex_key_cache ], # Complex key dictionaries with (String, UInt8) key [ source_file % (generated_prefix + files[2]), layout_complex_key_hashed], [ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_executable % (generated_prefix + files[2]), layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_clickhouse, layout_complex_key_cache ], [ source_executable_cache % (generated_prefix + files[2]), layout_complex_key_cache ], ] if not args.no_http: sources_and_layouts.extend([ [ source_http % (files[0]), layout_flat ], [ source_http % (files[0]), layout_hashed ], [ source_http % (files[0]), layout_cache ], [ source_http % (files[1]), layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_http % (files[1]), layout_complex_key_cache ], [ source_http % (files[2]), layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_http % (files[2]), layout_complex_key_cache ], ]) if not args.no_https: sources_and_layouts.extend([ [ source_https % (files[0]), layout_flat ], [ source_https % (files[0]), layout_hashed ], [ source_https % (files[0]), layout_cache ], ]) if not args.no_mysql: sources_and_layouts.extend([ [ source_mysql, layout_flat ], [ source_mysql, layout_hashed ], [ source_mysql, layout_cache ], [ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_cache ], [ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_mysql, layout_complex_key_cache ], ]) if not args.no_mongo: sources_and_layouts.extend([ [ source_mongodb, layout_flat ], [ source_mongodb, layout_hashed ], [ source_mongodb, layout_cache ], [ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_cache ], [ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_hashed ], [ source_mongodb, layout_complex_key_cache ], ]) if args.use_mongo_user: sources_and_layouts.extend( [ [ source_mongodb_user, layout_flat ], ]) if args.use_lib: sources_and_layouts.extend([ #[ source_library, layout_flat ], #[ source_library, layout_hashed ], #[ source_library, layout_cache ], #[ source_library, layout_complex_key_cache ], #[ source_library, layout_complex_key_hashed ], #[ source_library, layout_complex_key_hashed ], #[ source_library, layout_complex_key_cache ], #[ source_library_c, layout_flat ], #[ source_library_c, layout_hashed ], #[ source_library_c, layout_cache ], #[ source_library_c, layout_complex_key_cache ], #[ source_library_c, layout_complex_key_hashed ], #[ source_library_c, layout_complex_key_hashed ], #[ source_library_c, layout_complex_key_cache ], ]) for range_hashed_range_type in range_hashed_range_types: sources_and_layouts.extend([ [ source_file % (generated_prefix + (files[3].format(range_hashed_range_type=range_hashed_range_type))), (layout_range_hashed, range_hashed_range_type) ], # [ source_clickhouse, layout_range_hashed ], # [ source_executable, layout_range_hashed ] ]) for (name, key_idx, has_parent), (source, layout) in zip(dictionaries, sources_and_layouts): filename = os.path.join(args.generated, 'dictionary_%s.xml' % name) key = keys[key_idx] if key_idx == 3: layout, range_hashed_range_type = layout # Wrap non-empty type (default) with tag. if range_hashed_range_type: range_hashed_range_type = '{}'.format(range_hashed_range_type) key = key.format(range_hashed_range_type=range_hashed_range_type) with open(filename, 'w') as file: dictionary_xml = dictionary_skeleton.format( parent = parent_attribute if has_parent else '', **locals()) file.write(dictionary_xml) def run_tests(args): if not args.no_http: http_server = subprocess.Popen(["python", "http_server.py", "--port", str(args.http_port), "--host", args.http_host]); @atexit.register def http_killer(): http_server.kill() if not args.no_https: https_server = subprocess.Popen(["python", "http_server.py", "--port", str(args.https_port), "--host", args.https_host, '--https']); @atexit.register def https_killer(): https_server.kill() if args.filter: print 'Only test cases matching filter "{}" are going to be executed.'.format(args.filter) keys = [ 'toUInt64(n)', '(n, n)', '(toString(n), n)', 'toUInt64(n)' ] dict_get_query_skeleton = "select dictGet{type}('{name}', '{type}_', {key}) from system.one array join range(8) as n;" dict_has_query_skeleton = "select dictHas('{name}', {key}) from system.one array join range(8) as n;" dict_get_or_default_query_skeleton = "select dictGet{type}OrDefault('{name}', '{type}_', {key}, to{type}({default})) from system.one array join range(8) as n;" dict_hierarchy_query_skeleton = "select dictGetHierarchy('{name}' as d, key), dictIsIn(d, key, toUInt64(1)), dictIsIn(d, key, key) from system.one array join range(toUInt64(8)) as key;" # Designed to match 4 rows hit, 4 rows miss pattern of reference file dict_get_query_range_hashed_skeleton = """ select dictGet{type}('{name}', '{type}_', {key}, r) from system.one array join range(4) as n cross join (select r from system.one array join array({hit}, {miss}) as r); """ def test_query(dict, query, reference, name): global failures global SERVER_DIED print "{0:100}".format('Dictionary: ' + dict + ' Name: ' + name + ": "), if args.filter and not fnmatch.fnmatch(dict, args.filter) and not fnmatch.fnmatch(name, args.filter): print " ... skipped due to filter." return sys.stdout.flush() report_testcase = et.Element("testcase", attrib = {"name": name}) reference_file = os.path.join(args.reference, reference) + '.reference' stdout_file = os.path.join(args.reference, reference) + '.stdout' stderr_file = os.path.join(args.reference, reference) + '.stderr' command = '{ch} --port {port} --query "{query}" > {stdout_file} 2> {stderr_file}'.format(ch = args.client, port = args.port, query = query, stdout_file = stdout_file, stderr_file = stderr_file) proc = Popen(command, shell = True) start_time = datetime.now() while (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() < args.timeout and proc.poll() is None: sleep(0.01) if proc.returncode is None: try: proc.kill() except OSError as e: if e.errno != ESRCH: raise failure = et.Element("failure", attrib = {"message": "Timeout"}) report_testcase.append(failure) failures = failures + 1 print("{0} - Timeout!".format(MSG_FAIL)) else: stdout = open(stdout_file, 'r').read() if os.path.exists(stdout_file) else '' stdout = unicode(stdout, errors='replace', encoding='utf-8') stderr = open(stderr_file, 'r').read() if os.path.exists(stderr_file) else '' stderr = unicode(stderr, errors='replace', encoding='utf-8') if proc.returncode != 0: failure = et.Element("failure", attrib = {"message": "return code {}".format(proc.returncode)}) report_testcase.append(failure) stdout_element = et.Element("system-out") stdout_element.text = et.CDATA(stdout) report_testcase.append(stdout_element) failures = failures + 1 print("{0} - return code {1}".format(MSG_FAIL, proc.returncode)) if stderr: stderr_element = et.Element("system-err") stderr_element.text = et.CDATA(stderr) report_testcase.append(stderr_element) print(stderr) if 'Connection refused' in stderr or 'Attempt to read after eof' in stderr: SERVER_DIED = True elif stderr: failure = et.Element("failure", attrib = {"message": "having stderror"}) report_testcase.append(failure) stderr_element = et.Element("system-err") stderr_element.text = et.CDATA(stderr) report_testcase.append(stderr_element) failures = failures + 1 print("{0} - having stderror:\n{1}".format(MSG_FAIL, stderr.encode('utf-8'))) elif 'Exception' in stdout: failure = et.Element("error", attrib = {"message": "having exception"}) report_testcase.append(failure) stdout_element = et.Element("system-out") stdout_element.text = et.CDATA(stdout) report_testcase.append(stdout_element) failures = failures + 1 print("{0} - having exception:\n{1}".format(MSG_FAIL, stdout.encode('utf-8'))) elif not os.path.isfile(reference_file): skipped = et.Element("skipped", attrib = {"message": "no reference file"}) report_testcase.append(skipped) print("{0} - no reference file".format(MSG_UNKNOWN)) else: (diff, _) = Popen(['diff', reference_file, stdout_file], stdout = PIPE).communicate() if diff: failure = et.Element("failure", attrib = {"message": "result differs with reference"}) report_testcase.append(failure) stdout_element = et.Element("system-out") stdout_element.text = et.CDATA(diff) report_testcase.append(stdout_element) failures = failures + 1 print("{0} - result differs with reference:\n{1}".format(MSG_FAIL, diff)) else: print(MSG_OK) if os.path.exists(stdout_file): os.remove(stdout_file) if os.path.exists(stderr_file): os.remove(stderr_file) dump_report(args.output, dict, name, report_testcase) print 'Waiting for dictionaries to load...' time.sleep(wait_for_loading_sleep_time_sec) # the actual tests for (name, key_idx, has_parent) in dictionaries: if SERVER_DIED and not args.no_break: break key = keys[key_idx] print 'Testing dictionary', name if key_idx == 3: t = name.split('_')[-1] # get range_min/max type from dictionary name for type, default in zip(types, explicit_defaults): if SERVER_DIED and not args.no_break: break for hit, miss in zip(*range_hashed_dictGet_values[t][1:]): test_query(name, dict_get_query_range_hashed_skeleton.format(**locals()), type, 'dictGet' + type) else: # query dictHas is not supported for range_hashed dictionaries test_query(name, dict_has_query_skeleton.format(**locals()), 'has', 'dictHas') # query dictGet* for type, default in zip(types, explicit_defaults): if SERVER_DIED and not args.no_break: break test_query(name, dict_get_query_skeleton.format(**locals()), type, 'dictGet' + type) test_query(name, dict_get_or_default_query_skeleton.format(**locals()), type + 'OrDefault', 'dictGet' + type + 'OrDefault') # query dictGetHierarchy, dictIsIn if has_parent: test_query(name, dict_hierarchy_query_skeleton.format(**locals()), 'hierarchy', ' for dictGetHierarchy, dictIsIn') if failures > 0: print(colored("\nHaving {0} errors!".format(failures), "red", attrs=["bold"])) sys.exit(1) else: print(colored("\nAll tests passed.", "green", attrs=["bold"])) sys.exit(0) def main(args): generate_structure(args) generate_dictionaries(args) generate_data(args) run_tests(args) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser(description = 'ClickHouse external dictionaries tests') parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', default = 'source.tsv', help = 'Path to source data') parser.add_argument('-g', '--generated', default = 'generated', help = 'Path to directory with generated data') parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference', default = 'reference', help = 'Path to directory with reference data') parser.add_argument('-c', '--client', default = 'clickhouse-client', help = 'Client program') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', default = '9001', help = 'ClickHouse port') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default = 'output', help = 'Output xUnit compliant test report directory') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type = int, default = 10, help = 'Timeout for each test case in seconds') # Not complete disable. Now only skip data prepare. Todo: skip requests too. Now can be used with --no_break parser.add_argument('--use_lib', action='store_true', help = 'Use lib dictionaries') parser.add_argument('--no_mysql', action='store_true', help = 'Dont use mysql dictionaries') parser.add_argument('--no_mongo', action='store_true', help = 'Dont use mongodb dictionaries') parser.add_argument('--mongo_host', default = 'localhost', help = 'mongo server host') parser.add_argument('--use_mongo_user', action='store_true', help = 'Test mongodb with user-pass') parser.add_argument('--no_http', action='store_true', help = 'Dont use http dictionaries') parser.add_argument('--http_port', default = 58000, help = 'http server port') parser.add_argument('--http_host', default = 'localhost', help = 'http server host') parser.add_argument('--http_path', default = '/generated/', help = 'http server path') parser.add_argument('--no_https', action='store_true', help = 'Dont use https dictionaries') parser.add_argument('--https_port', default = 58443, help = 'https server port') parser.add_argument('--https_host', default = 'localhost', help = 'https server host') parser.add_argument('--https_path', default = '/generated/', help = 'https server path') parser.add_argument('--no_break', action='store_true', help = 'Dont stop on errors') parser.add_argument('--filter', type = str, default = None, help = 'Run only test cases matching given glob filter.') args = parser.parse_args() main(args)