#pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace DB { class ChunkInfo { public: virtual ~ChunkInfo() = default; }; using ChunkInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr; class Chunk { public: Chunk() = default; Chunk(const Chunk & other) = default; Chunk(Chunk && other) noexcept; Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_); Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_); Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_); Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_); Chunk & operator=(const Chunk & other) = default; Chunk & operator=(Chunk && other) noexcept; const Columns & getColumns() { return columns; } void setColumns(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_); void setColumns(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_); Columns detachColumns(); MutableColumns mutateColumns(); const ChunkInfoPtr & getChunkInfo() const { return chunk_info; } void setChunkInfo(ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_) { chunk_info = std::move(chunk_info_); } UInt64 getNumRows() const { return num_rows; } UInt64 getNumColumns() const { return columns.size(); } bool empty() const { return num_rows == 0; } operator bool() const { return !empty() || !columns.empty(); } void clear(); private: Columns columns; UInt64 num_rows = 0; ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info; void checkNumRowsIsConsistent(); }; using Chunks = std::vector; class InputPort; class OutputPort; class IProcessor; class Port { friend void connect(OutputPort &, InputPort &); friend class IProcessor; protected: /// Shared state of two connected ports. class State { public: State() = default; void push(Chunk chunk) { if (finished) throw Exception("Cannot push block to finished port.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (!needed) throw Exception("Cannot push block to port which is not needed.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (has_data) throw Exception("Cannot push block to port which already has data.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); data = std::move(chunk); has_data = true; } Chunk pull() { if (!needed) throw Exception("Cannot pull block from port which is not needed.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (!has_data) throw Exception("Cannot pull block from port which has no data.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); has_data = false; return std::move(data); } bool hasData() const { if (finished) throw Exception("Finished port can't has data.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (!needed) throw Exception("Cannot check if not needed port has data.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return has_data; } /// Only for output port. /// If port still has data, it will be finished after pulling. void finish() { finished = true; } /// Only for input port. Removes data if has. void close() { finished = true; has_data = false; data.clear(); } /// Only empty ports are finished. bool isFinished() const { return finished && !has_data; } bool isSetFinished() const { return finished; } void setNeeded() { if (finished) throw Exception("Can't set port needed if it is finished.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); // if (has_data) // throw Exception("Can't set port needed if it has data.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); needed = true; } void setNotNeeded() { // if (finished) // throw Exception("Can't set port not needed if it is finished.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); needed = false; } /// Only for output port. bool isNeeded() const { return needed && !finished; } private: Chunk data; /// Use special flag to check if block has data. This allows to send empty blocks between processors. bool has_data = false; /// Block is not needed right now, but may be will be needed later. /// This allows to pause calculations if we are not sure that we need more data. bool needed = false; /// Port was set finished or closed. bool finished = false; }; Block header; std::shared_ptr state; IProcessor * processor = nullptr; public: Port(Block header) : header(std::move(header)) {} const Block & getHeader() const { return header; } bool isConnected() const { return state != nullptr; } void assumeConnected() const { if (!isConnected()) throw Exception("Port is not connected", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } bool hasData() const { assumeConnected(); return state->hasData(); } IProcessor & getProcessor() { if (!processor) throw Exception("Port does not belong to Processor", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return *processor; } const IProcessor & getProcessor() const { if (!processor) throw Exception("Port does not belong to Processor", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return *processor; } }; /// Invariants: /// * If you close port, it isFinished(). /// * If port isFinished(), you can do nothing with it. /// * If port is not needed, you can only setNeeded() or close() it. /// * You can pull only if port hasData(). class InputPort : public Port { friend void connect(OutputPort &, InputPort &); private: OutputPort * output_port = nullptr; /// If version was set, it will be increased on each pull. UInt64 * version = nullptr; public: using Port::Port; void setVersion(UInt64 * value) { version = value; } Chunk pull() { if (version) ++(*version); assumeConnected(); return state->pull(); } bool isFinished() const { assumeConnected(); return state->isFinished(); } void setNeeded() { if (version) ++(*version); assumeConnected(); state->setNeeded(); } void setNotNeeded() { assumeConnected(); state->setNotNeeded(); } void close() { if (version && !isFinished()) ++(*version); assumeConnected(); state->close(); } OutputPort & getOutputPort() { assumeConnected(); return *output_port; } const OutputPort & getOutputPort() const { assumeConnected(); return *output_port; } }; /// Invariants: /// * If you finish port, it isFinished(). /// * If port isFinished(), you can do nothing with it. /// * If port not isNeeded(), you can only finish() it. /// * You can hush only if port doesn't hasData(). class OutputPort : public Port { friend void connect(OutputPort &, InputPort &); private: InputPort * input_port = nullptr; /// If version was set, it will be increased on each push. UInt64 * version = nullptr; public: using Port::Port; void setVersion(UInt64 * value) { version = value; } void push(Chunk chunk) { if (version) ++(*version); assumeConnected(); state->push(std::move(chunk)); } void finish() { if (version && !isFinished()) ++(*version); assumeConnected(); state->finish(); } bool isNeeded() const { assumeConnected(); return state->isNeeded(); } bool isFinished() const { assumeConnected(); return state->isSetFinished(); } bool canPush() const { return isNeeded() && !hasData(); } InputPort & getInputPort() { assumeConnected(); return *input_port; } const InputPort & getInputPort() const { assumeConnected(); return *input_port; } }; using InputPorts = std::vector; using OutputPorts = std::vector; void connect(OutputPort & output, InputPort & input); }