#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import atexit import csv import logging import os import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple from clickhouse_helper import ( ClickHouseHelper, prepare_tests_results_for_clickhouse, ) from commit_status_helper import ( RerunHelper, get_commit, post_commit_status, update_mergeable_check, ) from docker_pull_helper import get_image_with_version from env_helper import GITHUB_WORKSPACE, TEMP_PATH from get_robot_token import get_best_robot_token from github_helper import GitHub from git_helper import git_runner from pr_info import PRInfo from report import TestResults, read_test_results from s3_helper import S3Helper from ssh import SSHKey from stopwatch import Stopwatch from upload_result_helper import upload_results NAME = "Style Check" GIT_PREFIX = ( # All commits to remote are done as robot-clickhouse "git -c user.email=robot-clickhouse@users.noreply.github.com " "-c user.name=robot-clickhouse -c commit.gpgsign=false " "-c core.sshCommand=" "'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'" ) def process_result( result_directory: Path, ) -> Tuple[str, str, TestResults, List[Path]]: test_results = [] # type: TestResults additional_files = [] # Just upload all files from result_directory. # If task provides processed results, then it's responsible # for content of result_directory. if result_directory.exists(): additional_files = [p for p in result_directory.iterdir() if p.is_file()] status = [] status_path = result_directory / "check_status.tsv" if status_path.exists(): logging.info("Found check_status.tsv") with open(status_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as status_file: status = list(csv.reader(status_file, delimiter="\t")) if len(status) != 1 or len(status[0]) != 2: logging.info("Files in result folder %s", os.listdir(result_directory)) return "error", "Invalid check_status.tsv", test_results, additional_files state, description = status[0][0], status[0][1] try: results_path = result_directory / "test_results.tsv" test_results = read_test_results(results_path) if len(test_results) == 0: raise Exception("Empty results") return state, description, test_results, additional_files except Exception: if state == "success": state, description = "error", "Failed to read test_results.tsv" return state, description, test_results, additional_files def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Check and report style issues in the repository") parser.add_argument("--push", default=True, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--no-push", action="store_false", dest="push", help="do not commit and push automatic fixes", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) return parser.parse_args() def checkout_head(pr_info: PRInfo) -> None: # It works ONLY for PRs, and only over ssh, so either # ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY should be set or ssh-agent should work assert pr_info.number if not pr_info.head_name == pr_info.base_name: # We can't push to forks, sorry folks return remote_url = pr_info.event["pull_request"]["base"]["repo"]["ssh_url"] fetch_cmd = ( f"{GIT_PREFIX} fetch --depth=1 " f"{remote_url} {pr_info.head_ref}:head-{pr_info.head_ref}" ) if os.getenv("ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY", ""): with SSHKey("ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY"): git_runner(fetch_cmd) else: git_runner(fetch_cmd) git_runner(f"git checkout -f head-{pr_info.head_ref}") def commit_push_staged(pr_info: PRInfo) -> None: # It works ONLY for PRs, and only over ssh, so either # ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY should be set or ssh-agent should work assert pr_info.number if not pr_info.head_name == pr_info.base_name: # We can't push to forks, sorry folks return git_staged = git_runner("git diff --cached --name-only") if not git_staged: return remote_url = pr_info.event["pull_request"]["base"]["repo"]["ssh_url"] git_runner(f"{GIT_PREFIX} commit -m 'Automatic style fix'") push_cmd = ( f"{GIT_PREFIX} push {remote_url} head-{pr_info.head_ref}:{pr_info.head_ref}" ) if os.getenv("ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY", ""): with SSHKey("ROBOT_CLICKHOUSE_SSH_KEY"): git_runner(push_cmd) else: git_runner(push_cmd) def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("git_helper").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) args = parse_args() stopwatch = Stopwatch() repo_path = Path(GITHUB_WORKSPACE) temp_path = Path(TEMP_PATH) temp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pr_info = PRInfo() if args.push: checkout_head(pr_info) gh = GitHub(get_best_robot_token(), create_cache_dir=False) commit = get_commit(gh, pr_info.sha) atexit.register(update_mergeable_check, gh, pr_info, NAME) rerun_helper = RerunHelper(commit, NAME) if rerun_helper.is_already_finished_by_status(): logging.info("Check is already finished according to github status, exiting") # Finish with the same code as previous state = rerun_helper.get_finished_status().state # type: ignore # state == "success" -> code = 0 code = int(state != "success") sys.exit(code) docker_image = get_image_with_version(temp_path, "clickhouse/style-test") s3_helper = S3Helper() cmd = ( f"docker run -u $(id -u ${{USER}}):$(id -g ${{USER}}) --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE " f"--volume={repo_path}:/ClickHouse --volume={temp_path}:/test_output " f"{docker_image}" ) logging.info("Is going to run the command: %s", cmd) subprocess.check_call( cmd, shell=True, ) if args.push: commit_push_staged(pr_info) state, description, test_results, additional_files = process_result(temp_path) ch_helper = ClickHouseHelper() report_url = upload_results( s3_helper, pr_info.number, pr_info.sha, test_results, additional_files, NAME ) print(f"::notice ::Report url: {report_url}") post_commit_status(commit, state, report_url, description, NAME, pr_info) prepared_events = prepare_tests_results_for_clickhouse( pr_info, test_results, state, stopwatch.duration_seconds, stopwatch.start_time_str, report_url, NAME, ) ch_helper.insert_events_into(db="default", table="checks", events=prepared_events) if state in ["error", "failure"]: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()