#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER; extern const int NOT_AN_AGGREGATE; extern const int UNEXPECTED_EXPRESSION; extern const int TYPE_MISMATCH; extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; } /// defined in ExpressionAnalyser.cpp NamesAndTypesList::iterator findColumn(const String & name, NamesAndTypesList & cols); void makeExplicitSet(const ASTFunction * node, const Block & sample_block, bool create_ordered_set, const Context & context, const SizeLimits & size_limits, PreparedSets & prepared_sets) { const IAST & args = *node->arguments; if (args.children.size() != 2) throw Exception("Wrong number of arguments passed to function in", ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH); const ASTPtr & left_arg = args.children.at(0); const ASTPtr & right_arg = args.children.at(1); auto getTupleTypeFromAst = [&context](const ASTPtr & tuple_ast) -> DataTypePtr { auto ast_function = typeid_cast(tuple_ast.get()); if (ast_function && ast_function->name == "tuple" && !ast_function->arguments->children.empty()) { /// Won't parse all values of outer tuple. auto element = ast_function->arguments->children.at(0); std::pair value_raw = evaluateConstantExpression(element, context); return std::make_shared(DataTypes({value_raw.second})); } return evaluateConstantExpression(tuple_ast, context).second; }; const DataTypePtr & left_arg_type = sample_block.getByName(left_arg->getColumnName()).type; const DataTypePtr & right_arg_type = getTupleTypeFromAst(right_arg); std::function getTupleDepth; getTupleDepth = [&getTupleDepth](const DataTypePtr & type) -> size_t { if (auto tuple_type = typeid_cast(type.get())) return 1 + (tuple_type->getElements().empty() ? 0 : getTupleDepth(tuple_type->getElements().at(0))); return 0; }; size_t left_tuple_depth = getTupleDepth(left_arg_type); size_t right_tuple_depth = getTupleDepth(right_arg_type); DataTypes set_element_types = {left_arg_type}; auto left_tuple_type = typeid_cast(left_arg_type.get()); if (left_tuple_type && left_tuple_type->getElements().size() != 1) set_element_types = left_tuple_type->getElements(); for (auto & element_type : set_element_types) if (const auto * low_cardinality_type = typeid_cast(element_type.get())) element_type = low_cardinality_type->getDictionaryType(); ASTPtr elements_ast = nullptr; /// 1 in 1; (1, 2) in (1, 2); identity(tuple(tuple(tuple(1)))) in tuple(tuple(tuple(1))); etc. if (left_tuple_depth == right_tuple_depth) { ASTPtr exp_list = std::make_shared(); exp_list->children.push_back(right_arg); elements_ast = exp_list; } /// 1 in (1, 2); (1, 2) in ((1, 2), (3, 4)); etc. else if (left_tuple_depth + 1 == right_tuple_depth) { ASTFunction * set_func = typeid_cast(right_arg.get()); if (!set_func || set_func->name != "tuple") throw Exception("Incorrect type of 2nd argument for function " + node->name + ". Must be subquery or set of elements with type " + left_arg_type->getName() + ".", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); elements_ast = set_func->arguments; } else throw Exception("Invalid types for IN function: " + left_arg_type->getName() + " and " + right_arg_type->getName() + ".", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); SetPtr set = std::make_shared(size_limits, create_ordered_set); set->createFromAST(set_element_types, elements_ast, context); prepared_sets[right_arg->range] = std::move(set); } static String getUniqueName(const Block & block, const String & prefix) { int i = 1; while (block.has(prefix + toString(i))) ++i; return prefix + toString(i); } ScopeStack::ScopeStack(const ExpressionActionsPtr & actions, const Context & context_) : context(context_) { stack.emplace_back(); stack.back().actions = actions; const Block & sample_block = actions->getSampleBlock(); for (size_t i = 0, size = sample_block.columns(); i < size; ++i) stack.back().new_columns.insert(sample_block.getByPosition(i).name); } void ScopeStack::pushLevel(const NamesAndTypesList & input_columns) { stack.emplace_back(); Level & prev = stack[stack.size() - 2]; ColumnsWithTypeAndName all_columns; NameSet new_names; for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = input_columns.begin(); it != input_columns.end(); ++it) { all_columns.emplace_back(nullptr, it->type, it->name); new_names.insert(it->name); stack.back().new_columns.insert(it->name); } const Block & prev_sample_block = prev.actions->getSampleBlock(); for (size_t i = 0, size = prev_sample_block.columns(); i < size; ++i) { const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = prev_sample_block.getByPosition(i); if (!new_names.count(col.name)) all_columns.push_back(col); } stack.back().actions = std::make_shared(all_columns, context); } size_t ScopeStack::getColumnLevel(const std::string & name) { for (int i = static_cast(stack.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (stack[i].new_columns.count(name)) return i; throw Exception("Unknown identifier: " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER); } void ScopeStack::addAction(const ExpressionAction & action) { size_t level = 0; Names required = action.getNeededColumns(); for (size_t i = 0; i < required.size(); ++i) level = std::max(level, getColumnLevel(required[i])); Names added; stack[level].actions->add(action, added); stack[level].new_columns.insert(added.begin(), added.end()); for (size_t i = 0; i < added.size(); ++i) { const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = stack[level].actions->getSampleBlock().getByName(added[i]); for (size_t j = level + 1; j < stack.size(); ++j) stack[j].actions->addInput(col); } } ExpressionActionsPtr ScopeStack::popLevel() { ExpressionActionsPtr res = stack.back().actions; stack.pop_back(); return res; } const Block & ScopeStack::getSampleBlock() const { return stack.back().actions->getSampleBlock(); } void ActionsVisitor::visit(const ASTPtr & ast, ScopeStack & actions_stack, ProjectionManipulatorPtr projection_manipulator) { DumpASTNode dump(*ast, ostr, visit_depth, "getActions"); String ast_column_name; auto getColumnName = [&ast, &ast_column_name]() { if (ast_column_name.empty()) ast_column_name = ast->getColumnName(); return ast_column_name; }; /// If the result of the calculation already exists in the block. if ((typeid_cast(ast.get()) || typeid_cast(ast.get())) && projection_manipulator->tryToGetFromUpperProjection(getColumnName())) return; if (typeid_cast(ast.get())) { if (!only_consts && !projection_manipulator->tryToGetFromUpperProjection(getColumnName())) { /// The requested column is not in the block. /// If such a column exists in the table, then the user probably forgot to surround it with an aggregate function or add it to GROUP BY. bool found = false; for (const auto & column_name_type : source_columns) if (column_name_type.name == getColumnName()) found = true; if (found) throw Exception("Column " + getColumnName() + " is not under aggregate function and not in GROUP BY.", ErrorCodes::NOT_AN_AGGREGATE); } } else if (ASTFunction * node = typeid_cast(ast.get())) { if (node->name == "lambda") throw Exception("Unexpected lambda expression", ErrorCodes::UNEXPECTED_EXPRESSION); /// Function arrayJoin. if (node->name == "arrayJoin") { if (node->arguments->children.size() != 1) throw Exception("arrayJoin requires exactly 1 argument", ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); ASTPtr arg = node->arguments->children.at(0); visit(arg, actions_stack, projection_manipulator); if (!only_consts) { String result_name = projection_manipulator->getColumnName(getColumnName()); actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::copyColumn(projection_manipulator->getColumnName(arg->getColumnName()), result_name)); NameSet joined_columns; joined_columns.insert(result_name); actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::arrayJoin(joined_columns, false, context)); } return; } if (functionIsInOrGlobalInOperator(node->name)) { /// Let's find the type of the first argument (then getActionsImpl will be called again and will not affect anything). visit(node->arguments->children.at(0), actions_stack, projection_manipulator); if (!no_subqueries) { /// Transform tuple or subquery into a set. makeSet(node, actions_stack.getSampleBlock()); } else { if (!only_consts) { /// We are in the part of the tree that we are not going to compute. You just need to define types. /// Do not subquery and create sets. We treat "IN" as "ignore" function. actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::applyFunction( FunctionFactory::instance().get("ignore", context), { node->arguments->children.at(0)->getColumnName() }, projection_manipulator->getColumnName(getColumnName()), projection_manipulator->getProjectionSourceColumn())); } return; } } /// A special function `indexHint`. Everything that is inside it is not calculated /// (and is used only for index analysis, see KeyCondition). if (node->name == "indexHint") { actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::addColumn(ColumnWithTypeAndName( ColumnConst::create(ColumnUInt8::create(1, 1), 1), std::make_shared(), projection_manipulator->getColumnName(getColumnName())), projection_manipulator->getProjectionSourceColumn(), false)); return; } if (AggregateFunctionFactory::instance().isAggregateFunctionName(node->name)) return; /// Context object that we pass to function should live during query. const Context & function_context = context.hasQueryContext() ? context.getQueryContext() : context; const FunctionBuilderPtr & function_builder = FunctionFactory::instance().get(node->name, function_context); auto projection_action = getProjectionAction(node->name, actions_stack, projection_manipulator, getColumnName(), function_context); Names argument_names; DataTypes argument_types; bool arguments_present = true; /// If the function has an argument-lambda expression, you need to determine its type before the recursive call. bool has_lambda_arguments = false; for (size_t arg = 0; arg < node->arguments->children.size(); ++arg) { auto & child = node->arguments->children[arg]; auto child_column_name = child->getColumnName(); ASTFunction * lambda = typeid_cast(child.get()); if (lambda && lambda->name == "lambda") { /// If the argument is a lambda expression, just remember its approximate type. if (lambda->arguments->children.size() != 2) throw Exception("lambda requires two arguments", ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH); ASTFunction * lambda_args_tuple = typeid_cast(lambda->arguments->children.at(0).get()); if (!lambda_args_tuple || lambda_args_tuple->name != "tuple") throw Exception("First argument of lambda must be a tuple", ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); has_lambda_arguments = true; argument_types.emplace_back(std::make_shared(DataTypes(lambda_args_tuple->arguments->children.size()))); /// Select the name in the next cycle. argument_names.emplace_back(); } else if (prepared_sets.count(child->range) && functionIsInOrGlobalInOperator(node->name) && arg == 1) { ColumnWithTypeAndName column; column.type = std::make_shared(); const SetPtr & set = prepared_sets[child->range]; /// If the argument is a set given by an enumeration of values (so, the set was already built), give it a unique name, /// so that sets with the same literal representation do not fuse together (they can have different types). if (!set->empty()) column.name = getUniqueName(actions_stack.getSampleBlock(), "__set"); else column.name = child_column_name; column.name = projection_manipulator->getColumnName(column.name); if (!actions_stack.getSampleBlock().has(column.name)) { column.column = ColumnSet::create(1, set); actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::addColumn(column, projection_manipulator->getProjectionSourceColumn(), false)); } argument_types.push_back(column.type); argument_names.push_back(column.name); } else { /// If the argument is not a lambda expression, call it recursively and find out its type. projection_action->preArgumentAction(); visit(child, actions_stack, projection_manipulator); std::string name = projection_manipulator->getColumnName(child_column_name); projection_action->postArgumentAction(child_column_name); if (actions_stack.getSampleBlock().has(name)) { argument_types.push_back(actions_stack.getSampleBlock().getByName(name).type); argument_names.push_back(name); } else { if (only_consts) { arguments_present = false; } else { throw Exception("Unknown identifier: " + name + ", projection layer " + projection_manipulator->getProjectionExpression() , ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER); } } } } if (only_consts && !arguments_present) return; if (has_lambda_arguments && !only_consts) { function_builder->getLambdaArgumentTypes(argument_types); /// Call recursively for lambda expressions. for (size_t i = 0; i < node->arguments->children.size(); ++i) { ASTPtr child = node->arguments->children[i]; ASTFunction * lambda = typeid_cast(child.get()); if (lambda && lambda->name == "lambda") { const DataTypeFunction * lambda_type = typeid_cast(argument_types[i].get()); ASTFunction * lambda_args_tuple = typeid_cast(lambda->arguments->children.at(0).get()); ASTs lambda_arg_asts = lambda_args_tuple->arguments->children; NamesAndTypesList lambda_arguments; for (size_t j = 0; j < lambda_arg_asts.size(); ++j) { ASTIdentifier * identifier = typeid_cast(lambda_arg_asts[j].get()); if (!identifier) throw Exception("lambda argument declarations must be identifiers", ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); String arg_name = identifier->name; lambda_arguments.emplace_back(arg_name, lambda_type->getArgumentTypes()[j]); } projection_action->preArgumentAction(); actions_stack.pushLevel(lambda_arguments); visit(lambda->arguments->children.at(1), actions_stack, projection_manipulator); ExpressionActionsPtr lambda_actions = actions_stack.popLevel(); String result_name = projection_manipulator->getColumnName(lambda->arguments->children.at(1)->getColumnName()); lambda_actions->finalize(Names(1, result_name)); DataTypePtr result_type = lambda_actions->getSampleBlock().getByName(result_name).type; Names captured; Names required = lambda_actions->getRequiredColumns(); for (const auto & required_arg : required) if (findColumn(required_arg, lambda_arguments) == lambda_arguments.end()) captured.push_back(required_arg); /// We can not name `getColumnName()`, /// because it does not uniquely define the expression (the types of arguments can be different). String lambda_name = getUniqueName(actions_stack.getSampleBlock(), "__lambda"); auto function_capture = std::make_shared( lambda_actions, captured, lambda_arguments, result_type, result_name); actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::applyFunction(function_capture, captured, lambda_name, projection_manipulator->getProjectionSourceColumn())); argument_types[i] = std::make_shared(lambda_type->getArgumentTypes(), result_type); argument_names[i] = lambda_name; projection_action->postArgumentAction(lambda_name); } } } if (only_consts) { for (const auto & argument_name : argument_names) { if (!actions_stack.getSampleBlock().has(argument_name)) { arguments_present = false; break; } } } if (arguments_present) { projection_action->preCalculation(); if (projection_action->isCalculationRequired()) { actions_stack.addAction( ExpressionAction::applyFunction(function_builder, argument_names, projection_manipulator->getColumnName(getColumnName()), projection_manipulator->getProjectionSourceColumn())); } } } else if (ASTLiteral * literal = typeid_cast(ast.get())) { DataTypePtr type = applyVisitor(FieldToDataType(), literal->value); ColumnWithTypeAndName column; column.column = type->createColumnConst(1, convertFieldToType(literal->value, *type)); column.type = type; column.name = getColumnName(); actions_stack.addAction(ExpressionAction::addColumn(column, "", false)); projection_manipulator->tryToGetFromUpperProjection(column.name); } else { for (auto & child : ast->children) { /// Do not go to FROM, JOIN, UNION. if (!typeid_cast(child.get()) && !typeid_cast(child.get())) visit(child, actions_stack, projection_manipulator); } } } void ActionsVisitor::makeSet(const ASTFunction * node, const Block & sample_block) { /** You need to convert the right argument to a set. * This can be a table name, a value, a value enumeration, or a subquery. * The enumeration of values is parsed as a function `tuple`. */ const IAST & args = *node->arguments; const ASTPtr & arg = args.children.at(1); /// Already converted. if (prepared_sets.count(arg->range)) return; /// If the subquery or table name for SELECT. const ASTIdentifier * identifier = typeid_cast(arg.get()); if (typeid_cast(arg.get()) || identifier) { /// We get the stream of blocks for the subquery. Create Set and put it in place of the subquery. String set_id = arg->getColumnName(); /// A special case is if the name of the table is specified on the right side of the IN statement, /// and the table has the type Set (a previously prepared set). if (identifier) { auto database_table = getDatabaseAndTableNameFromIdentifier(*identifier); StoragePtr table = context.tryGetTable(database_table.first, database_table.second); if (table) { StorageSet * storage_set = dynamic_cast(table.get()); if (storage_set) { prepared_sets[arg->range] = storage_set->getSet(); return; } } } SubqueryForSet & subquery_for_set = subqueries_for_sets[set_id]; /// If you already created a Set with the same subquery / table. if (subquery_for_set.set) { prepared_sets[arg->range] = subquery_for_set.set; return; } SetPtr set = std::make_shared(set_size_limit, false); /** The following happens for GLOBAL INs: * - in the addExternalStorage function, the IN (SELECT ...) subquery is replaced with IN _data1, * in the subquery_for_set object, this subquery is set as source and the temporary table _data1 as the table. * - this function shows the expression IN_data1. */ if (!subquery_for_set.source && no_storage_or_local) { auto interpreter = interpretSubquery(arg, context, subquery_depth, {}); subquery_for_set.source = std::make_shared( interpreter->getSampleBlock(), [interpreter]() mutable { return interpreter->execute().in; }); /** Why is LazyBlockInputStream used? * * The fact is that when processing a query of the form * SELECT ... FROM remote_test WHERE column GLOBAL IN (subquery), * if the distributed remote_test table contains localhost as one of the servers, * the query will be interpreted locally again (and not sent over TCP, as in the case of a remote server). * * The query execution pipeline will be: * CreatingSets * subquery execution, filling the temporary table with _data1 (1) * CreatingSets * reading from the table _data1, creating the set (2) * read from the table subordinate to remote_test. * * (The second part of the pipeline under CreateSets is a reinterpretation of the query inside StorageDistributed, * the query differs in that the database name and tables are replaced with subordinates, and the subquery is replaced with _data1.) * * But when creating the pipeline, when creating the source (2), it will be found that the _data1 table is empty * (because the query has not started yet), and empty source will be returned as the source. * And then, when the query is executed, an empty set will be created in step (2). * * Therefore, we make the initialization of step (2) lazy * - so that it does not occur until step (1) is completed, on which the table will be populated. * * Note: this solution is not very good, you need to think better. */ } subquery_for_set.set = set; prepared_sets[arg->range] = set; } else { /// An explicit enumeration of values in parentheses. makeExplicitSet(node, sample_block, false, context, set_size_limit, prepared_sets); } } }